Private Territory big game hunter [group hunting]

This thread is private! Only post if you have permission!
This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.



OOC- You can tag apprentices if you've got em! @GECKOFLAME @Hollowmist @SABLESTAR and apprentice tag for @VULTUREPAW

"Well. That's new." Wolfpack noted with interest, eyes of blue and gold glinting with interest as they settled on the plump white bird that was nibbling at the short grass a few lengths away from the waters edge several yards away.

A duck. He'd seen enough of the waterfowl in city parks or dotting the countryside ponds to know what they were, but this one had a more distinct look to it than the ones he was used to seeing. All white, with a black back and a dark green head. It hadn't noticed him or his hunting party yet, a benefit of the land being so dense in budding brush, and instead of telling his group to split off like he normally would to hunt, he took a moment to reconsider.

" Apprentices, stay put. Watch, and try to learn something. " he instructed, not just because he didn't want their inexperienced paws spooking the bird into the sky before they got a proper shot at it, but because too may cooks in the kitchen, and all that. Four adult warriors would suffice, especially for a tactic that wasn't yet tried or true. No point getting some inexperienced kids hurt on a gamble– but that didn't mean there was nothing for them to do. They had a duty to observe and to learn.

And if the hunt failed? Well, there was something to be learned in that too.

"Geckoflame, Hollowmist. Wait until Sablestar and I are in position beneath the brush opposite it, then try and flush it toward us– away from the water." he instructed, voice low to keep from spooking the potential quarry.

It would take some luck, with all four cats slipping into position without raising alarm, but from what Wolfpack could tell at this distance, they could make it work if they were patient and careful. It sent a bit of a thrill through the dappled tomcat. He'd worked in pairs before to flush a bird or rabbit, but never something this big. If they managed to secure the kill, they'd be bringing home an excellent resource for the clan to make use of.

Nodding to Sablestar, he set off to slip into position.

shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

♢Worried 'Bout The Future

Ain't Fuckin' With The Past♢

This hunting patrol was already turning out to be interesting, it decided. Hollowmist followed Wolfpack's gaze with thinly veiled interest. A duck. Not exactly an uncommon sight in the pocosin but this one seemed to be bigger than the usual fare. It would be quite the prize if they were able to catch it. They could already imagine how their nest would look decorated with those green feathers...

"Let's hope this works," They murmured, eyes briefly darting to the apprentices present. They better stay put and watch instead of getting under foot. "I was just thinking my nest needed some feathers."

Nodding to the leader and his deputy, Hollowmist stepped back on silent paws to brush past their appointed partner in this endeavor. A white tail is waved in a point to the duck. "Gecko, you take the left and I'll take right. Or I'll take the left side, doesn't matter to me." A question. A suggestion. It would approach from whichever side was needed to flush their quarry towards their soon-to-be waiting clanmates, but if Geckoflame had a preference they didn't mind. So long as this didn't end with them all empty-pawed with no feathers for their trouble.

Ain't Got No Time To Waste On Bullshit

  • Hollow
    — Thief of Shadowclan
    — It/They
    — A LH Black/Fawn Chimera W/ High White (LaPerm)