WindClan Chase the wind and touch the sky || Flicker


Lead Me Out Into The Light
Barn Cats
f2u template by Noia! in progress

"I know that you're tired of the war and bloodshed" General "Tell me, is this how we're supposed to live?"

Flicker ‧ "nickname"
previous names...
she-cat, she/her
Barn Cat ‧ rank Tunneller
thoughts of rank / aspirations / how they got there tbd, probably terrified
22 moons ‧ ages every 1st of the month ‧ Born March
created 01/01/2025
active / casual / inactive / retired / dead ‧ ~~10 posts / month

"Look at how you grip your sword" Appearance "Enough said"

short-haired calico with hazel eyes. Small, lanky body ‧ ref
Flicker is a small calico tabby with gentle hazel eyes complimented by a soft pink nose. Her pelt is a collage of daisy-white, poppyseed-black, and sunset-orange. Ivory fur climbs her forepaws, chest, and face, spreading across her chin and ending just between her eyes. Her upper face is split, ebony fur covering her right side and deep orange over her left, save for a dark smudge of charcoal on her cheek. Her ears mirror and oppose this split, her right ear like a marigold and her left melding into the black fur on top of her head. Bright orange streaks down her spine and bleeds down her flank and ribs, mingling with black to created patchy stripes through her sides and belly. Toward her hindquarters dark shades take over, her backlegs, rump, and tail a deep ebony.
Physically, Flicker is no exceptional specimen. She has the spring and prowess of youth, but moons of casually hunting the sleepy mice of the barn have given her little more than the average muscle expected of any feline. Being on the smaller side, Flicker is well aware that she does not contend with those gifted with brute strength. She prefers to take advantage of her size, focusing on stealth to slip toward her prizes completely unnoticed.
In the future when she has spent some time as a tunneler, Flicker may find that she does possess some strength after all. Excavating proves to be a formidable pastime, and the power in her forelimbs will soon greatly surpass that in her hindlimbs. Flicker will find taking down rougher prey such as hares or tearing birds from the sky becoming much easier, so long as she is close enough to reach them. She may also find, perhaps disturbingly, a growing ability to hold opponents down in combat. As an aside, she will also notice her hindpaws have a greater tendency to bleed than her forepaws, lacking the hardened and calloused pads awarded from her underground duties.​
genetics if applicable? I know very little of genetics! She's a calico, she's got hazel eyes, annnd yeah
accessories / inventory​

"Why should we take" Personality "When we could give?"

Neutral Good - ESFP/ENFP-A - ❝ The Campaigner ❞
Tiramisu tootsie roll apple pie jelly-o croissant I love I love. Halvah biscuit ice cream liquorice sweet roll jujubes I love. Topping pastry tart tiramisu cheesecake jelly-o I love. Lemon drops soufflé pudding pie jelly bonbon candy soufflé. Ice cream candy wafer sesame snaps ice cream. Bear claw I love topping I love candy canes liquorice halvah dragée gummies​
cheerful ‧ gentle ‧ confident
compliant ‧ gracious ‧ patient
predictable ‧ aimless ‧ follower
likes ‧ fresh air ‧ charity ‧ helping ‧ eggs ‧ cornflower ‧ sunset colours
dislikes ‧ smoke ‧ thievery ‧ cruelty ‧ shrews and scaled prey ‧ yarrow ‧ dust brown​

You could show a person that you trust them" Relationships "When you stop and lower your guard"

NPC ✕ NPC ‧ generation 2
sibling to: NPC sister NPC sister
orientation tbd ‧ single/taken
polyamorous / monogamous
crushing on n/a
mother/guardian to: n/a n/a n/a
other family here, steal the abbr from above​

Mentor/apprentice to n/a
previously tbd

In social spheres, this character is easy to befriend, etc. etc.
admires tbd ‧ why
friends with tbd ‧ why
rivals with tbd ‧ why
enemies with tbd ‧ why

"Here we have a chance" Snapshot "For some adjustment"

skill ‧ skill ‧ skill
skill ‧ skill ‧ skill
In battles . . .
will start/not start fights
will / will not end them​
will /will not flee​
will / will not show mercy​
Speech is #82d8f9
peaceful powerplay allowed​
any other notes​

"Give it a try" Development "It's not that hard, I'm telling you"

thread title ‧ development
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title ‧ interaction
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title ‧ etc
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title ‧ desc.
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title ‧ desc.
a description or impact of this thread here

"This life is amazing" Playlist "When you greet it with open arms"

AUTHOR or specific line​
meaning to character
AUTHOR or line​
meaning to character
AUTHOR - or line​
meaning to character
Last edited:
f2u template code by noia!

[fancypost=50%; margin:auto; line-height:16px;  text-align:justify; font-size:13px; font-family:tahoma; color:MAINTEXTCOLOR;]
[size=17px][color=PRIMARY]——— GENERAL ———[/color][/size]
[size=15px]name ‧ "nickname" [/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i] previous names
[color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] gender, pro/nouns[/i][/indent]
[size=15px]clan ‧ rank[/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i] thoughts of rank / aspirations / how they got there[/i][/indent]
[size=15px]XX moons ‧ ages every xx [/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i] created 00/00/0000
[color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] active / casual / inactive / retired / dead ‧ xx posts / month[/i][/indent]

[size=17px][color=PRIMARY]——— APPEARANCE ———[/color][/size]
[size=15px]short description ‧ ref[/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] Tiramisu tootsie roll apple pie jelly-o croissant I love I love. Halvah biscuit ice cream liquorice sweet roll jujubes I love. Topping pastry tart tiramisu cheesecake jelly-o I love. Lemon drops soufflé pudding pie jelly bonbon candy soufflé. Ice cream candy wafer sesame snaps ice cream. Bear claw I love topping I love candy canes liquorice halvah dragée gummies.[/indent]
[indent=2][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i] genetics if applicable[/i][/indent]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] accessories / inventory[/indent]

[size=17px][color=PRIMARY]——— PERSONALITY ———[/color][/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] Tiramisu tootsie roll apple pie jelly-o croissant I love I love. Halvah biscuit ice cream liquorice sweet roll jujubes I love. Topping pastry tart tiramisu cheesecake jelly-o I love. Lemon drops soufflé pudding pie jelly bonbon candy soufflé. Ice cream candy wafer sesame snaps ice cream. Bear claw I love topping I love candy canes liquorice halvah dragée gummies[/indent]
[indent=2][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i] positive ‧ positive ‧ positive
[color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] neutral ‧ neutral ‧ neutral
[color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] negative ‧ negative ‧ negative[/i][/indent]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] likes ‧ like ‧ like ‧ like
[color=PRIMARY]—[/color] dislikes ‧ dislike ‧ dislike ‧ dislike [/indent]

[size=17px][color=PRIMARY]——— RELATIONSHIPS ———[/color][/size]
[size=15px]NAME ✕ NAME ‧ generation X[/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] sibling to: [abbr=SIBLING TYPE, PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr] ‧ [abbr=SIBLING TYPE, PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr] ‧ [abbr=SIBLING TYPE, PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr][/indent]
[size=15px]orientation ‧ single/taken[/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] polyamorous / monogamous
[color=PRIMARY]—[/color] crushing on [abbr=PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr][/indent]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] other family here, steal the abbr from above[/indent]

[size=15px]Mentor/apprentice to [abbr=PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr][/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i] previously [abbr=PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr][/i][/indent]

[size=15px]In social spheres, this character is easy to befriend, etc. etc.[/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i] admires [abbr=PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr] ‧ why
[color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] friends with  [abbr=PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr] ‧ why
[color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] rivals with  [abbr=PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr] ‧ why
[color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] enemies with  [abbr=PLAYER] CHARACTER NAME[/abbr] ‧ why[/i][/indent]

[size=17px][color=PRIMARY]——— SNAPSHOT ———[/color][/size]
[size=15px] skill ‧ skill ‧ skill [/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] [i]elaborate[/i] [/indent]
[size=15px] skill ‧ skill ‧ skill [/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] [i]elaborate[/i] [/indent]
[size=15px]In battles . . . [/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] will start/not start fights[/indent]
[indent=2][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] will / will not end them[/indent]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] will /will not flee[/indent]
[indent=2][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] will / will not show mercy[/indent]
[size=15px]Speech is [color=PRIMARY]#COLOR[/color][/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] peaceful powerplay allowed[/indent]
[indent=2][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color] any other notes[/indent]

[size=17px][color=PRIMARY]——— DEVELOPMENT ———[/color][/size]
[url=LINK][color=PRIMARY]thread title[/color][/url] ‧ development
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color][i] a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]
[url=LINK][color=PRIMARY]thread title[/color][/url] ‧ interaction
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color][i] a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]
[url=LINK][color=PRIMARY]thread title[/color][/url] ‧ etc
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color][i] a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]
[url=LINK][color=PRIMARY]thread title[/color][/url] ‧ desc.
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color][i] a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]
[url=LINK][color=PRIMARY]thread title[/color][/url] ‧ desc.
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color][i] a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]

[size=17px][color=PRIMARY]——— PLAYLIST ———[/color][/size]
[size=15px]SONG TITLE ‧ OPT. AUTHOR[/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] AUTHOR or specific line[/indent]
[indent=2][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i]meaning to character[/i][/indent]
[size=15px]SONG TITLE ‧ OPT. AUTHOR[/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] AUTHOR or line[/indent]
[indent=2][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i]meaning to character[/i][/indent]
[size=15px]SONG TITLE ‧ OPT. AUTHOR[/size]
[indent=1][color=PRIMARY]—[/color] AUTHOR - or line[/indent]
[indent=2][color=PRIMARY]⤷[/color][i]meaning to character[/i][/indent]