The Farm BIRD OF A FEATHER // barn thief

Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


i know i'll never fit in.
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Ashen had been hiding in some hay like the clever hunter he was!, in wait for his 'prey' to show up. After a long wait a group of cats finally returned back to the barn with prey hanging from thier mouths. Ashen would watch them carefully, his eyes set on a particular prey with feathers. The moment the hunters had put the prey down and left thier food unsupervised, the kit would make his move. Fast like lightening itself (not really) would he dash out from the hay to rush straight over the pile of fresh hunted food. His eyes were locked on the crow and as he skided to a halt in front of it grapt one of the crows feathers between his teeth before pulling back and with a swift motion turned and quickly he rushed back to his hideout as he made a leap right into the hay to disappear underneath.

Now with his prized victory in his grip, Ashen would drop the feather down at his paws to stare it down with gleaming eyes. This was not his first time he had done this. Ashen had started to built a reputation of being a feather thief around the barn who always was out looking to steal somebody else's feathers to claim as his own to play with. In fact he had a whole nest of feathers he slept together with at night beside his mom.

With a happy purr the kit started to then playfully bite down at the feather as he grabbed it back into his paws, playfully mewing and hissing to himself as he played with his feather. Little did he know that part of his tail were sticking out from the hay's floor, a tail that was lashing back and forth in rhythm to his fun loving game.

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Reactions: Flicker
The calico had not been part of the returning hunters. Naps were more Flicker's speed this time of day. Soft eyes fluttered open as the sound of chatter grew, and she stretched as a deep yawn overtook her. Shaking her pelt, Flicker peered out of the barn. Her eyes fell first on the gathered prey; a sizable haul. Impressive. Perhaps leafbare is nearing its end, she mused to herself. Then she registered movement further away; the scuttle of a kit with something to hide. Ashen disappeared quickly, his chosen hiding spot alive with dust and grime. Somebody's going to be grumbling about that, she thought with a grin. The calico moved slowly, casually wandering over to the hay stack.
"Why, what have we here?" Flicker purred, her eyes following the kit's twitching tail. For all the mischief that radiated off him, he hadn't realized his mistake. "Could that be a snake? At this time of year? How dreadful!" With one snow-white paw the molly gave Ashen's tail a playful tap, expecting to watch it disappear beneath the hay soon after. She hadn't seen the child claim his prize, but she'd heard the rumours. Hmm, I might have something just for you, little one. She'd polished off a sparrow not long ago. Flicker had tidied her eating area as a curtesy, but she wasn't known for being overly neat. She was near certain she'd left behind a feather or two to be claimed by the wind. The molly would have to go searching later.
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Swift watched with a bemused glint in his amber eyes as Flicker trotted toward the hay pile where, just moments ago, he was certain Ashen had vanished. He couldn't help but smirk at the young one's fascination with feathers, it had become something of a shared game between them. In his own subtle, playful ways, Swift had been encouraging the kit's little hobby, always slipping a feather or two in Flicker's direction when the opportunity arose.

" A snake? " Swift exclaimed with mock alarm, his tail flicking dramatically. " This time of year? And here I thought it was too cold for such slithery little guests! Gosh diddly darn, it must be the heat we bring that coaxed it out of hiding! " His smoke-colored fur bristled theatrically as he padded forward, his grin widening. " Tell me, Flicker... Are we safe? Or are we in grave danger? It would be such a pity if I couldn't enjoy the spoils of my hunt. "

With that, Swift leaned down and placed a vibrant, colorful feather on the ground, as if presenting a prized jewel. " Look at this beauty. " he purred, his voice brimming with playful pride. " Found it in a treasure trove. "

Now that his kits had grown, Swift found himself with more freedom to spread his attention to others in the colony, though his own kits would never truly be rid of his watchful eye. He still fretted over their well-being and made sure they were well-fed, but moments like these... Sharing warmth and play with the younger generation? They were a welcome change of pace.

I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun ——・゚✦
・゚✦ —— I'll be the bright, in black that's making you run

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Reactions: ASHEN
Ashen had been busy playing with his new feather rather then paying attention to the noise going on outside the hay that he was hiding inside until someone stept on his tail. Quick like lightening the startled kit pulled his tail back to retreat it into the safety of the hay with a swift rotation inside the dry grass to face his attackers head on, feather protected between the kit's maw as he believed they where here to take the feather away. But that quickly was left with an uncertain question mark. It turned out they believed he was a snake hiding in the grass!. Stupied adults, unable to see past his master disguise!, because of course this had all been going according to his plans....

Not wanting to be caught though,the kit decided it was about to retreat from this hideout to crawl elsewhere to hide and contunie on with his game, however the moment he started to crawl away one of them mentioned something that drew the kit's attention back to them. Treasure?. Ashen decided it was worth to investigate as he were curious over what this treasure could be. Slowly and quietly he crawled over closer and his movements could be vinsible seen above the surface as he moved inside the stack.

Carefully, he tried to peek outside through the hay's straws at the treasure that rested in front of Swift's paws. It was a feather with the most bright and colorful colors he had ever seen!. So pretty, so sparkly. Ashen eyes gleamed with delight, knowing he just had to have it. Placing the feather down he already had in his mouth the kit twitched his nose as a new plan was being plotted on how he should claim this feather. Moving closer to the hay's opening, Ashen started to reach his tiny paws out from the stack as he tried to reach after the feather that way with paws completely exposed. But they where to tiny and small to reach far. So that plan got abandoned quickly, paws retreating back inside of the hay. Next move was a rather cold one, but what choice did he have?.

Ashen decided to be brave, he had to if he wanted this feather.

Putting himself into position while laying flat on the floor, Ashen did his final move as he rushed straight out from the stack of hay to head directly towards the feather, the only thing his eyes where locked on. He would attempt to grap it between his teeths and if succeedful would swiftly turn to run back into his hideout but like all mastermind shadow hunters could do the kit stumbled over his own paws and tripped, falling to the ground just a paw step away from the stack. Mayday mayday...Ashen has fallen...

  • Hehe
Reactions: Flicker
The young calico grinned as Swift joined in the game. She nodded her head woefully.
"That must've been it. Oh, curse us for making the barn so dang cozy!" she lamented, her head falling down in a deep sigh. She looked back up as Swift went on, tilting her head as though deep in thought. " Well... Oh, I just couldn't say. Surely between the two of us, a snake wouldn't dare to take your hard-won prey. Her vibrant hazel eyes shone as the tom placed down a stunning prize. Stunning for a feather thief, certainly.
"My, my," she purred, leaning down to be eye-level with it. "I don't think I've ever seen such beauty in all my life. You must keep a close watch on it, Swift. The snake could strike at any moment!"

The haystack shuddered. Then it wriggled. Then two tiny, dusty paws crept out from within. Flicker had to turn her head while she stifled a laugh. What other choice did she have when halfway through their secret mission, the paws appeared to come up short and quickly retreated. You won't be small for long, little one. And then there won't be a feather in the barn outside your grasp. as she turned back to the scene she was just in time to watch Ashen burst from the hay like a startled hare. She let out a yelp of shock that dragged just a little long and reared back, cracks of laughter spilling from her maw as the child snatched his prize and made to escape. Only, what was this? Child down! His paws had betrayed him, and Ashen tumbled to the ground, his little nose grazing the haystack that should've been his refuge.
"Oh my goodness! Oh my, Swift, look! Why, this must be the strangest snake I've ever seen!"
" Oh no, definitely not! No snake would dare to steal my hard-won prize! They wouldn't even come close! " Swift declared, gently patting the feather with a paw, nodding along with Flicker's words. " A fine addition to my sleeping spot, most definitely. " His whiskers twitched in amusement as a pair of tiny paws wiggled out of the hay mound, flailing in an attempt to reach the feather. Swift's eyes gleamed with warmth. Not quite close enough, little one. He shared an amused glance with Flicker, a knowing wink exchanged before turning his gaze back--

Just in time to see the kit launch from the hay, snatching the feather and bolting back toward his hiding spot. A bold move. A good move. But a miscalculated one. The kit's tiny nose was just about to reach safety… but the rest of his body? Not quite. Instead, he tumbled, rolling to an unceremonious stop just short of his goal. Close! Very close! But not quite victorious.

Swift gasped dramatically, staggering back with a paw to his chest.

" A gigantic snake, Flicker! Did you see that?! " he exclaimed, eyes wide with mock alarm before springing forward. " Oh no, my dearest feather, gone! And the mighty snake has fallen! Is it alive? Is it?! " With a playful nudge, he gently prodded the kit, his teasing tone softening just a bit. Was he okay? Had he hurt himself?
I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun ——・゚✦
・゚✦ —— I'll be the bright, in black that's making you run