[ DISCO INFERNO ] Kangoo's Character Storage


biting you biting you biting you
Character Hub


Snakeblink - Tags


Lowlight - Tags


Seal - Tags
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The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time for action. A righteous, idealistic cat with a fiery pelt and a friendly demeanor, Dunny believes in fighting for a better world: it remains to be seen whether he will be the one to take a stand for it.

. ☼ .
β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- GENERAL INFO -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

✧ Lowlight
β†ͺ For his sun-dappled pelt
✧ He/him, bisexual
✧ 30 moons
β†ͺ created november '24, ages every 1st
✧ ShadowClan
β†ͺ Warrior

β†ͺ Voiceclaim
. ☼ .
β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- APPEARANCE -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

✧ Fullbody ref
✧ A flame point/red tabby chimera with golden eyes. Dunny is tall, with a solid build and thick fur -- he looks rather average, but the flaxen shine of his pelt streaked with fire-red makes sure he's not easily overlooked. His body is marked by the many small scars of a loner's life.
β†ͺ Small scar on his left side going from his lip to his chin; longer fur around his face and neck.

. ☼ .
β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- PERSONALITY -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

( + ) friendly, helpful, easygoing, caring ( / ) idealistic, justice-oriented, brotherly ( - ) righteous, people-pleaser, indecisive
✧ Dunny desperately wants to believe that a better world is possible, and he wants to be the one to help bring it into reality. He's not really an optimist, but he is militantly hopeful: things should be better, and so they shall be. He has lofty ideals of justice and happiness-for-all, but doesn't always stand for them: he can stomach a lot of means if he thinks the ends justify them, even if it means going against his gut feeling that it's wrong. It has to be worth it, eventually...
β†ͺ Bad at lying and doesn't like to do it.

. ☼ .
β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- RELATIONSHIPS -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

NPC x NPC | brother to Viperpaw
Quick to trust, quick to befriend, does hold grudges​
✧ Mentor to no one
β†ͺ Previously mentor to no one
✧ Mate to no one
β†ͺ open to plots
✧ Friend with
✧ Likes Viper
✧ Dislikes
✧ Hates
. ☼ .
β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- INTERACTIONS -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

✧ Won't start fight, will end them, will show mercy, will retreat or accept a truce
✧ Excels at tracking, defending
✧ Poor at strategy, judgement-making
✧ Peaceful powerplay allowed, harmful powerplay allowed within limits/not
✧ Smells like dandelion tufts, dry leaves, fresh grass
β†ͺ penned by @Kangoo

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β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- HISTORY -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

✧ Longer description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lacinia sodales velit, sit amet egestas est euismod eu. In cursus sodales enim, dapibus efficitur dui dignissim bibendum. Ut dictum semper massa, facilisis euismod est porttitor sed. Curabitur fringilla pulvinar purus et malesuada. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

✧ β€”β€” ✧ β€”β€” ✧ β€”β€” ✧

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β€”β€”β€” GENERAL β€”β€”β€”
Seal ‧ "nickname"
β€· previous names
β€· fem, she/her
shipyardcat ‧ rank
β€· future riverclan apprentice
5 moons ‧ ages every 22
β€· created 11/22/2024
β€· casual ‧ 4 posts / month

β€”β€”β€” APPEARANCE β€”β€”β€”
a round, lilac point/silver spotted tabby chimera with high white and blue eyes. ‧ ref
β€” Seal always had someone to help her catch a meal, and it shows: she has a well-fed look to her, with long, shiny fur and sturdy frame.​
β€· genetics
β€” accessories​

β€”β€”β€” PERSONALITY β€”β€”β€”
β€” Seal does not believe in the sunk-cost fallacy. She goes where she wants, when she wants to; she follows the people she likes, and ignores those she doesn't. She will only put in the effort for things she enjoys: chores and difficult relationships alike will quickly be cast aside in favor of better prospects. That said, she gives her friendship and her time as easily as she takes them back, and no one is beyond her interest and her affection. She also has a tendency to deal with her problems physically: a good slap on the head will often solve matters quicker than long speeches.​
β€· light-hearted ‧ independent ‧ sociable
β€· proud ‧ impulsive ‧ strong-willed
β€· flippant ‧ careless ‧ incurious ‧ lazy
β€” likes the sea ‧ freedom ‧ comfort ‧ fish
β€” dislikes difficulties ‧ strings attached ‧ dirt​

β€”β€”β€” RELATIONSHIPS β€”β€”β€”
NPC βœ• NPC ‧ generation 1
β€” sibling to: MAELSTROM
unknown orientation ‧ single
β€” currently not interested
β€” crushing on NO ONE

Mentor/apprentice to NO ONE
β€· previously NO ONE

Easy to befriend, hard to keep around.
β€· admires MALESTROM ‧ bigger and stronger and older and cooler
β€· friends with SQUID ‧ partner in many crimes
β€· rivals with CHARACTER NAME ‧ why
β€· enemies with CHARACTER NAME ‧ why

β€”β€”β€” SNAPSHOT β€”β€”β€”
skill ‧ skill ‧ skill
β€· elaborate
skill ‧ skill ‧ skill
β€· elaborate
In battles . . .
β€” will start/not start fights​
β€· will / will not end them​
β€” will /will not flee​
β€· will / will not show mercy​
Speech is #COLOR
β€” peaceful powerplay allowed​
β€· any other notes​

β€”β€”β€” DEVELOPMENT β€”β€”β€”
thread title ‧ development
β€” a description or impact of this thread here
thread title ‧ interaction
β€” a description or impact of this thread here
thread title ‧ etc
β€” a description or impact of this thread here
thread title ‧ desc.
β€” a description or impact of this thread here
thread title ‧ desc.
β€” a description or impact of this thread here

β€”β€”β€” PLAYLIST β€”β€”β€”
β€” AUTHOR or specific line​
β€·meaning to character
β€” AUTHOR or line​
β€·meaning to character
β€” AUTHOR - or line​
β€·meaning to character
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watchful, cautious, prepared​

PRONOUNS β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” he/himORIENTATION β€”β€”β€” homosexual
CLAN β€”β€”β€”β€” ThunderClanRANK β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” warrior
AGE β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” 23 moons PLAYED BY β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” @Kangoo

Lose and lose again... Learn what's given can be taken; what can be taken, will. This you can bet on without losing. (Elizabeth Bishop, John Murillo)

A lanky, short furred chocolate tabby with bright green
irises and a scar over his right eye.
β†’ Chocolate tabby with high white
β†’ Toyhouse
APPEARANCE Thin from poor sleep and poor appetite, with a long tail and spindly limbs, Water Snake is built like a line drawn in the sand by a trembling hand and behaves rather the same way. While on the move, he is always animated by some anxious energy, slithering low to the ground in the shifty manner his namesake. When he stops, he becomes unnaturally still: each gesture seems to be carefully considered, each look calculated, until something surprises him and he jerks into movement again.

Although the eyes want to glance off his leaf litter-colored pelt, something about him keeps the mind wary. A long, thin scar runs from the top of his forehead to the corner of his mouth. His pupils never dilate wider than a reptilian slit, giving him terrible night vision and a scheming aspect as he looks at the world with shifty and narrow eyes. His very short pelt is often disheveled and dusty. All in all, he is a rather plain, even unattractive-looking tom.

+ devoted / + cunning / + perceptive / + logical
` wordy / ` nosy / ` gossip / ` awkward
- aloof / - pushy / - ruthless / - overthinking
PERSONALITY Scheming, creepy, vicious -- Snake has been described many different ways, but rarely positively. That's hardly surprising: from an outsider's perspective, he is hardly a pleasant individual. Alternating between cold and simpering with a habit of skulking about to eavesdrop on private conversation and butt into other's business, he gives the persistent impression of working on some nefarious scheme -- or planning to walk over your body on his way to his goals.

His few loved ones would give a radically different review of his character. Snake is not very communally-minded, but his dedication to his kin knows no bounds: there is nothing on earth he will not try to obtain for the sake of their comfort, no lengths he won't go to to protect and care for them. He will readily use and take advantage of others for their sake -- but survival in a group is easier, and so he will just as readily make use of his skills to help his clan, although it will always be second in his list of priorities. Everything he does, he does for his loved ones; sometimes to the detriment of his own well-being.

β†’ Uses shortened names and other nicknames as a way to show affection; on full-name basis with all but those closest to him.

HISTORY Born to a loner named Salamander alongside three siblings, Water Snake saw two of his littermates and his mother die one after the other before he was full-grown, and he and his sole surviving siste Serpent grew to believe themselves somewhat cursed to bring doom to those close to them. They joined the colony when they were 16 moons old, and decided to stay after Serpent fell in love with then-colony leader's son Hawthorne.

  • Strength∎∎∎∎∎

    WATER SNAKE will not start fights AND will not end fights. HE will flee BUT will not show mercy.

    In battles, WATER SNAKE excels at STRATEGY, but is poor at HEAD-ON CONFRONTATION. He privileges surprise attacks and double-teaming opponents over one-on-on fights and will avoid those whenever possible. He will always try to bait enemies into a more advantageous position for himself, and only engages first if he knows he has the drop on someone else. He prioritizes ending the fight: he aims for killing blows and does not pursue fleeing opponents.

    Character speech is "#27b78e". Peaceful powerplay allowed.
  • ✧

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    - - -

    WATER SNAKE was born to SALAMANDER and AN UNKNOWN FATHER and is a FIRST generation colony cat. HE is sibling to @serpent. He is extremely close to his surviving family and will follow his kin everywhere they go.

    WATER SNAKE is SINGLE, and is the UNCLE to @Leafkit , @thistlekit and @Rattlekit

    PRONOUN (is being/was) mentored by CHARACTER. (PRONOUN is currently mentoring CHARACTER(s)). Expand a little on how they feel about their mentor, their mentees, their position or their role, etc.

    WATER SNAKE is best friends with @serpent. In general, HE likes @Hawthorne. However, PRONOUN does not get along with CHARACTER, and hates CHARACTER. PRONOUN would consider CHARACTER as an enemy.

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