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đ“‹¼ name: russetsting [russetstar]
đ“‹¼ age (at death): 87 moons
đ“‹¼ previous clan: riverclan then shadowclan
đ“‹¼ previous rank: leader/deputy or warrior

đ“‹¼ appearance: a shorthaired tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes. scrawny but strong, it is clear that this she-cat was a great beauty in her prime. soft, charcoal fur coats the wiery body, small flecks of flame and caramel blending smoothly into darker fur. leaf-green eyes peer from her patchy face, usually glaring with a baleful judgement. this feline carries herself with confidence- even as her body begins to decline in old age, she still holds herself with a haughty strength. several scars litter her muzzle, one in particular scouring through her right eye, although it has not left her blind. other nicks and scratches appear on her flanks and paws, a sign of a seasoned fighter.
đ“‹¼ personality: russet is a cruel and cold cat with a heart only for herself. although passive aggressive rather than outright mean, she hardly listens to others, preferring solitude and silence. in the dark forest, she is illusive and unlikable, although she does not see her placement in this forest as a punishment. she thrives among the darkness, embracing her shadowclan heritage over her riverclan upbringing.
đ“‹¼ notable events: half clan - born to riverclan, russet was an only child who thrived on the praise she received. excelled as an apprentice, especially in the realm of fighting, and was promoted to warrior early. early in warriorhood, she discovered her riverclan father wasnt actually her father, and her real dad was a shadowclan cat. she got angry about it, accused her mother of infidelity and breaking the code, before killing her fake father. due to this she was exiled from riverclan. after living for a few days as a rogue, she travelled to shadowclan, was welcomed in because her father was leader or a highly respected warrior at the time, then rose through the ranks (depending on how rai rolls) to leader or just really good warrior. lived the rest of her life selfishly, did some bad shit idk.
đ“‹¼ manner of (final) death: killed in revenge by the real son of her fake father.
đ“‹¼ other: tryna figure out some stuff, gonna be mate to chuff's dark forest-er. will flesh out history depending on how she is rolled.


★ former daylight warrior & leader of skyclan
★ tom-cat
★ died at 36 moons

tigerfury is a hefty figure, muscle wrapped in a thick coat of chocolate tabby fur. He stands on stocky limbs with a tail akin to a squirrel's plume and a single eye that sits within his skull, glowing with the hell-fire of damnation. many many moons ago, before skyclan's first journey, tigerfury called himself a daylight warrior of skyclan, though time and time again, he found his clan victimized and mocked by the other colonies which ruled the surrounding forest. in a furious bid to strengthen his own clan, particularly the daylight warriors, tigerfury, deputy at the time, seized control of the clan by murdering its previous leader. afterward, he began a furious training regime in an effort to strengthen his daylight warriors into the perfect predators that he knew they could be. unfortunately, the brutality of his efforts resulted in the deaths of several of these so-called kittypets. as a result of the senseless bloodshed, the clan revolted, forcing him into exile. tigerfury remained a menace to the clans afterward, determined to get his revenge. eventually, these efforts would lead to his ultimate demise.

though tigerfury believed he was saving his clan, he now knows better. unfortunately, that realization has come far too late.

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Name: Deadwood (Formerly: Romeo (Kittypet), Alderpaw/wing (Shadowclan))
Clan + rank: Kittypet -> Thunderclan apprentice -> Shadowclan warrior -> Darkforest warrior
Description: A thin, lanky and scrawny brown tabby tom. His fur is ratty, stained permanently with blood by the thick gash in his neck. (still workin on his design :p)
Age (at death): 22 moons

Backstory: Having left kittypet life behind with his best friend, Foxtrot, the two became Thunderclan apprentices, Romeo (now Alderpaw) a warrior apprentice and Foxtrot (now Wildpaw) a med cat apprentice. The two exist happily until a battle breaks out between Thunderclan and Shadowclan, where Alderpaw is knocked into the river and washed downstream, presumed dead by Thunderclan and, in turn, Wildpaw. But rather than die in the river, Alderpaw clings to life in the river and is dragged out by a mysterious cat; one Alderpaw assumes to have been another clan cat, by the name of Froststorm, but learns after being taken to Shadowclan camp to be saved, that the cat was dead and the clan took it as a sign that Starclan needed Alderpaw to live and the clan happily took him in.

As Alderpaw trained with Shadowclan, he too saw Froststorm in his dreams and eventually manifested as a companion, feeding the rage quietly bubbling in Alderpaw towards Thunderclan for leaving him for dead and especially for Wildpaw having seemingly forgotten all about him. Training in the dark forest alongside his additional mentor, Alderwing, now a warrior, holds a vendetta against Thunderclan and wants to see their downfall, which he is able to facilitate during a battle, much like the one he was "lost" during. In the ensuing fight he killed several warriors in a frenzy, seeking to kill more as he set sights onto an unsuspecting apprentice. Unbeknownst to him, this was Newtpaw, the Thunderclan medcat apprentice and as Alderwing went for the kill, he was tackled by his long hated old friend and partner, now called Wildrose. In a rage, he attacked the now medicine cat (? may just be warrior depending on the dice) ruthlessly, killing her with little hesitation. Though she and the other Thunderclan cats fought valiantly, managing to wound him fatally, leading to him collapsing against Wildrose, realisation dawning on what he'd done and regretting what his life had become. Wildrose gave her final forgiveness to him, but it wasn't enough for starclan, especially as his mentor, Froststorm, loomed over him with a proud smile, knowing he was destined to join him in the dark forest now too.

(froststorm is a pre-existing dark forest cat and wildrose is a just-applied-for starclan cat, both owned by @phoenixwashere !!)
Name: Pumpkinglow
Clan & rank: Shadowclan warrior
Age at death: 82 moons
Description: A short tortie with long fur, curled ears & two front fangs that stick out
Personality: A she-cat who is seemingly glued to her mates, russetstings, side. Manipulative, brash & easily bored, she likes to stir the pot just for personal fun.
Description: (heavily influenced on how lavs rolls) a horrible, horrible woman; pumpkin manipulated fake starclan signs so her mate could rise to the top, intimidated others throughout her life & constantly put her mate above all else. She cared not if she broke the warrior code, just seeing a smile on Russets face would give her enough strength to do it over and over again. Was heavily devoted to Starclan in a "i could do better, i will make it better when i get there" only to show up in the dark forest after her death.
Manner of death: Died defending russetsting (not set in stone)​
@lavs - approved with Russetstar, former ShadowClan Leader
@Sheogorath - approved with Tigerfury, former SkyClan Leader
@Monte - approved with Deadwood, former shadowclan warrior
@chuffera - approved with Pumpkinglow, former shadowclan warrior

This is now closed!
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