PAFP The Farm blasphemy heresy — intros

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Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


that's the price you pay
barn cat
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Character Hub
Finally, the ground surrounding the barn is no longer covered in a thick sheet of snow! The sun's rays feels warm against his dark fur, as he peaks his head out of barn. As the sun beams down on the farmland, Soot retreats back into the secluded barn— racing over to the nests his older siblings set up. His eyes flash excitedly as his gaze falls upon his littermate, and the tom skids to a stop.
"Hey Cinder!"
Soot greets her with a grin, his tail high in the air.
"The snow is gone!"
You better know what that means!

"Race me!"
Soot declares with a grin, leaving little to no room to say no. His paws itch for a good sprint across the farmlands, and who else would he challenge to such a race? Before his sister can give him an answer, his eyes light up. One of their older siblings make their way over, with a fresh mouse in their jaws. He watches them as they drop it on the ground, and before they can take a bite, Soot snatches it. He drops it at Cinder's paws; ignoring whatever curses that might fly out.
"If you beat me, you can have this mouse as a snack!"
He smirks, there's no way she can say no now!

"Well? Will you race me or not?"

  • please wait for one sibling to reply! @cinder. @GRACKLE
  • 96515777_OvlstfWoFrg07uR.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • SOOT
    — future apprentice of windclan, barn cat
    ⚘ 6 moons — he/him — ages realistically on the 1st
    ⚘ speech is
    — thoughts are #75a991 — attacks are underlined
    ⚘ shorthaired tortoiseshell with pine green eyes
    ⚘ peaceful & healing powerplay permitted — underline & tag when attacking
    ⚘ penned by vvin — vvinsoli on discord — open to plots & dms

In all honesty he did miss when the barn was covered in white. It was the only time their land felt pure. Never mind that the white blanket nipped at his paws, it seemed a little price to pay for such a beautiful sight. He had left before sunrise to bring something for his younger siblings. Out of obligation. After all, their parents had died long ago. Their parents had died for his younger siblings, which meant the only ones left to parent their younger siblings were Grackle and him. Whatever excitement he had for being an older brother burned away along with the flames that had engulfed their parents. Cinder and Soot had been named after such loss. It had crossed his mind here and there how cruel the names were, but whenever he looked too hard at either... He could only ever be reminded of what was lost.

Had their parents still lived he wouldn't have returned with a fresh mouse. Before he can even utter a word, his younger brother snatches the mouse he had caught for the pair. While his expression gives nothing away, irritation settles in his gut. A thank you would have been nice. White eyes glance over to Cinder, ignoring the curses that fly out of their mouth. Mother would have scolded you two long ago. I am not mother though. I should eat this mouse myself as a lesson to both of you, but I don't want to hear it from Grackle. And so, the black tom could only watch as his younger siblings compete with one another.

It is in these moments he remembers a time when he and Grackle once had the luxury of fooling around. Admittedly, he wanted nothing to do with his younger siblings. Just looking at them pained him, and when they curled up against him? While did not shove them away and wrapped his tail around them... The feeling of disgust plagued him. Nowadays he was better. There was no disgust when his younger siblings wanted to hug him or brush their pelts together. Though, it was still very much difficult to say that he loved them. Did he actually? Or was it because their parents would have wanted this? Raven shakes his head.
"You two better decide quickly. Grackle might end up eating this mouse if you take too long."
Where is Grackle? Did they go off somewhere? Hopefully they don't take too long. I would like to do my own things too.

    — future warrior of windclan, barn cat
    ♱ 12 moons — he/him — ages realistically on the 1st
    ♱ speech is
    — thoughts are #e0bde3 — attacks are underlined
    ♱ shorthaired solid black with white eyes.
    ♱ peaceful & healing powerplay permitted — underline & tag when attacking
    ♱ penned by velou — kasaven on discord — open to plots & dms