OOC- Hello fellow cats of twolegplace! This is my boy, Cold, a future Windclan apprentice! He showed up in horseplace about a week ago really badly injured, and has been hiding out away from everyone else while Dandelion nurses him back to health. He's finally feeling up to exploring and getting his shit together, so feel free to come officially meet him!
In the week or so that Cold had been staying at the Horseplace, he'd come to a couple conclusions.
The first was that he must have succeeded in losing the rogues who'd been tailing him, because nobody had come sniffing around looking for a cat or trying to cause trouble.Secondly, the cats of horseplace were ultimately harmless. They were painfully reminiscent of his former home, a community of individuals and families that shared the space, allowed too by the twolegs because they kept the pests under control. And thirdly, he had no idea what he was going to do now that his wounds had healed enough for him to be back on his paws.
He couldn't go home– there was no home anymore. And he hated the idea of staying here, where the cats would know him as the charity case that'd stumbled in, covered in his own blood. How pathetic had he seemed to them once rumors went around about the cat Dandy was looking after? The stubborn, unfriendly one that refused to leave to go inside the barn or socialise with the other cats.
But… where was he supposed to go from here?
One step at a time. he reminded himself, trying to keep a steady head. Horseplace might not be ideal, but he knew it wasn't the worst place for him to be starting out after everything. There was food, shelter, and the cats had at least been decent enough to give him his space– save for that one idiot who'd insisted on bringing him food and talking his ear off.
Cold hated how much he'd looked forward to it each day, to the point where he'd made sure to get up with the sun that morning in order to slip away from his usual spot. If Dandy went looking for him there to deliver breakfast, he wouldn't find the yellow-eyed tabby there waiting. No, he was done with that. Needed to feel some kind of control over his own life and not like he was some fucking victim or charity case, even if a part of him was sickening grateful for the moment of reprieve. For a chance to fall apart, and than forget about it for a bit while some odd-eyed barncat droned on about how so-an-so got a pinecone stuck in their tail.
So the young, scratched up tom made his way toward the large structure the other cats called 'the barn', ready to let the past die and to focus on the future; and right now, that was familiarising himself with his new, temporary haunt.
In the week or so that Cold had been staying at the Horseplace, he'd come to a couple conclusions.
The first was that he must have succeeded in losing the rogues who'd been tailing him, because nobody had come sniffing around looking for a cat or trying to cause trouble.Secondly, the cats of horseplace were ultimately harmless. They were painfully reminiscent of his former home, a community of individuals and families that shared the space, allowed too by the twolegs because they kept the pests under control. And thirdly, he had no idea what he was going to do now that his wounds had healed enough for him to be back on his paws.
He couldn't go home– there was no home anymore. And he hated the idea of staying here, where the cats would know him as the charity case that'd stumbled in, covered in his own blood. How pathetic had he seemed to them once rumors went around about the cat Dandy was looking after? The stubborn, unfriendly one that refused to leave to go inside the barn or socialise with the other cats.
But… where was he supposed to go from here?
One step at a time. he reminded himself, trying to keep a steady head. Horseplace might not be ideal, but he knew it wasn't the worst place for him to be starting out after everything. There was food, shelter, and the cats had at least been decent enough to give him his space– save for that one idiot who'd insisted on bringing him food and talking his ear off.
Cold hated how much he'd looked forward to it each day, to the point where he'd made sure to get up with the sun that morning in order to slip away from his usual spot. If Dandy went looking for him there to deliver breakfast, he wouldn't find the yellow-eyed tabby there waiting. No, he was done with that. Needed to feel some kind of control over his own life and not like he was some fucking victim or charity case, even if a part of him was sickening grateful for the moment of reprieve. For a chance to fall apart, and than forget about it for a bit while some odd-eyed barncat droned on about how so-an-so got a pinecone stuck in their tail.
So the young, scratched up tom made his way toward the large structure the other cats called 'the barn', ready to let the past die and to focus on the future; and right now, that was familiarising himself with his new, temporary haunt.
loner/future windclan- apprentice - male - a tall, muscular dark grey tabby with yellow eyes