Character Check-In Information Forms

  • Welcome to Character Check-In, read the pinned thread below and give the mods up to 48 hours to get to you! If your submission exceeds this timelimit you may remind us in the Discord!
    Need help figuring out how Check-Ins work? Check our Check-In Guide & Tutorial!
  • For more detailed guides and further information check out our GETTING STARTED page!
I have been CHECKED-IN & would like my Prefix added!
Clan: Thunderclan and Shadowclan
Prefix: Harrier and Bone
Link to Check-IN:
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Reactions: Kangoo
I have been CHECKED-IN & would like my Prefix added!
Clan: thunderclan
Prefix: shallow
Link to Check-IN: link
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Reactions: Kangoo
I have been CHECKED-IN & would like my Prefix added!
Clan: Shadowclan
Prefix: Timber

Clan: Windclan
Prefix: Chick

Clan: Riverclan
Prefix: Gale

Link to Check-IN: HERE
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Reactions: Kangoo
This isn't official how it's done because hi I was left unsupervised to make characters but all the information is here and check ins are linked

Flowercloud - Skyclan - Deputy - Female - She/Her

Eaglepaw - Thunderclan - Apprentice (mentored by Gravel) - Male - He/Him

Riddler - Barn cat - Male - They/Them

Lilacpaw(Bird) - Riverclan - Apprentice - Female - She/Her

Viperpaw - Shadowclan - Apprentice - Male - He/Him

Check in #1

Quest - Riff Raff (Loner) - Trustee - Male - He/Him

Jolt - Thunderclan - Male - He/Him


Ripple - Riverclan - Apprentice - FTM - He/Him

Lazarus (Eclipsewing) - Riverclan - Warrior - FTM - He/Him

Bloodhound - Barn Cat - Male - They/Them


Hyacinth - Thunderclan - Female - They/Them


Egg- Thunderclan - Male - he/him - Deceased

Sprout - Thunderclan - Gender fluid - they/any - deceased

Brave - Shadowclan - Male - deceased

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Reactions: Kangoo