StarClan catch me in your memory ───〃★ StarClan

This thread takes place in StarClan.


i'm still waiting.
Colony Clan Founder Former ThunderClan Leader
The stars had faded with the loss of the clans, he is told, perched upon a smooth stone slab to overlook the field of shimmering stardust that drifted through the air; if he did not long for his home and family so much he might have been at peace. This place, this serenity, it was a dream that any cat would be comfortable in and yet he can only feel restless in his own pelt; wishing for change, wishing to go back in time, wishing-he takes a sudden gasp of air and exhales it like a cough-wishing he could stop manually breathing because he didn't technically need air and it was stressing him out. He was hear watching because he had sensed something shift that made him curious, it had left Coffeestar rambling cheerfully, knowingly smiling but refusing to indulge his questions as she often did; experiencing was half the fun, she would say and then skip off to go pester his former colonymates with questions on their lives.
So he waited, and he waited, in a place where time held still and the world ceased to matter it was a wonder he still had the impatience to fidget and roll about like a bored kitten left to his own devices and then-there, in the distance. The glittering specks of starlight in the air began to converge down into the sweeping fields of white flowers, gathering thick like snow and twisting about into slender shapes, elongating into limbs, tails, cats.
Thornstar stumbled in staggering steps forward to greet them, taking a moment to raise his head and level his tail for balance so he stood with much more respectful posture; because deep down he knows who these are, these cats of ancient times whose memories were all but forgotten to leave them drifting as dust on the wind for so long. Some heart had begun to beat here in a place with no pulse, remnants of a past long ago he was far too removed from to even hear stories of was reviving again. The lynx point's mouth is dry in quiet awe, he is unsure what to say in greeting but finally the words bubble up.
"Welcome home."

Ooc -
Any StarClanner can post, but this is an intro for the ancient clan cats from the StarClan adopts!
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⋆˚✿˖° Though I walk in silence, my heart speaks loud in the stars above.

" We're back...? "

Willowleaf's soft voice rippled like a breeze through the vastness of StarClan's realm, her paws light upon the endless starlit ground. The soft, silver mist that blanketed the ground curled around her like a comforting embrace as she paused, the warmth of familiar faces drawing her in. She had been here before, yet every time she arrived, it felt like a new beginning, an eternal dance within the stars.

She blinked her icy blue eyes, glancing around, unsure yet curious. Her paws felt lighter here, the weight of mortality long forgotten. And yet, despite the quiet joy in her heart, she couldn't help the little tremor in her voice as she spoke, the shyness of her living self still clinging to her, even in death and return.

" The leaves turn, the rivers run, and the hearts of those we loved beat on in the hearts of the living… " she whispered her voice a stammer, her words carrying the weight of memories, of things long past but never forgotten. Her whiskers quivered slightly, unsure if any would hear her, or if they would even care. But still, she spoke, her voice growing steadier. " Though we have parted from the earth, the pulse of the land is ours still, for our spirits are woven into the fabric of the stars… "

Her heart skipped as she turned her gaze to the lynx-pointed cat before her. He seemed familiar, though his features had faded from her memory over the moons. Was he one of those who had walked with her in ShadowClan?

She took a hesitant step forward, the words spilling from her quietly. " Hello… I am Willowleaf... "

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Guiding, Lighting The Way

No Time For Mourning
The sensation of new bodies in Starclan's domain is what prompts him to open his eyes for the first time in decades. It's almost like waking up from a nap he does not recall laying down for, he thinks. Starclan had faded into obscurity ages ago but now there was a ripple, the faintest change in the current of the afterlife that brought him back to consciousness and blue eyes wandered over the familiar plane before finally settling on Thornstar.

"..It's good to be back." He meows after a moment of studying the other. "I am Seabriar of Riverclan."

Seabriar's shredded ear flicked in the direction of Willowleaf's trembling voice and he frowned. How long had it been since they last walked among the stars? How had the clans fared in Starclan's absence? What of his beloved Riverclan? His tail twitched impatiently before the tom settled on his haunches and curled it around himself in an effort to seem more composed than he was. There were so many questions to be answered but there was time. He had all of eternity to get caught up and maybe even wander his old hunting grounds once the formalities were out of the way. Still, he wondered, what had changed to bring them all back?
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Stormy blue eyes open, as if waking from a dream. Ears tilt in the direction of a unfamiliar voice. Perhaps it's rude to stare, but even though he may not know the molly who introduces herself as Willowleaf, she feels familiar. Like home. Memories of the forest begin to flood his mind. Oh... That's right. Everyone... Fortunately, his thoughts are cut by another voice. Seabriar. Though he'd been dead long before the warrior had been born, he'd watched the pale gray tom with concern. Ambition was not bad, if it was done in moderation. Seabriar on the other hand was never satisfied it seemed. He'd watch from the stars as the apprentice challenged others and needed to be number one. As a warrior, Seabriar's hunger worsened. It pained him to watch such a bright future be clouded by his own ambitions. He recalled the moment the pale gray warrior was not dubbed deputy of Riverclan. Creekstar, despite his reservations looked up the pale gray warrior with sadness. For all his faults, Seabriar was loyal to his clan more than anyone. His dedication was unmatched. However, it was his ambition that made everyone so fearful. And they had every right to be. What Creekstar saw if Seabriar had been left unchecked was ruin for Riverclan. Guess it didn't matter in the end, Riverclan doesn't exist anymore.

The blue tom takes a step forward. "My name's Creekstar. I was once the leader of Riverclan." His gaze meets Thornstar. "So you are the one that succeeded the legacy of Thunderclan. Morningstar will be pleased to know that Thunderclan thrives again. Or at least I hope so. After all, it is a much different Thunderclan."

He is unclear how much is known from the others, but it evident that those like him are just as confused as to why they returned. Why us? Where is my family? Where are my friends? Russetpaw... You're not here either. Why did so few of us come back? It makes him uneasy. While he had not watched the affairs of the other clans closely compared to Riverclan, all of them had come from the forest. How much time had truly passed eluded him, but he had been dead for so long the moons melded together in a haze. Even towards the end of the forest, his name in Riverclan's history had been forgotten. It stung to give a life to Riverclan's last leader only to be met with a blank expression. I guess it doesn't help when I only led for a short time either...

Creekstar shakes his head. Drowning in the past is of no use. Riverclan is gone. Windclan is gone too. Only the legacies of Thunder and Shadow have been succeeded. Who will be the one to succeed Riverclan's legacy? "Sorry, I was reminiscing about... Old times."

As if to give Thornstar a moment to take everything in, he turns away and returns to the other ancient Starclanners. While Willowleaf is no Riverclanner, he sees little reason in excluding her or being rude. A warm smile is sent her way before he address the pair. "Thunderclan and Shadowclan's legacies have been succeeded. Riverclan and Windclan's have not... I'll be honest and say I have no clue what we're supposed to do now. Only a few of us from the forest returned so far. Who knows if anyone else will appear or who exactly either." A blue paw taps the ground in concentration. The answer that may arise from Seabrair's maw to have a successor for Riverclan hasn't even been thought of. While yes it pains him that Riverclan is no more, the more pressing matter is getting some footing. Gathering knowledge and finding answers.

Nothingness and fullness collided, shimmering in a cat-shaped form that stepped out into the world beyond the living for the first time in infinity. There was a wave of cats ready to greet him, but the first thing Phloxwish focused on was his paws, as if it were the first time he had truly seen them. The fur between them seemed more unkempt than he'd have ever allowed, claws grizzled beyond a length he'd have been comfortable keeping, he swore that the white streaks that looked like shooting stars were supposed to be grey furs. It was unsightly, beyond him, and he smiled wistfully knowing it was what could have been had his life not been taken from him. He supposed he should've been resentful of those who claimed they were from RiverClan, but in the place of hatred was an empty acceptance of what had happened - he had died, painfully, but the work of the living meant that he had not been forgotten. Despite how often he'd acted to the contrary, his life had had meaning; and as if he'd truly become an elder, the desire to aid the youths burned strong within him.

Memories of ThunderClan's past few moons were foggy, a dream slowly becoming a reality, but Phloxwish promised himself to pay more attention now that he felt true. "Oh, it is so nice to be able to feel again, I feel like all the knots in my spine have just disappeared," he mewed in a deep rumble, brows furrowing at the bushel of fur upon his muzzle that brushed against his mouth as he talked - would he truly have had such awful facial hair if he had lived to the age he'd wanted? "My name is Phloxwish, I was a medicine cat of ThunderClan in the moons before your moons. You are... were... from there?" He eyed Thornstar with a smile. "To know there are still cats from my home that will join me when they die is... well, I am glad the Stars will not be so lonely for me anymore." Within his sentiment was a desire for friendship with the former ThunderClan leader, a desire to know everything that had happened while he had been in stasis.

() there's a feeling like lightning in her bones. the other cats glide back into the stars with softness, pillowed by feathers of starlight. darkflame arrives with the crackle of fire. warmth surrounds her, glowing, tender, as her body reforms, as her tail curls and her ears flick, and her being is forced back into existence. stepping into the light of the skies once again, the former shadowclanner grins, a sharp thing, tooth filled and brilliant. she takes a breath, chest filling deep with sweet-scented air, and a hum escapes her maw on exhale. "oh, i missed this." tone light but rusty, she lets out a trill of a purr, and fixes a one-eyed, honey gaze upon her peers. brown tabby paws flicker with starlight as darkflame pads forward, mingling and brushing against cats she knows not, but recognizes all the same. scars from life still litter her frame, curling across her maw and muzzle, slicing through her left eye. she prefers it this way - happiest moments spent in the thrill of battle, in being a warrior.

"greetings," the woman offers to her fellow starclanners, focusing particularly on the tabby pelt of thornstar. he smells fresh, not here for long, and by the looks of him, still starstruck enough to gawk at his own peers. "i am darkflame, of shadowclan," the words are spoken strongly, pride for her former clan in every fiber of her being. a darkness shades her eyes for a moment, a look of concern as she licks rubbery lips. "they have fallen, those who call themselves that name, disgracing the legacy of my clan. what is to be done about it?"

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    torbie with low white, golden eyes and a scarred face. darkflame is a lithe but muscular tabby she-cat. her pelt is mostly brown and black stripes, dappled with ginger. her honey golden eyes are almond shaped, and her left eye is scarred over and blind from a fox attack. with a muscular body and pelt littered with scars, she can be quite intimidating, although she is not the largest cat out there.

As one of the tattered remnants of StarClan, the starry scape had been deafeningly lonely since she ascended in her mortal life. Her lives were achingly received by fading starlight, and there was even fewer strength in their core for Hawkstar to continue on the legacy of their Clan. The journey was not just their only means of survival in the physical realm, but to ensure their fallen could still sparkle and shine across Silverpelt as well.

There was some hope that her stars would return and the lands would be filled proper once again. As she had collected the fallen Colonists they single tree she often stood at had become surrounded in more plush fauna. Twinkling atmosphere shifted and twisted into the world she was more familiar with through stories of her youth. A canopy that stretched beyond the sight of the dead, glimmering with stardust as if it were warm sunlight. The memory of StarClan slowly restored, but hardly enough to still call to it's former glory.

The addition of Thornstar's soul had been the only change she hadn't expected, and while the life he lived and strength he held had it's place among the stars, she had anticipated his reign to be far longer than what it was. Especially without his father to reunite with, and newborn kittens to watch grow from a distance- it could only be the cruel workings of the darker depths of the afterlife behind it.

A shiver down her spine alerted Coffeestar to a sudden change, a gentle gasp parted from her maw as she watched with Thornstar, ancients descend back to their starry lands. "Yes, welcome home! All of you, your memory and wisdom will serve the Clan's wonderfully." Seabriar and Creekstar of RiverClan. Phloxwish, Whiteflame and Morningstar of ThunderClan. Charredboar of WindClan. Then, Darkflame and Willowleaf of ShadowClan. None of her original home, but still she bowed to show her respect.

"The matters of ShadowClan, they are..." Coffeestar bit the inside of her cheek as she glanced to Thornstar. "Complicated. We cannot reach any of them, their minds are sealed tight like a bramble trap, as though they've been shut out from us."

Untethered and unbound, Whiteflame finds herself between the thralls of nothing and everything. It's suddenly hard to be empty, to cease to exist in a realm where memories are final lifelines. Stars stitch themselves into her pale-and-flame pelt and hoist her to her paws, righting her in a land of the gone. She missed this - the community, the companionship. Many of these cats do not hail from her home but she trusts and loves them all the same. All she is missing is...

"Ah...!" Whiteflame cracks a grin as the mists betrothe upon her little paws and little noses. Three kits tumbling from the swirls of neverland, impossible to age, forever staying in their youth. Her littlelings, her sparks and snowflakes. She nearly ignores the cluster of cats for her litter, joy overbearing in her chest as she reunites with them, first. Her memories of her lover... Blacksnow's last leash to something whole and pure.

She bumps them forward each with a nudge of her nose, her feathered tail twitching as she joins the crowd. A gentle dip of her skull as she counts who is here (and who is not...) There are new faces, too. So many of them. How long has she been sleeping, she wonders...

"ShadowClan?" she echoes in her ethereum, eyebrows pinching together. She nudges Darkflame's shoulder briefly, a show of good natured companionship, "That's a shame. The ShadowClan I lived beside wouldn't have turned from StarClan so... so..." she trembles to find the right word, a kitten chasing her tail to serve as a proper distraction. She notices how her heart, unbeating, wavers with the context. "... Feverishly, I suppose. None can be reached? Not their medicine cat, none of their kits?"
⋆˚✿˖° Though I walk in silence, my heart speaks loud in the stars above.

Sadness clouded Willowleaf's gaze as she watched the others, her ears tilting back, eyes lowering to the ground. ShadowClan lay shrouded in darkness... It was silent, unseen. Cut off. But this was not how it should be. They could not leave them to wander like lost souls, adrift without guidance. ShadowClan needed a light, a path back to StarClan's embrace. Though their name would often earn them frowns, it meant not they were bad cats...

Darkflame of ShadowClan… she was right. The name of ShadowClan, once a symbol of strength and resilience, was now being twisted by those who bore it. Many had forsaken its true meaning, using it to justify their own dark ambitions. But how had they come to know of such things? The Dark Forest, was it their influence? Someone had to have whispered these teachings to them. And yet, she could not recall a single one of them being there to pass it on.

Her voice, soft yet certain, broke the quiet. " Even brambles thick with thorns can be unraveled with patience. If we work carefully, we can loosen their minds, open their eyes. " She turned her gaze to Coffeestar, offering a slow, gentle blink. " I for one, will do all I can to see my home restored to its former glory. " she spoke with certainty, lifting her head. Though the stammer in her voice was ever present, she was determined.

Willowleaf's purr rumbled as she watched the kits tumble about Whiteflame, warmth filling her at the sight. She had given her life for the sake of kits once. And she would do so again if need be.

" The night may be long, and the path unclear, but no bond is ever truly severed. One day, the way will open, and we will find our way through. "