{$title} !! BIG TW: mentioned transphobia, parental disownment/abandonment !! i will update this tw as any other sensitive topics come up

Was it the changing season, or was the barn much colder now that Clover was sleeping alone? She couldn't tell, and honestly didn't know enough of the world to try and figure it out. The nights seemed significantly colder now without spending them burrowed into her mother's thick fur, with her siblings curled up on either side of her.
And yet… they weren't gone. They hadn't disappeared, or died, or simply left the barn… no, they were still there. They ignored her, treated her like a stranger - if they deigned to speak to her - or a ghost… She knew why. She knew their parenting, their "natural consequences" style they were enforcing by kicking her out of their nest and leaving her to scrape her own together out of the hay and occasional discarded bits of twoleg cloth she could find around the barn or venturing into the yard.
She knew the lies they were probably telling if questioned, about how it was "just a rebellious phase." She'd heard it directly from them, she'd heard them saying it to other, older friends of theirs, she'd heard them telling her siblings that, even.
If there was any good to come of it, she supposed learning to hunt for herself was a meager bonus. She still wasn't very good at it, usually only managing to catch smaller mice or particularly old ones with meat so chewy she felt like she might as well gnaw on a chunk of wood… but she was keeping herself fed. Mostly.
Still, it was lonely. She missed having cats to talk to, although with her parents and siblings treating her the way they were, she found it hard to trust that other cats would have nicer things to say to her. Sure, a few older cats spared her sympathetic glances if she looked too mopey, but that seemed to be the extent of interaction she had with her fellow barn cats these days. It was definitely wearing on her.
What's even the point of thinking like this... She wondered, shifting a bit in her nest to get more comfortable. She wasn't even sure what to do with herself anymore, but spending any more time moping would drive her insane. Then again, so would trying to interact with others and risk facing their rejection... So stay in the nest it is, I guess...
//this thread takes place 4 moons ago, early october/turning november. @Hollow
"speech" - thoughts
Clover(paw) she/her & windclan
✿ lh red lynx mink w/ white spotting
✿ 4 moons (in this thread)
✿ Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
✿ Slightsuppressedsouthern accent
penned by pastelskulls
template by scarlet