Closed ThunderClan ShadowClan DAMAGE GETS DONE ★ CLOSED + CHOSEN


angel, hold me
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split clan double litter — closes december 30th

Our story begins in the Colony, but it does not end there. Frond and Ember have been mates for some time now, loving and defensive in equal measure, a tremulous love that had become truly part of their lives. These litters were planned with love and forethought, the logical next step for the two she-cats, but the sudden harshness of the changing seasons has left the two mates frazzled and fraying. Neither could have foreseen what is to come: when the Clans split, so will they— and so will their kits.


Kits will currently be chosen on December 31.
After being born, kits will jump to 1 moon and age realtime on the 1st.
Please include the standard info for your forms: Name, pronouns, appearance, personality, any future plots. Any depth of form is fine, just indicate if you consider it finished enough for choosing!


shadowclan, played by tba
shadowclan, played by tba
thunderclan, played by tba
thunderclan, played by tba

  • As ShadowClan heads for the marshlands, @ember grapples with her newly-ended relationship. She finds help in an unexpected place: her rival, @Scorpiontear. Ember allows him to co-parent, slowly growing used to their new life in the marshlands, and the two will eventually find their relationship turning into more than friendship as the kits grow ...
    Ember's kits will be raised on the assumption that Frond's kits are their (estranged) siblings, and will be expected to treat their ThunderClan kin civilly.
    It is likely that Ember and Scorpion will raise reactive, volatile kits. As they grow, their parents will have strict expectations of their behaviour. Despite a potentially tense dynamic, they will be loved.

    — thanks eden!
    sh black tortoiseshell w/ low white & vitiligo (c. dilute) x sh black ticked tabby w/ low white (mask mackerel, c. lh, cinnamon, dilute)

    AMAB: black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, red tabby, cream tabby
    AFAB: black, black tabby, black tortoiseshell, black torbie, blue, blue tabby, blue-cream tortoiseshell, or blue-cream torbie

    — kits will be shorthair (can carry longhair).
    — tabby kits will present as ticked tabby (will carry non-ticked and mask mackerel).
    — kits can have any amount of white.
    — kits may inherit vitiligo. this may show after XX moons.
    — black-based kits can carry cinnamon. non-dilute kits can carry dilute. tabby kits can carry solid.


    For Frond (cream / dilute pelt): Light, Soft, Fern, Frond, Moon
    For ShadowClan (dark furred): Dark, Night, Marsh, Ice, Frog
    Genetics surprise (red kits): Crimson, Fire
    Avoid: Used prefixes in ShadowClan or ThunderClan


    Any of the following names / appearances!
    — Marsh, black ticked tabby w/ white locket
    — Ice, blue solid w/ no white
    — Night, black solid w/ no white
    — Moon, blue ticked torbie w/ high white

  • ThunderClan's retreat to the oak forest has taken its toll on @Frond. She will lean heavily on her friend @plumestrike to pick up the slack left by her absent mate. While Plume is the biological father of the kittens, Frond will not consider him as a primary caretaker until much later, after their friendship turns into budding romance.
    Frond is deaf (currently at about moderate hearing loss, but her hearing will continue to deteriorate as she gets older) and so she will communicate with her children primarily through her own version of kitty sign language.
    Related: these kits (if not deaf themselves) will be the children of one deaf parent (Frond) and one hearing parent (Plume).

    — by loki!
    cream tabby x cream tabby w low white
    Kits can be ... cream tabby or cream tabby with white !! riveting i know
    while i prefer realistic genetics (in this case a clone litter), players are allowed to stray from the proposed litter to make / use designs they may be more interested in.

    — Frond's hearing loss is most likely genetic, and can pass down to her children. As per site rules and general courtesy, please research congenital hearing loss (if not already familiar / experiencing it) in order to be as respectful as possible when writing. We also have a few D/deaf people onsite who may be willing to assist with questions on the condition!


    Frond will most likely not name her kits at birth, and will ask others to assist in this. Please note in your form if you have a name that you want picked out for your kit in the end!


    — Aspirational names like Hope, Heart, or Bud.

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i am bc tracking with a possible app… lemme cook

TBNkit shadowclan kit

Light bounces off of morning dew and glitters in the dark of ShadowClan's pine forest. Songbirds flit through needled branches and call to each other in the early light. It's a lovely, quiet sight - interrupted by lilting laughter and obvious pawsteps. A patched she-cat walks beside what seems to be her kin, alike in stature and pelt. The she-cat is blabbering loudly and gesturing widely with her tail and head. She is nudging her companion with her shoulder and laughing at what seems to be her own joke. The birds call a warning and flitter away, much to the chagrin of the she-cat's companion. She does not seem to care until she notices the look on their face. "Oh! Did I do something wrong? I really didn't mean to! Please don't be mad!" Her eyes grow round and wet with oncoming tears. Her kin rolls their eyes and shakes their head to dismiss her concerns. They move on further into the territory with her continuing to blabber away any prey.
  • TBNkit
    ↪ Named for light patches on her pelt and her bright personality
    ↪ you are welcome to name her! i love the name light in the name suggestions, and i think some others that could fit are bright, twinkle, or dew!
    Age: xx
    Gender: AFAB she/her
    Orientation: TBD

    TBDkit is a funny little thing. A blue and cream torbie with white splotches covering her body. Her most notable white patch is the one that covers her right eye. White also covers her chest and tail tip, a much normal coloring. Her orange pelt only glimpses through her blue pelt in patches, as if a burst of sun was peaking through a cloudy day. Her eyes are round and usually bright with laughter. They're colored a bright green with a darker hue lining her pupil. In her adult years, she'll be round and short statured, a very welcoming and warm sight.


    TBDkit is a burst of light within ShadowClan. Ever the optimist and always finding joy in gloom, she is constantly bouncing from cat to cat in camp with jokes and questions. As a kit, she'll be inquisitive and quite the chatterbox. She will love to talk her parents' ears off and constantly pester her sibling to play. This is a cute habit for a kit, and she soaks up all the love and attention she receives from passersby.
    As an apprentice, she will be a terrible student. She'll prefer to gossip and share tongues all day instead of actually work. If her mentor pushes enough, she will be happy to please, though. They may receive a handful of whines from her, but enough disappointed glares and she'll cave to train without
    a peep. She is a romantic and heart and will develop several crushes in her childhood. Of course, all fizzle out, but she will expect each one to last for the rest of their lives. She openly cries over every "heartbreak", but will quickly recover as her next crush develops. She will openly manipulate others to do her bidding. Most are simple, harmless tasks. Grab a piece of prey for her, do her dawn patrol, etc. It's a nasty habit, though, that she never truly grows out of.
    some plots i have planned WHICH MAY OR MAY NOT COME TO FRUITION
    - she will definitely not understand why being halfclan is so bad. if she gets bullied for it/looked down upon, she'll ignore it all and be happy that her parents found love! she will also be super fond of her adopted parent, Scorpion! she definitely adopts the fawn response to scorpion and frond's parenting style, though. aims to please and puts her own feelings behind her. leads to a lot of repressed feelings and ignored red flags, yknow?
    - will become a queen and probably stay a permaqueen! she'll barely become a warrior after skirting by in her warrior test, and never really enjoy or feel fulfilled by her time as a warrior. once she has her first litter and feels finally fulfilled raising her kits, she'll request to stay a queen!
    - now i lowkey want her heart broken by whoever rears her first litter. maybe they're a rogue or ANOTHER CROSSCLAN LITTER!! either way they'll leave her or break up with her right before the kits are born. this will make love really hard for her to find in the future. she wants to find love and start a new family, so someone will have to really be sweet to her in order to convince her to open her heart again.

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this is a wip! it's mostly done so you can get a grip on her to start but i am changing a couple things (as this is an adaption of a kit i've had in my mind for a while!)


(Pronouns here and in other spots will be she/her, as it is descriptive of her before her transition.)
Paladin is a taller-standing kit- she will be born large, Dappled blacks are interrupted with ticked orange. Her fur will be difficult to groom at a young aged, thick and easily tangled, but with a steady diet of fresh prey, it becomes easier to manage. Crimson will quickly acquire muscle mass, the bigger out of the litter, and thanks to both parents it seems to come genetically easy.

Crimson's body shape will be standing tall, even amongst her kin, with handsome and sharp features making it clear where her heritage lays- but she carries herself like a prideful warrior with her head held high. Deserving of her station, or something like that, is why she does so- prideful steps and an attempt at being graceful will follow her through kithood.

Perhaps the most curious thing about Crimson when you first look at her is the shape of her first and foremost- through much of kithood, it will be unkempt, but heading into apprenticeship and the rest of her life will it be cared for- is the tufting of hair along the spine of her head, heading down the back of her neck that blends into the short mane. It looks akin to the pluming upon a medieval helmet, or roaching on a horse's mane.

Her body is a blend of dark and light, seemingly at war in a number of ways. Night takes the most of her body, the inky dark unrusting in sunlight and sure to be hot during greenleaf. Orange covers half of her face, almost as if paper had been ripped away to reveal a painting beneath- ticked tabby patterns swirl over the left half of her face. The only other spot this is obvious on is her tail, as if Starclan had writ themselves that she should be Shadowclan dominated, over Thunderclan's 'light'.

KIT - STRICT, SERIOUS, LISTENER, FORMATION OF OATH, INTENTIONAL. It will be clear from a young age that Crimson is not all play before apprenticeship. It seems from the moment that she can listen and move, she's drawn more to teachings of Starclan, of talon and fang, watching apprentices spar in camp, and hearing tales from the eldest of their warriors- she's on the slower side, not all rambunctious and movement, but find joy in figuring out why a cat did something- she finds joy in the why and how, rather then the what.

Despite this, at a young age, she'll want to be near her parents as much as she can- almost... crestfallen, if they go back to work and she is delegated to another caregiver's attention. Crimson will start to form their oath here. She believes that if she can demonstrate greatness, following the code and her oath to a T, she'll become the prize kit. This isn't to say she's competitive for the attention, but rather just recognition of her to-be-talents.

APPRENTICE - STRICT, SERIOUS, FOLLOWER, LISTENER, OATHFUL, INTENTIONAL, WRATHFUL, JUST, VOLATILE. Much is the same as she becomes an apprentice- a lack of her 'sire'-esque attention means she leans into what she knows. A code, a moral compass, of things to do- and in order to protect the sick and weak, she must become strong, right? She follows orders, listens more then she speaks. Her 'blade', so to speak, is put to metal, training-focused and intent on learning all she can. She frowns upon other apprentice's antics, will tattle on others, finding their lack of faith and attention in their training disheartening.

To tack onto this, given the strained relationship between her parents, she may become more volatile as she progresses. This leads into 'THAT NOT OF A PALADIN' nicely, starting to give an edge to her agitation, to her feelings of frustrations.

WARRIOR - SERIOUS, OATHFUL, INTENTIONAL, WRATHFUL, JUST?, LOSS OF PATH. As she becomes a warrior, she will also become a he, 'TRANSITION' in plots begins to happen. A loss of identity will also stack with 'THAT NOT OF A PALADIN,' and he loses his ways. I'm leaving much of this up to ear still, due to not having cemented plots, but a lot of it will incur a major personality change- however, Crimson won't lose his skills or talents, and may still be revered for inheriting his sire's battle and ground strength.

NOTE // I may change pronouns personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // LOSS OF ANY FAMILY - It may just destroy her.
  • FEAR // LOSS OF MORAL COMPASS - This is tied into a lot of plots, but the reasoning will mean a loss of the rules she's lived her entire life by.
  • FEAR // HEIGHTS - Why? I just thought it'd be funny for Crimson to be afraid of heights. It'll lend to a lack of strength climbing, but strengthen her ground-work in turn.
  • INSPRIATION // HER CLAN - Born from great strife, and being fed and told that Shadowclan was in the right from the start will lead her down the road of very solid belief in them.
  • INSPRIATION // HER OWN STRENGTHS - As she comes into apprenticeship, she'll realize she has advantages- taller, stronger. Ahead of the curve in terms of her mental age. She will play to these strengths, and it may make her a hint cocky, tango-ing with 'PALADIN' in terms of being humble through the oath.
  • PALADIN // Oath / Moral code / Devotion to Starclan and Shadowclan / General application of 'WRATH' and 'JUSTICE'.
  • VISUALS OF ARMOR // Much of what will be in her pinterest will be armored or masked individuals, a callback to their hidden plot and who they'll turn into.
  • CURSES - THE CRANE WIVES // 'There's still cobwebs in the corners, and the backyard's full of bones,'
  • ARSONIST'S LULLABYE - HOZIER // 'I learned the voices died with me / Don't you ever, tame your demon, but always keep 'em on a leash' A head-nod to their virtue of justice keeping their sin of wrath on a leash.
  • WHEEL OF TIME - BLIND GUARDIAN // 'Twice I'll be marked and, Twice I shall die,' Once for a life as a paladin, once for life as a thiscomeslater
  • THE GOD I DESERVE - LIGHT THE TORCH // 'We are forsaken, Can you hear me? I've been calling' Loss of Starclan's touch after breaking their Oath.
  • 'PALADIN' // As a paladin archetype character, she will have a moral code she applies to herself, her actions, and her words. This will be better detailed in her tags, but it is essentially, 'Never kill another cat ; Do no undue harm ; Help all those you can ; Place all faith in Starclan ; Do not turn your back on those in need.' It is good to note here that she WILL be a devote Starclan-follower... for now.
  • SIN OF WRATH // The sin of wrath is something that Paladin will carry with them in their soul. This has a specific plot that will end in a major change of archetype, where their oath will be broken. They are wrathful to those who deserve, in fights with enemies.
  • VIRTUE OF JUSTICE // The virtue of justice balances out with the sin of wrath, and keeps Crimson from doing undue harm- there will be instances of her pulling away from torturing or killing enemies because of this virtue. This will be lost when their oath is broken.
  • THAT NOT OF A PALADIN // This is what comes after their oath being broken. There will be a major personality shift, one where their identity will be lost and require a total rebuild. I am toying with the idea of bringing the Dark Forest into the means of the fall, but we'll see how that pans out/who's available to a long-run plot there. (This also depends on where the site is with all of that as well!)
  • TRANSITION // Laced in with all of these issues will be a transition from cisgender to transgender- she will become he, and I intend to play this out with this character. She/her in her kithood/apprenticeship, figuring out she as he later in apprenticeship into warriorhood. 'Starclan created me as a she-cat... why do I feel wrong about that? Shouldn't they know best?
  • NAMES // In regards to naming, having an opposing name to her sibling is a fun concept, or one that pairs with the sibling! This doesn't have to happen if chosen otherwise.
  • SIBLING RELATIONSHIP // I plan to interweave the 'PALADIN' in with the other character's archetype- a knight, they would butt heads with. A poet, they'd seem at odds with but is actually close to them. A prince or princess, they'd be destined to protect, and so on and so forth.
  • LINKS // toyhouse ; playlist ; pinterest
Here I'll denote most of her moral code. It's subject to change as time goes on before she swears her oath.​
  • ONE // Respect legitimate authority and elders.
  • TWO // Act with honor. (Not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth.)
  • THREE // Help those in need.
  • FOUR // Punish those who harm of threaten innocents.
  • FIVE // Never kill.
  • SIX // Stay true to Starclan, and believe in them. Never stray.
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  • ashitaka by dallas.png
    Genetics; short haired blue tabby with a somatic mutation on her right paw, giving her one black 'sock'. As a kit she'll be relatively small, and she'll grow up to be smaller than average. Quick as a rabbit and lithe. Maybe a little vain at times, serious about grooming and keeping her fur neat and free of matting.

    Name; icekit or nightkit, open to either! (if crimsonkit ends up being her sibling, icekit could be fun…opposite names…)

    Gender/sexuality; afab, might change pronouns as rp happens..could see her being genderfluid she/he at some point...future mean lesbian


    KIT: PLAYFUL, EMOTIONAL, EAGER. She's fiercely defensive of her family and her place in shadowclan, and won't have anyone talking bad about her moms(or future coparents). Her sibling will be her confidante, and depending on what they're like, she'll probably try to convince them to get into hijinks together as kits, like sneaking out of the camp to go explore at night. Behind it all, she might be a little insecure about her place and the circumstances of her birth, but she hides it well and it gives her a fierce drive to prove herself to her clan mates.

    APPRENTICE: HOTHEADED, EAGER, MISCHIEVOUS. She'll be eager to learn but quick to anger when things don't go her way, and patience will have to be a learned skill for her. As an apprentice she'll gain more of a sense of responsibility, the expectations of her parents on her shoulders. She wants to prove herself.
    A lot I think will develop as rp happens, as the reactions/feelings of her clanmates will either make her feel more defensive or more comfortable with her place in shadowclan. If they doubt her, she's likely to want to do something to prove her loyalty.

    WARRIOR: VOLATILE, DEVIOUS, LOYAL. She's likely to grow up into a stereotypical shadowclan cat, very snarky– but not evil at heart. Her parents and clanmates will tell her they were in the right when the colony split, and she will believe them, letting them guide her sense of morality.

    Some more notes on future plot points: a lot of it will be played by ear or stc, but I hope the above gives you a general idea of the direction I'd like to take her…

  • barnowl by muddly.png
    Genetics; cream tabby. Whether he has Frond's hearing loss I haven't actually decided, but I'm definitely open to it happening as rp progresses. If chosen, I'll do more research, and mayb we can decide together what path to take!

    Name; hopekit, or maybe downykit… no strong preference, so also open to him being named icky.

    Gender/sexuality; amab


    KIT: QUIET, CAREFUL, ANXIOUS. As a result of his mother mostly talking to him through kitty sign language, I imagine he'll naturally grow up as a relatively quiet kit. When he speaks he's soft spoken, and he's got a gentle persuasion even as a kit, and this will probably stick as he grows up.

    APPRENTICE: SHY, QUIET, CAREFUL. Depending on the mentor he gets, he might come out of his shell as an apprentice, growing a little bolder and more outspoken at their encouragement. He may have a hard time making friends outside of his family, as his disposition makes it hard for him to approach cats first.

    WARRIOR: INTROVERTED, PATIENT, KIND. Extremely caring and devoted to his family and loved ones. With the right encouragement, he'll grow into a loyal and kindhearted warrior. Again, things will be played by ear, but I imagine that he probably won't be very fond of fighting, preferring to hunt and gather and help around the camp.

    Some more notes on future plot points: same as for icekit– a lot of it will be played by ear or stc, but I hope the above gives you a general idea of the direction I'd like to take him !

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Reactions: mercibun

  • alternative names . . . thicketkit , lightkit
    dmab / he/him / sexuality undetermined
    born january 1st, 2025 / capricorn / ages every 1st
    0 moons old / kit of shadowclan
  • appears to be . . . a short-haired cream tabby with white
    named for . . . the pale striping of his coat
    genetically . . .

    reference pending
    here's a picrew for now [pretend it's creamier ok the options were limited]
  • [ an emotional storm , sanctimonious judge , heaven-sent executioner ]

    fernkit is a whirlwind of feelings... even from a tiny age he struggles to find a way to be... crying for attention one moment, shoving away touch the next, furious in the face of getting what he'd asked for but a moment prior and then miserable to have been abandoned despite his demands for isolation. he can reach deeply into his emotions to empathize with others, rooting to those that share themselves with him like a suffocating vine that wraps too tight too quickly. he flounders for the spotlight, to be recognized intensely in a family that feels superficial and uncertain.

    having nothing else consistent to cling to, fernkit lunges for the stability of law and order. those who do not follow the neatly-laid criteria are subject to scrutiny though he himself wails for forgiveness when he falls out of line himself. it is the only way to survive, to abhor the sinner and beg for mercy when he stumbles upon sin himself.

    growing into his vindictive and judgmental nature, fern will impose a role of militant justiciar unto himself. his family in thunderclan will be graced with a thin layer of loyalty and vow to avenge their wrongdoers, whoever they may be... but his relationship with his kin in shadowclan will always be tended to with greater care and priority.
  • fernkit does not struggle with the extroversion involved in meeting others and introducing himself... friendships are a far more fickle thing. they're something to strive for but nothing so straight forward that he excels at. the truth is he values the presence of his family more than strangers, familiar with tales of the colony and how it all seemed to fall apart. if something so established and grand can crumble, surely thin ties like friends are just as prone to breaking. he provides a very surface level version of himself to most others, diving deeper only when facing vulnerable uncertainty. he doesn't often share his heart, subscribing to the nature of shadowclan as sable has built it; there is strength in stoicism and not allowing your humanity to stand in the way of duty.
  • skills and plots
    strength; 8
    wisdom; 7
    charisma; 5
    intelligence; 7
    dexterity; 9
    *subject to change

    [ mother mirror ] - silly baby plot
    fern, knowing of frond, will do his best to steal what his favorite parts of her personality are. the ones that she exposes to him in passing interactions are things he clings to with desperation in the vain hope he might be able to do something to bring his parents back together. who CARES that they're both courting other cats right now? he could have TWO moms and TWO dads! will suggest to one of his thunderclan siblings that they should "swap for a day since they look similar enough" [parent trap your honor it's just parent trap]

    [ ember watcher ] - good ending
    fern's volatility growing up will be shaped and honed into something meaningful... a protector, an advocate... and true representative of the good intent behind shadowclan's formation. reliability and perseverance in the face of danger and a willingness to make tough decision when called for. he'll still be prone to his spitfire tendencies, easy to stoke the flame of frustration and vengeance but often in the name of others rather than himself. a champion of fiery disposition.. so long as the flame is not snuffed out before it can really burn.

    [ vigilante ] - neutral ending
    fern will come to realize in his lifetime that life isn't fair... promises go broken... and everyone always has their own best interests at heart. betrayal will stick like quills into his skin and while the wounds themselves will heal, the poison of his anger will never subside. this cat has created an enemy in fern... and his lacking control will see it to a violent conclusion

    [ blood thirster ] - bad ending
    the first time fern draws blood will awaken a revelation of what power every cat holds in their paws. he is keen to seek that thrill again, to play judge, jury and executioner and will always rush to draw blood as a resolution. it isn't until he is confronted with his own morality that he grows more tactical... thoughtful... patient... and ultimately humbled. he will choose his fights more wisely and will hunger for someone with his same eagerness for control; a partner in crime.
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My brain is small and plots are tiny... But I wish to apply for a TC kitten!

Name: Heartkit

Appearance: CLICKY CLICK
Heartkit is a small, sturdy brown tabby with a soft, velvety coat marked by dark, symmetrical stripes. Her fur lightens to a warm caramel hue on her chest and underbelly, creating the impression of a heart-shaped patch just above her paws. She has large, expressive amber eyes that gleam with curiosity and a faint pink nose that twitches when she's deep in thought. Her tail is long and often held high, reflecting her cautious optimism.

Heartkit is a gentle and intuitive soul, shaped by her bond with her deaf mother. She's quick to adapt to others' needs and emotions, often putting their well-being above her own. Though quiet and observant, she has an innate warmth that draws others to her, making her a natural peacemaker. Despite her tender nature, she has a streak of fierce determination when it comes to protecting her loved ones.

  • Empathetic Listener: Heartkit has a deep understanding of emotions and excels at comforting others.
  • Creative Communicator: Growing up with a deaf mother, she's developed a unique way of combining gestures, tail signals, and touch to communicate effectively.
  • Quick Learner: Her observant nature allows her to pick up on new skills and strategies quickly.
  • Conflict Avoidance: Heartkit dislikes confrontation and may struggle to assert herself in disagreements.
  • Self-Sacrificing: She often prioritizes others' needs over her own, leading to potential burnout.
  • Timid: While brave in defense of others, she can be hesitant to step out of her comfort zone.
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Reactions: mercibun
this litter will close in about 10 hours and the announcements will go up some point tomorrow<333 thank you for the interest so far!!!
may make edits BUT i consider this done enough for consideration

[ name options; firekit, flamekit, lightkit, torchkit*, nightkit, icekit, darkkit ]

PRONOUNS —————— they/heORIENTATION ———— unknown
CLAN ————————— shadowclanRANK —————————— kit
MATE ——————————— noneAPPRENTICE —————— none

" this haze around my face makes me feel all alone
i know you see me standing still
but when our fingers touch, i feel my way back home "

a fluffy cryptic tortie with warm brown eyes.
→ lh tortoiseshell
→ brown eyes
APPEARANCE tbnkit has an imposing yet elegant appearance, with a long, dark coat that exudes an air of mystery. his fur is a deep black, almost absorbing the light around it, and it cascades in loose, natural curls, giving him a textured, heavy look. the curls are most prominent around his chest, face, and tail, adding a dramatic flair to his otherwise sleek silhouette. the fur along his body is thick and dense, contributing to a sense of rugged sophistication, while his long, curling tail trails behind like a plume of smoke, emphasizing his graceful yet commanding presence. his most striking feature is the fiery red markings that accentuate his face and parts of his body. these markings take the form of soft curls and wisps, blending seamlessly with his dark fur, creating a sense of natural flow. the red curls frame his face like flickering flames, drawing attention to his sharp, intelligent features. they curl outward along his cheeks and forehead, enhancing the angularity of his expressions while providing a stark contrast to his black fur. these vivid accents also appear subtly on his chest and tail, further contributing to his fiery, almost otherworldly aura.

tbnkit's face is refined and symmetrical, with large, expressive eyes that seem to glimmer with a soft glow. his eyes are a warm, brownish-orange hue, complementing the fiery markings and giving him a piercing, almost hypnotic gaze. his ears are large and pointed, standing tall and alert atop his head. the inner fur of his ears is dark, blending seamlessly with his black coat, while the sharp points contribute to his watchful and attentive demeanor. his body is sturdy and muscular, suggesting strength beneath his elegant exterior. his legs are long and powerful, ending in broad paws that ground him in an aura of quiet confidence. despite his strength, his posture is relaxed and poised, exuding an effortless grace that commands attention. his movements are likely fluid and deliberate, reflecting a creature that is as agile as he is strong.

overall, he embodies a striking balance of beauty and strength. the intricate mixing between his dark coat and fiery red accents creates a unique and unforgettable appearance, as though he were a living embodiment of a stormy night lit by flashes of fire. his intense gaze and elegant posture hint at intelligence and depth, suggesting a personality that is as dynamic as his appearance. whether in motion or still, tbnkit carries an undeniable presence, blending power, elegance, and a touch of the ethereal into one harmonious being.

+ resilient / + inspirational / + empathetic
` measured / ` curious / ` reflective
- overly cautious / - idealistic / - detached
PERSONALITY tbnkit is a kitten with a quiet yet unmistakable presence, a young soul who seems older than their moons. from the moment they open their eyes, there is something deliberate about the way they observe the world around them, as if already aware of the weight it could carry. though tbnkit does not seek the center of attention, their calm demeanor and thoughtful actions often draw others to them, like moths to a flame. where many kits are boundlessly playful and carefree, tbnkit carries a subtle intensity. they do enjoy games with their littermates and other kits, but their approach is less chaotic and more measured. they're often the one setting up the rules for a game or stepping in to mediate when disputes arise. other kits might trust them instinctively, sensing an innate fairness and a desire to help rather than dominate. one of tbnkit's most notable traits is their capacity to inspire. even at a young age, they seem to have a knack for finding the right words—or the right silences—to lift the spirits of others. when a denmate feels left out, tbnkit will nudge them into the group with an unassuming grace. when an elder tells stories of past hardships, tbnkit listens intently, their gaze steady and filled with empathy. their presence is a quiet reassurance, a reminder that brighter days lie ahead even when the present feels bleak.

despite their gentle demeanor, tbnkit is no stranger to resolve. once they set their mind to something, their determination is steadfast. whether it's mastering the pounce they've seen the apprentices practice or standing up to a bossy denmate on behalf of another kit, tbnkit is quietly unshakable. this resilience doesn't come from brashness or a desire to prove themselves, but rather from a deep belief in doing what feels right. tbnkit is also remarkably perceptive for their age. they have a talent for reading the emotions of others, picking up on the subtle signs of unease or sorrow that others might overlook. this sensitivity doesn't lead to intrusion; instead, tbnkit provides support in the way that suits the other cat best—whether it's offering to share a moss ball or simply sitting beside them in companionable silence. curiosity burns within tbnkit, but it's a curiosity tempered by patience. they don't rush headlong into every new experience but instead approach the world with deliberate care. they ask thoughtful questions of the warriors and apprentices, eager to learn not just the how of clan life but the why. what drives loyalty? how do warriors face their fears? what does it mean to be brave? these questions often swirl in tbnkit's mind, shaping their dreams of the future. though they are still young,

tbnkit's future as a warrior seems destined to be one of quiet but profound impact. they are the kind of cat who will one day guide their clanmates through difficult times—not with loud speeches or bold declarations, but with an unshakable inner light and a steadfast belief in the strength of others. for now, though, tbnkit remains a small flame in the nursery, flickering steadily, ready to grow into a blaze when the time is right.

that's it so far
HISTORY description of history when it happens

  • intelligence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    confidence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    empathy ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    humor ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    emotional ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    wisdom ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    charisma ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    creativity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    luck ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    logical ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎

    strength ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    stamina ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    offensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    skill ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    physical health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    dexterity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    endurance ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    defensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    skill ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    mental health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎

    tbnkit will not start fights but will end fights. he will not flee but will show mercy.

    battle info

    scent and voice. peaceful powerplay allowed.
    this is from noia's site codes
  • tbnkit was born to ember and frond. his siblings are tbd, tbd, and tbd.

    tbnkit is currently too young to have a mate or kits. he is too young to have a mentor or apprentice.

    views on others/relationships go here
    this is from noia's site codes

Thank you all for applying and for showing interest in this litter!! I hope we get to see these characters around regardless of whether they were picked or not<333

Now, without further ado:

The ShadowClan-bound will be @muddly with Lightkit and @dallas with Nightkit!

The ThunderClan kits will be @teddy with Hopekit and @lionharted with Heartkit!