PALEFERN, 31 moons / thunderclan queen
A lithe pale cream tabby with unusual blue and green eyes.
Palefern is deaf and uses her own version of kitty sign language to communicate primarily, though she will speak on occasion (speech is often slurred due to hearing loss)
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They were getting so big now, big enough that the cold sting of loneliness didn't seem so bad when faced with endless days of kitten purrs and cuddles. Well... maybe a bit less cuddling now that they were up and about, little legs carrying to new adventures everyday. Palefern, who had finally settled into the name she had been given after sounding out the syllables in her head, was happy to let them do so. Better an adventure than boredom.
But even tiny little adventures had to eat, and so Palefern is at the entrance of the nursery with a bird today, waiting for her children to notice that it was lunchtime rather than playtime.
@Heartkit @hopekit
But even tiny little adventures had to eat, and so Palefern is at the entrance of the nursery with a bird today, waiting for her children to notice that it was lunchtime rather than playtime.
@Heartkit @hopekit