Open SkyClan Journey Butterflies // HEADCOUNT

the dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn't. my guilt will not purify me.
Paddin' forward, Duskpool dipped his head in Flowercloud's direction, molten copper crinklin' in muted happiness, seein' his younger sister rise to her newly established rank as SkyClan's deputy. "I'll see to it they're taken care of." He rumbled, tone like crashing thunder as he swiveled a massive helm in Lostmoon's direction, molten copper narrowin' in mild amusement.

He doubted Lostmoon was thrilled to be cooped up inside the nursery until birth, and then an additional six moons before they're apprenticed. He sighed, drawin' heavy paws toward the expectin' queen, wooly plumage flutterin' across the ground, watchin' the other with a narrowed molten hue.

He worried for the young caregiver, especially now that they were headin' out soon enough. Duskpool bumped his head against the other's helm, expression soft against the hardened planes of a battle-weary face. "It'll be alright, kiddo." He murmured to the expecting queen, swivelin' his helm to watch Lionfire and Wolfstorm converse with their apprentices — to his apprentice somewhere in the crowd.

We'll make it out.

And that was a promise.
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    —— xxx
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    release me
    from my promise to

    don't make me do this anymore. don't make me go on
  • duskpool he/him
    a massive scarred obsidian-smoked ghost mackerel tabby maine coon / norwegian forest mix w/ molten copper eyes and low-white
    ♡ senior warrior ( ex- sunguard ) of skyclan
    ♡ seventy-five moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea

SNOWVEIL, 88 moons / SkyClan + Perm Queen
A lean silver black lynx point with milky blue eyes and many scars
Delights in listening to all that goes around, can be a bit gruff, will put you on your place
Tagging @Creamkit

During the preparation for the journey ahead, she heard many noises, everyone bustling around to get ready, to take with them what they could. Her ears twitched once as she caught the sound of cats volunteering to help the medicine cats carry herbs and supplies. Good, that was one thing one didn't need to fret over anymore. Certain that Tigerfoot and Swallowpaw had enough volunteers, she decided her efforts were needed elsewhere. And with purposeful steps, she padded over to where she knew the little kits were. Her unseeing blue eyes blinked warmly, and a soft purr rumbled in her throat.

"Let's make sure you rascals don't cause any trouble for us, hm?" she teased, her tone light and playful as she lifted her head proudly Though she couldn't see them, Snowveil's heightened senses made her a steady and reliable presence. She listened for their tiny movements, the shifting of their fur as they wriggled, and even their soft, whispered giggles. She had made up her mind, on this long and dangerous journey, her focus would be on the youngest, the most vulnerable among them.

"Stay close to us, and I'll make sure this big, scary journey isn't so bad." she reassured, her voice filled with warmth and quiet determination. While others tended to the physical needs of the clan, Snowveil knew her role: to be a guide, a guardian, and a calming presence for those who needed her most. She lifted her head momentarily in a respective nod toward what she hoped was Milkheart.

And when the group started to leave, she moved only when she was certain they were walking too. Blind as she may be, she would not form an obstacle on this journey.

there's fire underneath this snow
I like it better when the sun shines,
Give me those good times, then I'll be alright


MILKHEART, He/Him / 29 moons / Skyclan Caregiver
Seal Sepia tom with high white, has scruffy tipped ears, a long fluffy cream-white tail and amber-caramel eyes
Former mate of DUCHESS, Father of CREAMKIT and two others
Radiates Dad Energytm, good with kits, warm and amicable (totally doesn't look like a hot chocolate, except he does)
Tagging [@]

It was finally time. Better now than ever, better now than never. Skyclan would be departing on a long adventure to new territory. It would present many challenges but the path forward would be worth it— it had to be. Milkheart was one of a considerable few that felt going on this journey was the right thing to do, both for the clan, his kits and himself.

Flowercloud spoke of how difficult the choice would be to make, and to be fair it was indeed difficult for many, however, the same could not be said for Milkheart. In some sense he was honestly quite excited, he was ready and raring to go! He took account of who was present and choosing to go, happy to see various familiar faces would be joining the pilgrimage. To those that chose to stay behind, Milkheart offered a smile and one last nod of appreciation for their time together. "Goodbye, friends. I wish you nothing but the best. May we meet again either in this life or the next."

With that, Milkheart lead some more of the younger ones and his own kits to the center of the pack where Duskpool and Dovecloud would be in charge of keeping them safe. "Come on you three, we gotta go. Duskpool and Dovecloud will be helping to keep you safe," He said, keeping a watchful eye on them as he walked nearby, looking over to Duskpool and Dovecloud, giving them a confident smile before looking back over to his kits. "So you three be good to them and the others, okay? I'll always be closeby." Milkheart walked alongside the center group near Snowveil who greeted him with a nod. "This journey may be big, but Skyclan is bigger, stronger. We'll make it, and that's a promise."

I tell you what— you better not be bringing bad vibes,
Leave your troubles behind, then I'll be alright

Stormcrow hangs back, not appointed to any particular duty, and so chooses to stay close to her mother. She does not need her help; but she might. Snowveil, along with a few others, were tasked with looking after the kits and young apprentices, and they could be a rowdy bunch.

She walks slightly ahead of the group, acting as a scout. Her paws fall heavy on the ground; the sound of goodbye. Of never returning. She'd grown up here, spent all her moons exploring this territory, hunting, protecting– now she was leaving to never come back. It's somehow both a relief and a terrible thing. If she ever comes back, it will be a place… it won't be home anymore.

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    Stromcrow, - 42 moons / Skyclan warrior/scout
    Daughter of Snowveil, temporary mentor of Teaselpaw
    Strict, devoted, rational. Peaceful powerplay allowed.