Camp but this one feels brand new / family

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


call me darling
Played by

PALEFERN, 31 moons / thunderclan queen
A lithe pale cream tabby with unusual blue and green eyes.
Palefern is deaf and uses her own version of kitty sign language to communicate primarily, though she will speak on occasion (speech is often slurred due to hearing loss)
Tagging person here

They were getting so big now, big enough that the cold sting of loneliness didn't seem so bad when faced with endless days of kitten purrs and cuddles. Well... maybe a bit less cuddling now that they were up and about, little legs carrying to new adventures everyday. Palefern, who had finally settled into the name she had been given after sounding out the syllables in her head, was happy to let them do so. Better an adventure than boredom.

But even tiny little adventures had to eat, and so Palefern is at the entrance of the nursery with a bird today, waiting for her children to notice that it was lunchtime rather than playtime.

@Heartkit @hopekit


Hopekit is sitting slightly off to the side watching Heartkit play, when out of habit, he glances back towards the nursery den to look for his mother. To his surprise, he sees her there, bird in her teeth. He gets to his feet, nudging Heartkit with his nose.

"Mama's got food," he says, and though he rarely leaves his sister anywhere, he takes off towards their mother as fast as his little paws can carry him.

He slides to a stop in front of Palefern, stopping for a moment to think, to remember– he lifts his paw, and uses the side to tap his chin twice. Then he presses his little face into his mother's soft fur, his way of thanking her.
The mossball was no match for her! None at all! Heartkit would thrive over this ball, and then-- huh? She blinked up in surprise as Hopekit nudged her, her tiny mewl slipping out as the mossball rolled farther into the nursery. Oh, well… She could always fetch it later!

" Thanks, Hope! " she chirped happily, her bright eyes shining as she bounded over to Hopekit and their mama. " Mama! " she cried out, her voice bursting with excitement. A loud purr rumbled in her chest as she bumped her little head against their mama's leg, her tiny tail quivering with delight.

Spotting the bird, she pointed a tiny paw at it and gave her belly a soft pat, her whiskers trembling as she squeezed her eyes shut in pure joy. She looked absolutely thrilled with the treat their mama had brought. Mama couldn't hear them properly, but Heartkit didn't mind. Mama could see them, and that was enough. Heartkit would do everything she could to help her mama, no matter what!

Here I am, so young and strong——・゚✦
・゚✦ —— Right here in the place where I belong