Closed Dark Forest Adopts

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we have to burn
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Character Hub

The Dark Forest has risen alongside StarClan and while the stars have earned new members to bolster their ranks no cat yet has been cruel enough to be sent to the depths. Fleecefur, seeing a bid for power, pushes to raise ShadowClan and take control of a part of the forest. She will need aid in doing so so she travels the winding twisting forests of thorns to seek out the ancient souls who rest within it. Together they can take back what they are rightfully due: their time in the sun.

  • The cats for these adopts come from a time prior to the original clans that fell. They will not be related to those. [Ex - You can't be Graystripe's great great grandfather etc...]
  • These cats can have been previous HPs in their past lives, even leaders but please apply with them with warrior names and the optional other ranks they might've been.
  • The form is a free-for-all, include the following basics: Name, Previous Clan, Previous Rank (Optional other ranks that must be approved), appearance, personality, what they did to end up here, how they died...
  • You need to be approved just to confirm ranking, but it's mostly FCFS!
  • These DO NOT REQUIRE CHECK-INS nor does your PREFIX need to be claimed, these cats are dead! You do have to wait on approval from me for the rank though and so I can catch illegal names/genetics :3
Remember to check out The Guide to the Afterlife to double check more details on the Dark Forest and how your cat may look. Keep in mind that, unlike StarClan who lets a cat appear as they were happiest, the Dark Forest locks them into the form they were when they died, injuries and all...

Former Deputy of ShadowClan
Former Deputy of WindClan
Former Meddie of ThunderClan
Former Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
Former Warrior of RiverClan
Former Night Guard of ShadowClan
Former Warrior of WindClan
Former Warrior of WindClan
Former Warrior of ThunderClan
Former Warrior of ShadowClan
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ghostwail / windclan warrior (deputy ??? idk swing it how u want) / a skeletal dingy white she-cat with unnerving albino-pink eyes
conniving / obsessive / opportunistic / sadistic / straight up evil
- murdered windclan's deputy for perceived disloyalty
- stole a child from it's mother (killed said mother in front of child)
- went out of her way to target and brutally attack and maim cats outside of windclan territory
- kidnapped children from other clans in order to bait certain factions into war
- mercilessly attacked and destroyed the reputation of her clanmates as punishment for perceived disloyalty to windclan

- killed by the child she stole in retaliation for years of psychological damage.... and also the whole killing his mom in front of him thing
Stagjaw, Former Medicine Cat of Thunderclan (Alternately: Former Warrior of ThunderClan)
• He/him, died at 38 moons.
• A scruffy, deerlike tom of average height with a white-freckled brown pelt and a black half-face marking. One eye is a blue so dark it nears black, while the other is a light grey-blue. REF.
• As a Dark Forest resident, his shaggy fur conceals a few gruesome wounds; most prominently, his neck sits at a slightly odd angle and often appears to move a little too loosely on its hinge.
• A deeply complicated, highly intelligent cat who struggles, even in death, to conform to social norms. He tends to refrain from eye contact in everyday interaction and often makes strange observations that may be inappropriate for the situation; he can be arrogant and even cruel. He is gifted with an innate empathy (waiting to see if this can be the actual power of empathy) that allows him to place himself in the paws of other cats in vivid, often disturbing, detail. The line between the veil of humanity he occasionally wears and who he actually is often blurs, usually to the point that even he cannot distinguish the two. His ability to put himself in oft-upsetting perspectives feeds into his darker nature, which manifests in violent visions and urges. Over the course of his life, his moral compass grew gradually bleaker with the aid of a former Clanmate's manipulation. While his moral waters are muddied, it would be fair to say he is a bad person struggling to be good rather than the inverse. By the time he reaches the Dark Forest, he is considerably more unstable and much closer to the hunter than the prey, despite his name.
• Aided a former Clanmate and serial killer in covering his tracks.
• Manipulated Clanmates in the interest of himself and aforementioned serial killer.
• Multiple attempted murders, including several of Clanmates under his care.
• At least one successful murder.
• Mutilation of a corpse.
• Cause of death: fell off a cliff, actual cause of death was a broken neck.
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still working on her but she's done enough to be considered!


willow for wispy, grey fur / mask for distinctive white markings.
─ former medicine cat of skyclan (alt: warrior of skyclan)
─ died at 52 moons from rabies complications.
─ she/her I think. might change
─ associated colour / text colour, for easy ref


─ lh blue smoke / lh albino chimera
─ skinny, with sunken eyes. appears older than she really is.
─ even in death, the vacant stare and slow drip of excess saliva remain. she seems to struggle with movement, as if forgetting that she can.


─ postmortem, willowmask is sometimes hard to reach. she has periods of vacancy, as if her mind is elsewhere or unable to quite breach the gap between it and her body.
─ when she is lucid, willowmask is quite a shrewd, well-spoken individual. she is keenly intelligent, but is prone to assuming the worst in others due to her own petty streak.
─ unapologetic about any of her warrior / med codebreaks. countless moons spent in the dark forest and its echo chamber of opinion have twisted her further into a "victim", who now believes the code is wrong in its entirety.


wiki dropdown tab reading "crimes": regular trespassing; unnecessary murder (including a leader at one point, though this was accidental); facilitating and covering up a crossclan litter (her littermate, aspentail, bore kits sired by a thunderclan tom).
─ a foaming fox attack is what made her sick. in the six or so moons between that and her death, she withdrew nearly entirely, apathy rendering her more of an assistant to her apprentice quickpetal than the other way around. unfortunately, due to her prior behaviour, this change is not something skyclan particularly minded.
─ twolegs noticed her on a routine patrol and captured her, ending her life so as not to infect the local cat population. it is currently unknown whether or not her sickness was passed on to any other skyclanners, but this was merely a small blip in the history of the clans.

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backstory is still sort of a wip but ! falconstar, known as falconheart NEW NAME JUST DROPPED; BLACKSNOW! in the darkforest, former leader warrior of riverclan. her fur is white, her paws and ears dipped in black, and her face shrouded by the same black color. in the dark forest, she appears with her death wound– a gaping hole in her chest with an exit through her back, that she got when one of her clanmates killed her by pushing her off the edge of something where she falls onto a spike. REF

plot blurb that i whipped up very quickly excuse the non-coherence
but basically i think she had a mate whom she loved very much, and she died somehow and she blamed starclan for her death and abandons starclan completely, spiralling into a grief fuelled insanity where she tries to impose her own warrior code and make her clanmates abandon starclan with her. at first some support her, but as her deputy questions her she deputises him and instead takes on a new deputy that supports her(possibly a sibling of her dead mate?) but as she spirals further and begins to talk about waging war on the other clans, making them see the 'truth' of starclans inability to do anything for them, by doing such fun things as poisoning their water supplies with rotting animals, leading dogs into their territory, spilling blood at fourtrees, her former deputy has enough and kills her<3 her new deputy that supported her flees, probably. again this is sort of subject to change but the important part is. former riverclan leader!
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Oooooo evil kitty time
- daenaerys from git inspired
- 'mother of stars' -> believed she was blessed/ destined by Starclan to bring the clan's together under her rule
- Leader of ____Clan
- Killed by her own lover, who was her deputy, who wanted to believe her but realized after Starclan denied her fate that she had to be stopped

More to come this is so bare bones since I'm at work
OOOO im gonna come back to this but watch this space I'm plotting and ill write up when I have a sec >:3

Edit: Guess what I'm BACK!!!! :3

Name: Froststorm (Formally known as Silverstorm, either a name he chose himself or was given in the dark forest)
- Silver- : Given for his shiny, grey coloured pelt
- Frost- : For his eternally cold-worn state, even for a dark forest cat, he brings a chill wherever he goes
- -Storm: For his passion and vigor that came with protecting his kin and clan; kept in the dark forest in memory of his lost kit named after him
(Ex)clan: Shadowclan (technically?? could change?? not steadfast so if he rolled hp throw him wherever DFGHJK); Formerly Warrior or Deputy
Description: A thin, long slate grey tom, with white on his stomach, muzzle and lower legs and sunken orange eyes. His back, face and what remains of his tail spotted with darker grey. Frostbite has worn away at his flesh, especially his paws and tail, which had begun to rot to the point large chunks of it sloughed off shortly before his death.

Brief backstory: Caught in a cross-clan love affair, his medicine cat mate fell pregnant, and after being exiled with the one living kit from the litter, she and the kit pass from the cold of leafbare. Having believed their relationship was blessed by Starclan, Silverstorm grew enraged and felt as if Starclan was testing him, that by enacting as they had to his family, his family would somehow be okay. Delirious from the cold, he kills the lone other queen from his mate's ex-clan and drowns her kits in nearby waters. He tries to see if Starclan has approved of what he had done, seeking the moonstone (I think we're at the moonstone if not correct me here LMAO) he dreams just as his mate had once before. Though the Stars are enraged and renounce what he did. In a fit of rage he seeks to repeat his actions once again, in seeking another clan's camp, the cold eats away at his skin and fur, giving him the frostbite he's later renamed for out of some sickening irony. But in seeking another clan, he breaks the ice of a covered water body and drowns after thrashing beneath the water. Now, after killing so many, seeking more to kill, all in the twisted belief it was for and requested by Starclan, he is sent to the dark forest. He says he has renounced Starclan, there is still some part within him that believes the cruelty he causes even after death is a bid to Starclan. Using other cats as a way to try and reach them and when that doesn't succeed tries to get them to turn away from their ancestors too, carrying on what he started.
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Houndbelly --> formally Houndcry, named for her anguished screams at over the death of her son, and Houndbelly again before that
↪others in the Dark Forrest may know her as Houndcry as it was her name at death, but she introduces herself as Houndbelly - unless it serves her agenda, of course

Hound- for the strength of dogs that her parents wished to impart; -belly for the kind temperament she had, and lost, as a young warrior
↪former deputy, council member, or warrior
↪Fleecefur need not travel far to find support

long-furred cryptic blue/cream tortoiseshell with low white, yellow eyes, and an open stomach
↪you would be laughed at and then forgiven for thinking Hound was a blue solid with low white. the majority of her pelt, where it is not white, is a dilute, blue-grey hue that almost resembles a wolf. cream only appears in glimpses - the bridge of the nose, the cradle of the eye, the back of the legs, the underside of the tail - that would be easy to attribute to a trick of the light. the white on her face carves out deep circles around her yellow eyes before swooping back to her jaw, giving the perpetual appearance of a grin, though the absence of the expression on her lips creates an unerring juxtaposition. this lack of colour leeches down her neck to her belly and the lower portion of her legs
↪ears perpetually pinned-back; thick tail sweeping the ground; calculated movements betraying the root nature of a predator. whether name, nature, or nurture have shaped her, Houndbelly emulates a wolf in her physical mannerisms, not just her pelt
↪her death wound leaks an impossible darkness where her entrails ought to swing. specks of it mar her underbelly

driven, single-minded, petty, mournful, matronly; a cruelty that flourishes where kindness now rots
↪perfectly capable of emulating niceness, as she once was kind - the difference being that her behaviour is now motivated by expectation and a need to be liked, rather than genuine care
↪holds a grudge like the lake bed holds water

forsook Starclan and knowingly caused unnecessary deaths
↪her only son was taken by an eagle as a kit. after spotting similar birds in Thunderclan's trees, she attributed his death to their paws, and to Starclan's for not intervening
↪rallied Shadowclan to war. when encouragement and battle cries weren't enough, framing Thunderclan for the death of a clanmate certainly helped; when battles with Thunderclan no longer satisfied, she turned to their allies; when none would follow her any longer, she turned on them as well
↪blatantly ignored the warrior code as it then was in furtherance of her own vengeance

died in battle with her belly cut open
↪sliced sternum to pelvis, Houndbelly and her intestines never stood a chance
↪cannot recall who killed or what clan they hailed from. in fact, the answer seems to change depending on who she is speaking to and what feud she seeks to further
↪Starclan knows the names of all cats, and must surely laugh at hers given her death
Name: Sinewsnap/Sinewstar

Previous Clan: WindClan

Previous Rank: Warrior, Deputy, Leader

Appearance: A sleek and wiry cat with a pale, almost sickly tan pelt mottled with darker rosettes on one side, and a similar pattern of blood red on the other. Their form is thin, almost gaunt, with a thin tail and sharp, angular features. Sinewstar's most striking characteristic is their penetrating gaze—one hollow socket and one two-toned. In the Dark Forest, their visage is twisted; their once regal form is now marred by the evidence of their violent death, with their throat perpetually torn and blood matting their fur as it drips.

Personality: Sinewsnap was an ambitious and disciplined cat with a single-minded devotion to their interpretation of loyalty and order. They carried a stern demeanor, brooking no disobedience, and held an unshakable belief that their path was righteous. Sinewsnap saw themselves as a protector of WindClan, tasked with ensuring its survival at all costs, even if it meant resorting to brutal methods. Beneath their severity, however, was a paranoid streak that led to their eventual downfall. They trusted few and were haunted by the idea of betrayal lurking in every shadow. This paranoia, combined with their unrelenting drive to control, made them a dangerous leader who valued loyalty above all else. Sinewsnap was not entirely devoid of charm. They were a cat of cunning words, capable of rallying others to their side with speeches about WindClan's glory and survival. However, their methods of maintaining loyalty were fear-based, as they ruled with an iron paw and sought to eliminate any perceived threats swiftly and mercilessly.

Their Crimes: Sinewstar's paranoia reached its peak during their leadership when whispers of discontent began to stir within their Clan. Convinced that their deputy and medicine cat were conspiring against them to overthrow their rule, Sinewstar acted with terrifying decisiveness. They executed both cats in a dramatic public display, claiming it was to protect WindClan from treachery. This act horrified their Clanmates, who turned against them, seeing the act as proof of madness rather than leadership. When confronted, Sinewstar clung to their ideals and tried to justify their actions as necessary for the Clan's survival. Their refusal to acknowledge their wrongdoings solidified their path to the Dark Forest upon their death.

Death: Sinewstar's death was as dramatic as their life. After being confronted by a group of warriors who demanded their exile, Sinewstar fought back, declaring they would never surrender their leadership. In the ensuing battle, their throat was torn out, and with it, they lost all nine lives in a single, fatal blow, severing their connection to StarClan's gift. Their death was both a release for WindClan and a fittingly violent end for a leader whose reign was marked by bloodshed.

In the Dark Forest: Sinewstar has embraced their dark afterlife with a chilling sense of purpose. No longer shackled by the moral bounds of life, they see their time in the Dark Forest as an opportunity to claim the power they believe was stolen from them. When Fleecefur arrives with her plan, Sinewstar is one of the first to join her cause, seeing it as a way to assert dominance over the living Clans and exact vengeance for their perceived betrayals. Though Sinewstar remains a cunning and fearsome ally, their paranoia persists, and they are constantly testing the loyalty of those around them, even within the Dark Forest. They are a dangerous force, wielding their intelligence and ruthlessness to manipulate others to their will, and they are eager for a chance to reclaim the power they once held.
Ghostwail - @lokisaurus
Former Deputy of WindClan
Stagjaw - @dejavu
Former Meddie of Thunder
Willowmask - @mercibun
Former Warrior of SkyClan
Falconheart - @teddy
Former Warrior of RiverClan
Houndbelly - @zelfyre
Former Night Guard of ShadowClan

- pinging finished apps, these are approved! You DO NOT need to check them in or sign them up for the prefix list as they are dead cats! You're welcome to make the subaccounts now! Expect a 'meeting' in the Dark Forest later!
Name: Thistlewish (named thistle after her mother, milkthistle, and -wish for her connection to starclan; will be keeping her name to make it easier for her to make contact with living cats, if that makes any sense? i can change this if necessary!)
Former clan + rank: Former WindClan medicine cat
Appearance: Tall, long, and lithe lilac sepia point with green eyes. notably small and unimposing. has some Abyssinian-type spotting throughout her coat. She has her throat torn out from her death.
Personality: Quiet, meek, fatalistic, and altruistic. Thistlewish has always been one to move in silence. She was a quiet child, and she continued to be quiet and meek well into her adulthood, never voicing her opinion or views very often. To many, Thistlewish is often considered by many to be sweet and kind. Just someone who minds her own business and works hard. However, those who have seen her at her more vulnerable or worse moments know her to be altruistic and fatalistic. Once Thistle has made up her mind about something that is the absolute only way it can be. She may become frantic or violent when challenged, but Thistle is relatively good at keeping things cool. She is covertly scheming and conniving, and will sacrifice anything (including her own life) to maintain her own system of beliefs. Thistlewish can keep a damn good secret, whether or not it is to the detriment of herself or others.

Backstory: Thistlewish was raised to be a devout follower of StarClan, a belief which served her very well as she was made medicine cat apprentice and then medicine cat from a young age. She was deft and proficient, and kept her head down to work hard. However, after witnessing the brutal death of a clanmate on the way to a gathering at a very young age, she began down a darker path. Thistlewish began viewing outsiders as the enemy, and would not extend help (or would even sabotage) to those in need if she knew they were outsiders or had any sort of non-windclan origin. As time went on she continued down this path, even going so far as to poison a dying ShadowClanner on WindClan's land and to attack another medicine cat she perceived as "stealing" herbs from the border. She died as she lived: quiet. Thistlewish was discovered dead one crisp winters morning alongside another medicine cat. The two had fought to the death.
TW: Image link in 'Life' depicts serious and gruesome injuries to a cat. It is not colored or made to be directly obvious but the injuries do exist.

Honeysong/45 moons/Thunderclan warrior (deputy?)

Life: Once a striking yellow tomcat, Honeysong's long, curling pale ringlets framed his elegant figure like a golden halo with glaring blue eyes. His lean beauty was matched by his charisma, earning him the admiration and respect of many within his clan. Suave and persuasive, he knew how to weave words like a song, bending others to his will with ease. Born to two well respected Thunderclanner he was destined for greatness but in the hidden grasses his father was a brute and his mother uncaring. These traits were passed on along with the scars of his abusive parents. Claw marks and cold words hidden underneath the silken wavelets.

Crimes: Beneath the charming mirage lay a heart as cold as the pair that birthed him. Honeysong was a traitor. In exchange for his own life to be spared from a ruthless band of rogues planning an attack for resources, he sold out several of his own clanmates, including his parents. Bringing a patrol and leaving as the cry of battle sounded off behind him. He stood at the border, watching with detached indifference as they were slaughtered, their cries for mercy falling on deaf ears. Remorse never touched him as he continued to manipulate and betray. Even when his betrayal was made to light, his title stripped and barred to a makeshift prison he slipped away by night. Border by border, life by life, he chased his own selfish desires. Killing or manipulating young and old whenever he deemed it necessary.

Death: Vengeance caught him. The mother of his now deceased apprentice tracked Honeysong down and when she found him fought him tooth and claw, hurling him into oncoming traffic. Despite breaking his neck, losing an eye and a multitude of broken bones - he did not die instantaneously. Succumbing to his head injury and lack of oxygen from punctured lungs.

Dark Forest: Now, in the Dark Forest, Honeysong is a grotesque shadow of his former self. His once-pristine, curly pelt is jagged and loose, matted with the dirt and grime from a fatal impact and stinking of monsters. His head lies at an unnatural angle, left eye a vacant socket, neck twisted grotesquely like a corkscrew, and his golden beauty forever tarnished. Cursed with silence, he is unable to speak. Instead, guttural, choking gurgles are the only sounds he can make. Most often, he is seen walking the garish landscape, seething in rage or wallowing in pitiful despair. It took a long time for him to come around to the other dark forest dwellers. Only half listening to their spiels but slowly he couldn't help but feed into the fantasy. He dreams of the day he can get revenge for his brutal end and although his maw lacks strength his claws have never felt sharper.
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approved with Sinewsnap, windclan warrior

approved with thistlewish, windclan warrior

approved with honeysong, thunderclan warrior

i will allow the people who already posted to finish apps but going to be closing this tomorrow! We got a good bit of'em :3

wolfhush - former deputy/meddie of thunderclan (alt warrior)
× he/him | died at 52 moons
× a tall, intimidating tom with slightly protruding fangs. his stature is unusually still, almost vampiric in unnaturally slow movement. his pelt is a chimera of thin blue canvas beneath a crown of black fur that wraps the side of his face and beneath his left eye. this same shade hugs close around all four paws and tail, reaching in jagged ends up his thighs and forelegs. most distinctly in wolfhush's appearance is his eyes, an oozy green that is hard to look away from.
× among the dark forest, wolfhush's wounds reveal a violent end to his once-mortal life. punctures of teeth and claws drag across his body and his flat fur does nothing to shield one's eyes from his gruesome fate. his most fatal injury is that of his final moment, hidden at the back of his head. still he walks as if his body is clean from any stain to his death.
× an articulate speaker with unnerving charisma. wolfhush does well to keep his inner thoughts to just that, rarely allowing anyone else the space in his mind. it is hard to read him because of this, as he often used his quiet and unassuming nature to the advantage of concealing the killings he committed among his clanmates and neighbors. wolfhush has an obsession with riddles and art (often combining the two) and would become attached to the one clanmate who was able to see his vision in killing. wolfhush will/would often present himself as a trusted individual to more mental and emotionally weakened clanmates to then manipulate and persuade them into believing or doing as he says.
× cause of death: head-on collision after falling off a cliff
TW: descriptions of abuse, death, child death (it's not gone into detail but still wanted to put a warning up)

NAME: Darkthorn (Darkstar)
AGE (AT DEATH): 50 moons
PREVIOUS RANK: Leader/Deputy or Warrior
APPEARANCE: Long haired black chocolate chimera with sectoral heterochromia. A molly who is a reflection of all those he came before her. She bears her father's dark pelt and a glimmer of said father can be found within her amber eye. Due to her Ragdoll genetics, she is a bit bigger than average, bearing mitted markings as well. Those with the knowledge of his grandfather or those who live in Thunderclan could see that she bears a resemblance to the late leader. As she grows into an adult she will bear a much smaller mane in comparison to her grandfather, but it is evident that bits of the late Thunderclan leader can be found within her. While she doesn't share warmer features as her grandfather such as their round eyes, there is no mistake. She has her grandfather's deep and intense blue eye. However, there is another who is reflected in her eyes. It is none other than his grandmother. It's as if she claimed her eyes as her own. The vibrant green found in both of her eyes. Such a sight can be startling. The molly is aware of this and hisses towards those who comment on her eyes.

Despite the fact that many would see her father along with her grandparents at first glance, the girl has her mother's build. It is subtle in comparison, but she is as powerfully built as her. With broad shoulders and bigger than average paws. Her head triangle as her own. The tufts on her cheeks are akin to her own as well. The two white paws and white muzzle are all thanks to her as well.
PERSONALITY: Sadistic, Intelligent, Abrasive, Sarcastic, Baneful, Spiteful, Clever, Ambitious, Impressionable, Manipulative, Resentful, Evasive, Informal, Risk-averse, Meticulous, Judgmental, Opportunist, Violent
LIFE: Perhaps once she had been an honorable cat who despite her ambitions was loyal to Riverclan alone. She had excelled in her training and it seemed like she was a prodigy as she had become a warrior a moon earlier than usual. The copious amounts of praise she received only made her more certain that she was one of the most important cats in clan, and that it was up to her to become Riverclan's future leader. If she led Riverclan then she would lead their clan through a path of glory. One where no other clans would dare to lay a claw on them from fear of their might and wit. Love, unfortunately left a dent in her plan. She became mates with another Riverclan warrior and all seemed well. Everyone was glad that she seemed to be mellowing out, and even expecting kits. However, she noticed her mates absence and lack of intimacy. Eventually she gave birth to three kittens, but still her mate drew away from her. And so she decided to find the reason as to why he was so distant. And it was then she snuck out and witnessed her mate with another she-cat. She too had a swollen belly, but she was of Thunderclan. After what transpired, the seed of hatred was planted in her belly. She never was the same after that. A terror was unleashed upon Riverclan like none had ever seen.
CRIMES: Drowned a pregnant mother. Orchestrated the death of her mate via foxes. Killed her own kits (they were apprentices at the time of death) and blamed it on dogs. Went out of her way to start fight with other clans, brutally maiming cats or killing them in the process. Was abusive to her apprentice, leaving them with scars and bruises. Eventually said apprentice fled Riverclan. Killed multiple clanmates for being a little to friendly with cats outside of Riverclan. Refused to help kits in need and left them to die, even if they were riverclan born.
MANNER OF (FINAL) DEATH: In a battle between River and Thunderclan, she had been betrayed by a clanmate. She had sustained numerous injuries in the battle against Thunderclan, even taking a few of their lives. The one who had betrayed her had a Thunderclan lover, the very same cat who she just finished killing. Not expecting a Riverclanner to attack her in the midst of battle she was pushed and split her head against the rock. It was not enough to kill, what had ended it all for her was the rockfall that followed. She had been crushed to death. And not one cat mourned her or even bothered to recover her lifeless body.
OTHER: Insert heyyy heeyyy audio, i definitely not put riverclan leader because there's a 50% chance no way... giggles
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