
indent Moth is having trouble breathing. Phlem and mucous clogged up his nose and dripped down to his lungs, where they made a terrible wheezing sound with every breath he takes. In the few days he and Rat had been at this little clearing in the woods, his condition had improved a bit. He no longer had pounding headaches that kept him all but immobile, and his eyes were no longer so watery that he could not see. He was finally fed, too - the calico molly that had been looking after him had also been bringing him mice and voles to eat, and moss soaked in fresh water for him to drink. It's an almost alien feeling, to be looked after in that way. In all his life, all the places he'd been, nobody had ever offered him food, or chewed up herbs for him to swallow, or licked his face clean of the crusted bits that formed at the corners of his eyes. Although he'd never admit it, it brought to mind the scarce memories he had of his mother's care. The same warm, safe feeling fills every corner of his being, and threatened to spill out over his harsh, whiny personality.
indent He lifts his head from where it lays atop his paws when he hears a rustle and the entrance of the secluded den. Moth turns, expectantly, towards where he's sure Serpent will come to see him-
indenttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt-Only to be confronted by that brown tomcat, instead.
indent The other healer isn't nearly as soft or kind as Serpent. They still tends to Moth's needs, but they dont linger, or share in casual conversation. They hadn't even spoken enough for Moth to remember their name. He didn't dislike the tom, but he was sure the disappointment on his face was clear when it was them who came to attend his needs, instead of Serpent.
indent"You woke me up. Try too be a little more-" Before he can finish his thought, he's wracked by a fit of wet coughing that makes his chest burn. "Nnngh... did you bring any water?"

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