TW: descriptions of abuse, death, child death (it's not gone into detail but still wanted to put a warning up)
NAME: Darkthorn (Darkstar)
AGE (AT DEATH): 50 moons
PREVIOUS RANK: Leader/Deputy or Warrior
APPEARANCE: Long haired black chocolate chimera with sectoral heterochromia. A molly who is a reflection of all those he came before her. She bears her father's dark pelt and a glimmer of said father can be found within her amber eye. Due to her Ragdoll genetics, she is a bit bigger than average, bearing mitted markings as well. Those with the knowledge of his grandfather or those who live in Thunderclan could see that she bears a resemblance to the late leader. As she grows into an adult she will bear a much smaller mane in comparison to her grandfather, but it is evident that bits of the late Thunderclan leader can be found within her. While she doesn't share warmer features as her grandfather such as their round eyes, there is no mistake. She has her grandfather's deep and intense blue eye. However, there is another who is reflected in her eyes. It is none other than his grandmother. It's as if she claimed her eyes as her own. The vibrant green found in both of her eyes. Such a sight can be startling. The molly is aware of this and hisses towards those who comment on her eyes.
Despite the fact that many would see her father along with her grandparents at first glance, the girl has her mother's build. It is subtle in comparison, but she is as powerfully built as her. With broad shoulders and bigger than average paws. Her head triangle as her own. The tufts on her cheeks are akin to her own as well. The two white paws and white muzzle are all thanks to her as well.
PERSONALITY: Sadistic, Intelligent, Abrasive, Sarcastic, Baneful, Spiteful, Clever, Ambitious, Impressionable, Manipulative, Resentful, Evasive, Informal, Risk-averse, Meticulous, Judgmental, Opportunist, Violent
LIFE: Perhaps once she had been an honorable cat who despite her ambitions was loyal to Riverclan alone. She had excelled in her training and it seemed like she was a prodigy as she had become a warrior a moon earlier than usual. The copious amounts of praise she received only made her more certain that she was one of the most important cats in clan, and that it was up to her to become Riverclan's future leader. If she led Riverclan then she would lead their clan through a path of glory. One where no other clans would dare to lay a claw on them from fear of their might and wit. Love, unfortunately left a dent in her plan. She became mates with another Riverclan warrior and all seemed well. Everyone was glad that she seemed to be mellowing out, and even expecting kits. However, she noticed her mates absence and lack of intimacy. Eventually she gave birth to three kittens, but still her mate drew away from her. And so she decided to find the reason as to why he was so distant. And it was then she snuck out and witnessed her mate with another she-cat. She too had a swollen belly, but she was of Thunderclan. After what transpired, the seed of hatred was planted in her belly. She never was the same after that. A terror was unleashed upon Riverclan like none had ever seen.
CRIMES: Drowned a pregnant mother. Orchestrated the death of her mate via foxes. Killed her own kits (they were apprentices at the time of death) and blamed it on dogs. Went out of her way to start fight with other clans, brutally maiming cats or killing them in the process. Was abusive to her apprentice, leaving them with scars and bruises. Eventually said apprentice fled Riverclan. Killed multiple clanmates for being a little to friendly with cats outside of Riverclan. Refused to help kits in need and left them to die, even if they were riverclan born.
MANNER OF (FINAL) DEATH: In a battle between River and Thunderclan, she had been betrayed by a clanmate. She had sustained numerous injuries in the battle against Thunderclan, even taking a few of their lives. The one who had betrayed her had a Thunderclan lover, the very same cat who she just finished killing. Not expecting a Riverclanner to attack her in the midst of battle she was pushed and split her head against the rock. It was not enough to kill, what had ended it all for her was the rockfall that followed. She had been crushed to death. And not one cat mourned her or even bothered to recover her lifeless body.
OTHER: Insert heyyy heeyyy audio, i definitely not put riverclan leader because there's a 50% chance no way... giggles