☼ Ever since learning about Starclan, Rowanpaw has been trying quite desperately to… to go there, to see it– she'd left the clearing at the four trees before the star speckled cats had come down, and there's a lingering thought, a small ember– that her littermates are up there, and her mother, her birth mother…
In an attempt to connect better with the stars, tonight, she'd dragged her nest to the mouth of the apprentice's den, so she could see the stars and the moon as she fell asleep. It seems… that perhaps it had finally worked, whether it be her stubbornness or the fact that she was sleeping in the cold beneath the stars– something had worked, anyway, because when she opens her eyes, she's not in the camp anymore, but lying in a wide field, not unlike the one she'd seen in her dream after she fell from the tree– although here everything was tinted in shades of blue, flowers twinkling like stars.
She gets up, stretching her legs, flexing her claws against the soft earth. She looks around, listens– it's quiet here. And where is here? Is this Starclan? It would be nice if it was. It seems like a good place to rest. She walks around for a while– whether it's minutes or hours, she's not sure.
Time seems strange here, soft and malleable, bending in on itself and stretching out… eventually she sees a shape shift into view, a familiar back, though somehow softer. Perhaps he isn't as malnourished, here. Perhaps here, he never runs out of prey. She's almost too scared to speak, like if she does, he'll disappear again. Slip out of her paws, like he had only hours after she'd become his daughter.
"Haw– Thornstar…?" She says softly, carefully. She hasn't said his name out loud since they dragged his body back into camp, broken and bloodied. She hadn't called him… not since that night. She could barely bring herself to think it. But if that's really him, if he's... and she misses her chance... "Father?"
- ooc: @Thornstar
rowanpaw, 9 moons, thunderclan apprentice
russet furred she-cat, lawful neutral
healing and soft powerplay allowed