Private Camp bite the hand that feeds you | temporarily private

This thread is private! Only post if you have permission!
This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


kill the headlights
{$title} Set the morning after the naming thread! Possum slipped away from hunting duties to sulk in the cold and whine to himself. However, he doesn't realize that some cats have already begun to wake up.

The chill of leafbare bit at Possumgrin's nose as he sat huddled near a scraggly dead bush in the Shadowclan camp. Frost clung to the sparse grass, the swampy terrain frozen solid in patches, though the cold hadn't entirely banished the mud. His long fur did little to keep the wind from needling into his skin, and his breath misted in the icy air. I'm doing this for Marble. I'm doing this for Marble. The internal mantra was a small salve to his growing annoyance. He grumbled under his breath, curling his tail tightly around himself as though it might offer some semblance of warmth.

"Possumgrin." They spat bitterly, orange eyes narrowing as he stared at the frosty ground. "What mouse shit. Might as well have called me Frostfang or Swampdung for all the sense it makes." He let out a sharp huff, his breath swirling in the cold like smoke. It was a particularly brutal morning one he dreaded working through and refused to waste any more energy on futile hunting.

He glanced around the camp. Empty, with most cats asleep, just as he'd hoped. The blue tom had ditched the hunting group early, not that there was anything to hunt. The territory was as lifeless as it was miserable. Who picks a wet wasteland to live in during leafbare and says we have to follow some namesake? We're just fine as we are. They internally lamented, flexing pale claws against the frozen ground. "Oh, right. Sablestar and the magical dead cats do."

Just the sound of his name made him bristle. "Bare your teeth." Possumgrin mocked under his breath, gruff meow a high-pitched imitation of the others blunt tone. "What does that even mean? What did I ever do?" He let out a low growl, his usual mask of friendliness long since discarded. The only thing more infuriating than his new name was the cat who'd given it to him.

"This territory... Ugh!" The hissed words made his breath mist in the cold air as his tail lashed against the frost-rimed ground. "Freezing, mud, dead trees, and not a scrap of prey to be found. Oh, yes, this is exactly the life I fought for." He cast a venomous look towards where the patrol would likely return. He snorted, curling tighter into himself as the cold gnawed at his paws. "Let them freeze their tails off out there." The Shadowclanner's fangs chattered as he griped. "I've done enough for one day. Not my fault Sablestar can't pick a territory worth living in."

Despite his bravado the wind found its way under his fur again, and they shivered pitifully, his frustration bubbling hotter in contrast to the biting cold. As much as he despised this landscape, his name, and this miserable season, he hated the fact that he couldn't do anything about it even more. What good would it do to abandon his sister or the life he knew. Possumgrin wasn't foolish enough to crawl to the foes or fend for himself. This was his best shot whether he liked it or not.

  • @viperpaw A little drama as promised! Feel free to have Viper overhear his griping in full or only a bit.
  • RXohUba.png

    possum, possumgrin
    LH blue ticked tabby w/low white and orange eyes
    amab, cis male,18 moons
    ex-colony cat, warrior of shadowclan
    heterosexual/romantic, single, crushing on no one
    child of npc x npc ; sibling to marbleshine
    "speech", thoughts, powerplay
    peaceful and healing powerplay accepted - hub - playlist - penned by tasmagoric
  • 3aHZKNY.png






