Closed SkyClan Cafe Cat Family - SkyClan Litter (2 Slots)


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Not FCFS both slots will be picked by myself and @ScremeEgg together as he writes for the father cat and I will write the mother (as well as Creamkit!)
These two slots are for Creamkits Littermates! So two people will be chosen!
Please include the basics like Appearance (Can be written or drawn), Name (or ideas for one), Personality and some Plot Ideas if any come to mind!
All of the kits should match in Age (Thinking around 3 Moons old to start) and will be with their father in SkyClan (Once they're old enough though where they end up is totally up to you! We ask that you please not kill them off before this point as well)
No activity requirement we only ask that you be present and communicate <3
If chosen remember to check-in the kit's prefix!


If you wish to you can leave the name choice up to myself and @ScremeEgg to choose as the parent cats!
Naming theme is vaguely cafe/hot drink themed but must still fit under what would make sense for a Warrior to be named! (For example; Honey, Vanilla, Swirl, Speckle, Spice are all fitting names!)
All of the kits in character-ly are named by their father, Milkheart
Make sure to check the Prefix List to ensure the name/s suggested are available!


The genetics of this litter aren't realistic we only ask that the kits resemble their family in some way! Feel free to be creative and a bit wild with the designs! We did make Milkheart literally look like a cat hot cocoa and the mother cat's appearance (Pending being made!) is based around pretty show cats as well so feel free to go ham with it!
I love seeing/hearing about what parts of a design are inspired by what family member (Like the eyes being from mum while a pattern comes from dad) but it is not a requirement to include!

The Story
Parts of this are still a work in progress but will be updated shortly! Will get the Mothers details done ASAP!

Milkheart met the litter's mother by chance sometime before Skyclan decided to leave for a new home. A true show cat at heart and obnoxiously proud of it too, she had never before been outside on her own but managed to sneak out one night for the thrill of it. During this time she encountered Milkheart whose charm and stories of clan life enthralled her, the first time encounter soon being followed by many more after it becoming a regular occurrence for the pair, though she never became a Daylight Warrior officially as she was too self-absorbed with herself and winning more contests. She always did remain interested in the Den Dad's life though and hearing clan stories. Many Moons would pass and the two cat's closeness would only continue to grow, eventually resulting in her pregnancy. Both cats were delighted by the news! At least, until it became clear that the mother cat's Twolegs did not share their excitement.

The Twolegs now worried about their award winning Show Cat not being able to enter anything for a while as well as what to do with the kittens once born start to make the mother cat paranoid. She becomes afraid of her kits being taken away and becomes increasingly aggressive towards her Twolegs as a result, sometimes even lashing out at Milkheart as well. As she got closer and closer to kitting her temperament only got worse and worse and especially more violent, the cat she had become no longer resembling the cat Milkheart had fallen in love with. For the kits safety he made the hard decision to ensure that they came with him to Skyclan after they were born and with the clan in talks of leaving for a new home soon the kits would then be safe away from both the Twolegs and their mother who was becoming more and more violent and bad-tempered by the day.

That day would eventually come and during the night Milkheart would sneak into the Twoleg den and carefully sneak out all three kits, taking the litter back to the safety of Skyclan where he'd be able to look after them properly as a Den Dad with a bit of help from any willing nursing fellow Caregivers. Sometime shortly after this Skyclan would leave to journey in hopes of finding their new home and Milkheart and his kits would go with the clan, hopeful that they would all now be safe as their mother was not informed about the Clan leaving...

However, their mother now filled with rage over losing her kits and unsure of exactly who had taken them away from her-- Milkheart? Or the Twolegs? She had now become so hostile that they eventually had to re-home her. This new home would land her at the Twoleg place near future Thunderclan territory by Fourtrees. Unbeknownst to the cats their paths will most certainly cross again in the future and their mother is now hellbent on finding their father, now more bitter towards him then ever after (in her eyes) he 'stole' the kits and resulted in her losing her old Show Cat lifestyle, she would make him pay for taking them away from her and is now obsessed with taking the kits away from him even at their own expense.
Additional Details & Relations
This litter would not know very much about their mother. Currently Milkheart will have told them stories briefly about her mentioning who she once was but that who she became was too unsafe for them to be around.
Their mother will be constantly looking for the three but will not instantly recognize them especially as they get older as she only knew them as newborn kits. What the kits think of their parents as time goes on will be entirely up to the player! They can even try and seek out their mother if you so choose once old enough or maybe they try and keep their father safe from their mother's future attempts on his life. Milkheart will always be open and honest about the full truth and details of their mother once the kits are 6+ Moons old.

FATHER - @Milkheart - Ref - Skyclan Den Dad
MOTHER - @Duchess - Toyhouse / Ref - Kittypet
SISTER - Creamkit - ToyHouse / Character Profile - Skyclan Kit
UNCLE (On Father's Side) - Currently goes by "Tucker" @Woolybounce - ToyHouse / Ref - Future Skyclanner, current Barncat/Loner

Coding by Rai.
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Alternative name options: Chamomile, Foam, Chestnut
03 moons old | female (she/her) | child of MILKHEART x DUCHESS | Littermates with Creamkit

  • Long haired chocolate smoke with high white and blue eyes

    Nutmeg is a mess of swirls and charisma, fluffiest in her chest/fur around her neck and her tail, otherwise her fur is straightened to the rest of her form creating the illusion of a sleek silhouette. She strongly resembles her mother in physique while emulating her father in appearance with similar white markings.

    She walks with pride, haughtiness carried in her muzzle that points to the sky at any point. She walks with here chest, exuding confidence. Her plumy tail always carried high, not wanting a single piece of fur out of place or carry any of the forest within her. She treads the fine line between kittypet and skyclanner, having the wilds within her while keeping a prissy nature.

    ❥ smells like the flowers of the forest, the milk of the nursery, a faint scent of expensive perfume→ sounds like Marie from the Aristocats
  • ❥ (+) Passionate, witty, caring (-) haughty, overbearing, dramatic

    Nutmeg is a kit of high maintenance, not through anyone's fault but because she relishes in the attention. Always having a flare for the dramatics it doesn't take much to keep her entertained, a leaf in the wind becomes a run away star. A single piece of moss must be a snake she has to protect her littermates from. She aims to please, hoping that in turn she will be thought of constantly and admired.

    She deals in kindness, good deeds will become a currency as she grows older. Not through malicious means but because she finds a lack of passion in fighting. She aims to be diplomatic, cunning, it's almost like she's a far better fit for ShadowClan than SkyClan. Her good deeds and kind words are genuine, she truly means them even if there is an expectation of loyalty.

    Above all else she cares for her family, never wanting to cause too much trouble for them no matter how sharp her tongue is. She will be seen doing small things for them, acts of service is her love language and her family will notice it.
  • As an older apprentice she will try to seek out her mother, trying to complete the image of an ideal family in her mind.
    ❥ Would become a bully when she's older, this would be very brief as she realises that being kind will be a far greater tool.
    ❥ Could learn to love fighting, a strong mentor might inspire passion for her to defend her clan through violence.
    ❥ Would be an excellent hunter, fits within her acts of service plans.

  • ❥ Fairytales | princesses | knights
    ❥ Marie (Aristocats)
    ❥ Claudia (Interview with a vampire | TV show)
    ❥ Circe (The Odyssey | Epic the musical specifically)
    ❥ Feminine urge ( The Last Dinner Party | Song)

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Milkheart x Duchess child

Up to the parents!
Age: 3 moons
Pronouns: She/Her

Appearence: Who doesn't love a little half and half baby? Maybe half brown/half cream or gold, split down the face and scattered patches on the body? Maybe heterochromia if I get a little silly with it. Vaguely resembling both parents with the colours of both, perhaps even longer and sleeker fur on her golden side with curlier shorter fur on her brown side, a perfect mix of her parents.

Personality: Up to development, but for starters maybe just a very excitable, innocent kitten. Wants to grow up and do what's best for her clan! Loves to help others and make her dad proud! As she grows and learns of her mother, she may not... find the idea of finding her one day appealing, which may put her at odds with her other littermates. She is perfectly content to live her life in the clan and forget her mother ever existed. If she ever comes across her some day and they reunite, she would likely not even be interested in getting to know her. She would be a very honorable cat, doing what's best and what's proper according to the codes and her own code of ethics.
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@ouijeejuice and @Lassie both your girls are perfect and Egg and I love the both of them already!! I'm super happy we get to pick the both of you to join the family! Please make sure to get them checked in and let me know once you have! ^ ^ I'd love to draw the two sometime as well if you'd both be okay with that! For Lassie's also on the name, Egg and I were thinking maybe Swirl or Spice! Would be happy to let you pick out of the two though or if you'd prefer something different that's okay too! Just let me know <3 Thank you both so so much for applying! We can't wait to see what these two get up to!
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@ouijeejuice and @Lassie both your girls are perfect and Egg and I love the both of them already!! I'm super happy we get to pick the both of you to join the family! Please make sure to get them checked in and let me know once you have! ^ ^ I'd love to draw the two sometime as well if you'd both be okay with that! For Lassie's also on the name, Egg and I were thinking maybe Swirl or Spice! Would be happy to let you pick out of the two though or if you'd prefer something different that's okay too! Just let me know <3 Thank you both so so much for applying! We can't wait to see what these two get up to!
Yayy I'm glad you like her! I may try and doodle up a drawing or two of her design either today or tomorrow so I can include it in my check in and see which name might work well once I've drawn her >:Dc
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@ouijeejuice and @Lassie both your girls are perfect and Egg and I love the both of them already!! I'm super happy we get to pick the both of you to join the family! Please make sure to get them checked in and let me know once you have! ^ ^ I'd love to draw the two sometime as well if you'd both be okay with that! For Lassie's also on the name, Egg and I were thinking maybe Swirl or Spice! Would be happy to let you pick out of the two though or if you'd prefer something different that's okay too! Just let me know <3 Thank you both so so much for applying! We can't wait to see what these two get up to!
YAYYY thank you! similar to lassie I will work on her design for check in purposes but also for future art endeavours <33
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