Ashen had been hiding in some hay like the clever hunter he was!, in wait for his 'prey' to show up. After a long wait a group of cats finally returned back to the barn with prey hanging from thier mouths. Ashen would watch them carefully, his eyes set on a particular prey with feathers. The moment the hunters had put the prey down and left thier food unsupervised, the kit would make his move. Fast like lightening itself (not really) would he dash out from the hay to rush straight over the pile of fresh hunted food. His eyes were locked on the crow and as he skided to a halt in front of it grapt one of the crows feathers between his teeth before pulling back and with a swift motion turned and quickly he rushed back to his hideout as he made a leap right into the hay to disappear underneath.
Now with his prized victory in his grip, Ashen would drop the feather down at his paws to stare it down with gleaming eyes. This was not his first time he had done this. Ashen had started to built a reputation of being a feather thief around the barn who always was out looking to steal somebody else's feathers to claim as his own to play with. In fact he had a whole nest of feathers he slept together with at night beside his mom.
With a happy purr the kit started to then playfully bite down at the feather as he grabbed it back into his paws, playfully mewing and hissing to himself as he played with his feather. Little did he know that part of his tail were sticking out from the hay's floor, a tail that was lashing back and forth in rhythm to his fun loving game.
Now with his prized victory in his grip, Ashen would drop the feather down at his paws to stare it down with gleaming eyes. This was not his first time he had done this. Ashen had started to built a reputation of being a feather thief around the barn who always was out looking to steal somebody else's feathers to claim as his own to play with. In fact he had a whole nest of feathers he slept together with at night beside his mom.
With a happy purr the kit started to then playfully bite down at the feather as he grabbed it back into his paws, playfully mewing and hissing to himself as he played with his feather. Little did he know that part of his tail were sticking out from the hay's floor, a tail that was lashing back and forth in rhythm to his fun loving game.