Shipyard DREAMING OF THE BIG BLUE // intro

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


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Character Hub
Rose could be found down by the shore today alongside with her siblings. They where all playing together except from Rose who watched her sisters from afar. She never got invited to play with her sisters, and if she dared to intrude they would all gang up on her. Because of that it was better to not intrude at all even if it sometimes made her feel lonely to not be included. Smiling sadly to herself, Rose soon enough decided to try and find something to do on her own. Maybe she could find something nice on the shore, after yesterday's rain some of the snow had melted away on the shore leaving spots of sand to search in.

Rose begin digging once she had find a fitting spot wondering if she would get lucky to find some more pretty shells to add to her collection back at home. Maybe she even could find something cool that even Leech might like. Who knows, maybe it even would cheer him up a bit!. Her friend had never been the same after losing his own littermates one months ago, and his mother shortly afterwards abandoning them. Rose felt for them everyday, and she was doing her best to be there for them through this grief no matter how long it would take.

Oh!, she blinked as she find something in the sand. It was a stone...a black one. She watched the stone with awe as it was her first time finding a black stone out here. A rare find, or maybe she hadn't been lucky until now. This stone reminded her a bit of Leech to be honest with his dark pelt fur. That made her eyes start to gleam as she just had to give it to him!. This discovery she wished nothing more but to share with her friend. Smiling she was about to pick the stone up but then a voice come up from behind.

" Hey sis, what's that?" Oh no, it was Sunflower. Rose hurried to place her paw above the stone as she shy away from looking her sister directly in the eye.
" Uh, uhm, it-it's nothing."
she tries, attempting to lie but knew deep inside it wouldn't work. She was a bad liar after all. " Come on Rose!, we know you're lying!. Just stop being selfish and show us already!." Tulip said with irritation. Rose stood still, as she shook her head. Before knowing it she was shoved aside by her sister Buttercup who were quickest to lose her patience. " We told you to move!."

Rose lifted her head up from the sand as she watched helplessly her sisters studied the black stone she had find.
" Pl-please don't take it.."
Rose mumbled, patheticly. Her sisters shot her a look before looking between each other, a smile forming on Sunflower's face. " Nah, don't think so!. It's ours now." Sunflower picked the stone up before quickly turning around to run of, and the other two quickly followed.

" Wa-wait come back! i...i found..."
She tried to call for them as she was quick back up on her paws but didn't chase after them, knowing it was no point in doing so. They always got what they want. There was nothing she could do about it. Rose sat down at the sand with a sniff, tears glimting in her eyes. She had really wanted to give that stone to Leech...

Wave of the Shipyard
Wave had been watching the kits with her usual keen eye, lounging nearby as they played. Her gaze sharpened when one of the young'uns drifted away from the group, clearly not fitting in like the rest. A shame, really. There wasn't a single thing wrong with the poor wee tike, but it was plain as day... She was being left out.

Wave's expression darkened as she noticed the other kits huddle together, then rush over to where the outcast sat. It wasn't long before the little one cried out, her stone snatched right out of her paws as the ringleader led the charge with a triumphant yowl.

' Not on my watch, ye bossy paws. ' she thought with a flick of her tail, rising swiftly. In one stride, she cut the group off, tripping up the leader with a quick paw and looming over her. The scowl etched on her face made the young kit freeze, and with a sharp but measured swipe, Wave cuffed her lightly around the ears.

" Have ye mother taught ye no manners at all? " she growled, her voice low and biting. " Ye catch more with kindness than bullyin'. Keep up that nonsense, an' someone's gonna swipe that sour look right off yer face. "

Her icy glare shifted to the other two kits, who cowered under her heated stare. With a swift motion, she pulled the stolen stone closer to herself. " And shame on the pair o' ye! Feathers for brains, have ye? Ye got minds o' yer own, don't ye? Nowhere does it say it's kind to treat a littermate this way. Disgraceful, the lot o' ye! "

She jerked her chin toward their den. " Now, scram! Go run yer tails off to yer ma, an' don't let me see this behavior again. Or I'll be havin' words with her too, mark me. "

The kits scattered like leaves in a storm, and Wave shook her head, her scowl easing as she turned to the sniffling little one left behind. She padded closer, her sharp features softening as she gently placed the black stone down before her.

" Here, wee one. Hush now, no need fer tears. " she said, nudging the stone closer with her nose. " There's yer stone, safe an' sound. Don't let those brats trouble ye none, yer better than they'll ever be. "

Her voice turned warm, tinged with a quiet pride. " Keep hold o' this, aye? A treasure like ye deserves treasures o' yer own. "

・゚✦ —— As we roll down this unfamiliar road

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() if duck, goose, or stars forbid bee, cicada, or cricket ever behaved like this, they'd get a cuff over the ears and be grounded until after they were well grown. willow watches the interaction with a sour taste to her tongue as she pads up, a fish clutched in her fangs. setting the prey down, she moves to intercept, but finds wave's confidant vocals already chewing out the bullies. a smirk weasels its way onto the smoke molly's maw, and she waits until the little wretches scamper home before she approaches, nudging her fish closer. "brats!" she snarls after them, bumping wave's shoulder gently in greeting. "i don't know if their mother even cares." evergreen eyes follow the retreating kittens, before finding the form of rose, who huddles over her rock. "darling one, you've got to let them know you're in charge. a little swipe of a paw won't hurt to knock away an annoying sibling." she should know - she recalls her and smoke's kitten days. though of course, the two had always been practically inseparable. still, brothers were brothers. she wonders vaguely for a second if teaching violence to a young child may be in poor taste, but glances at wave, remembers her biting comments to the brats, and decides rose can probably handle herself.

bending to get closer to the small girl's height, the slender feline offers her a smile. "that's a beautiful stone. rare. do you collect them?" bright eyes blink with kindness, genuine curiosity glimmering there. "i like to keep all my prettiest stones in my nest. sometimes i give them away, though. it's a lovely gift to a friend." glancing back up at wave, she blinks. "are either of you two hungry? i just caught something, fresh from the docks, and smoke's brood have eaten already."

  • // " #979c88"
  • 70579328_L3NRwq4u1ulnUcn.png
    a lithe black smoke feline with ghost striping and leaf green eyes. long smoky fur dashed through with grey and white adorns her frame, sliced across by darker stripes that frame her face and legs. eyes like sage, brilliantly green, gaze with an intelligent look. she is scarred across the bridge of her angular nose.
Just when she had given up on the stone, to submit to her sisters greed like usual another cat came unexpectedly to her aid. Rose lifted her head up to watch with big growing eyes as the older molly caught up with the three sisters and snatched the black stone away along with a lecture to follow that could have lasted a lifetime. She watched as her sister was taken back even lowering thier heads, all except from Sunflower. She mostly looked annoyed but would follow when the other two quickly made an escape from there lacking the courage when faced alone.

Rose was impressed by this molly's strength and confidence to speak so boldly!. She started to dry away her tears with a front paw when she saw the molly was heading over to her direction. With one final sniff the kitten looked up at her before the gaze fell to the frosty sand with the black stone returned and present in front of her once more.
" Th-thank you...for returning the stone to me."
she expressed her gratitude shyly, and reached a forepaw over to place it on the black rock. Her sisters were a different story. In truth she was a bit worried how they would all react to her now after she returned back...Sunflower wouldn't be happy that was for sure.
" I will. i pr-promise ."
she attempted a small smile, unable to hold on to this stone for long but she was sure to not lose it until she had given it to the cat she had picked this stone for.

Suddenly, they were not alone. Rose was suprised to find another molly beside the first one, this one too had an issue with her sisters behavior and even left a comment about her mom. To that Rose smile would just fade, as it was not far away from the truth. Thinking about her mother though made Rose uneasy. She for sure would get furious once this reached her. Aha...she was really going to get in trouble now. Rose had heard it before, how she stood up to herself, Leech kept on saying that to her all the time.
" But...i d-don't like violence..."
She would mumble back, now starting to awkwardly play with the stone with her paw. She did not wish to hurt anyone if she could help it. Better to get hurt then hurt others.

Rose blinked when Willow got down to her level, and the kit's ears would perk up a bit again. She liked it when the taller ones lowered down to her level, it made her feel a bit more comfortable.
" Uhm, thank you Miss, and yes...i-i do!. I like pretty things..."
Rose looked down at the black beautiful stone again while touching it with a paw, and nodded in agreement.
" My nest is full of them...m-maybe i can show you sometime..."
the last part was lower, uncertanity in a such soft voice like her request would be more troublesome for this molly than anything.
" And yes!, this...this stone is a gift to my friend. So i'm very grateful i got it back."
She cast a glance back at Wave again, her smile returned back briefly.

When food got offered on the table, the she-kit hesitated before nodding.
" B-but only a li-little bit..."
In truth she was very hungry not having eaten anything since this morning. So it was a nice offer but...was it really okay to accept it?. Mom always told her to not accept food from strangers...

Let's play like we're children and sing till the moons full

Before the day we turn to nothing but sand

The red tabby wasn't a mother herself. Sure, the thought had occurred to her multiple times throughout her life, yet she never found someone to truly connect and start a family with. After all, who needed a partner when she had all her friends to keep her company. On top of that though, most of her said friends were parents already, even if the kit's weren't their own, like in the case of Willow.

Despite this, Peachy was always content in watching the little ones play and interact. They may not have been her's, but the more eyes on the rambunctious young ones, the better. And what she saw just occur between a litter of siblings was exactly why so many of the shipyard's adults watched over them. The red molly was a bit further than Wave and Willow so her steps were late on arrival. It seemed the former did quite a good job in teaching the bullies a lesson and Willow was a step behind in her own anger.

The comment about the litters absent mother made Peachy's head shake in disappointment. "Well, maybe, we should have a talk with her. Allowing her kits to turn into little bullies is the last thing a mother should do." The words dripped with her own venom, a slight hiss in the back of her tone as she stopped by the small group on the beach. She gave her head a vigorous shake, as if to rid herself of the bad vibes that the situation had caused, like shaking off cold water after a swim.

Settling down on her launches, her attention finally turned to the red kitten in front of her, the subject of the bullies' ire. When she mentioned that she didn't exactly like violence, Peachy couldn't help but crack a smile. Such a soft kitten. How was it that she was born into a little of siblings so cruel... Her attitude compared to theirs was like night and day and Peachy lowered herself down to her chest, settling in the sand-mixed snow. "It's not violent if you dont use your claws. If you learn how to give a nice swing, a paw to the head could definitely discourage any kitten from messing with you again! Even your siblings, Im sure."

It was important to teach the more nervous kits to stand up for themselves. The red tabby hated to see them picked on and, sometimes, adults stepping in to come to their defense would make it worse. It was best to teach them some type of self defense, after all. As the conversation turned towards the much lighter subject of trinkets and shinies, Peachy's eyes couldn't help but light up, especially at the mention of a gift. A gift for a friend, it seemed. She wondered if this friend meant more to her than she realized. Part of her wanted to try but another, less gossipy part, had her hold her tongue on the subject.

"It is a very beautiful stone. Im sure whoever you'll give it to will love it~" Her voice was cheerful when she said it, trying to cheer up the little one as Willow offered her a bite to eat. "All this talk about treasures makes me want to start collecting my own~ I do love the look of shells." She looked around the snow covered sand before turning back to the group. "How about after we eat, we go for a search down the beach together? We can all find trinkets to share and put in our nests! Or... even give them to friends~" She glanced at Rose with a soft smile before looking to Wave and Willow for their opinions.
  • ooc
    —— xxx!
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Peachy She/Her
    A Long Haired Red Classic Tabby with Low White & Ocean Blue Eyes
    ❀ Warrior of the Shipyard
    ❀ 36 moons; Ages on the 23rd of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❀ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
Wave of RiverClan
" Aye, I dunno, Willow. But she's a nasty piece o' work if ye ask me. No matter the size o' litter ye have, ye treat every one o' yer kits with love, care, and attention. " murmured Wave to her friend Willow, a scowl crossing her face. Her gaze shifted back to Rose. Poor Rose... She didn't seem like the type who'd bring harm to anyone. And she'd likely find it hard to give a good whack, even if some deserved it for bullying her.

As Rose thanked her and Willow offered some food, Wave blinked warmly at the young kit. " That's okay, ye wee tike. Not a problem. " she meowed gently, lightly tapping Rose's shoulder with her paw in an affectionate manner. " I get it, ye've got a soft soul. But ye can't let yer scoundrel sisters treat ye the way they do. " she huffed, fluffing up her fur slightly. " That's not right of them, t'begin with. Ye've got a kind heart, dear Rose, and that's somethin' precious. " Wave murmured, her gaze lingering on the small kit. " But kindness needs a backbone, aye? It's not about fightin' back with claws, though sometimes, that can't be helped, it's about showin' yer sisters ye've got a spirit they can't stomp on. A little wave can carve a mighty stone, after all. "

Her tone was both gentle and firm as she offered a reassuring smile. " If they see ye holdin' fast to what ye love... Like that pretty stone for yer friend, they might just think twice next time. And if not, well... ye've got Willow and me to lend a paw, aye? " spoke Wave, glancing at Willow with a wink. " I'll be sharin' food with me family, but I'll hang about and make sure no pesky siblings bother ye while ye enjoy a fine meal. " She dipped her head warmly. " Ye can call me Wave, dear heart. I'm the mama o' Crescent and Rushin'. "

Peachy was right, letting kits grow into bullies was awful. She knew the kits couldn't entirely help it, not without someone giving them the right tools to grow. But still, dear Rose showed such kindness, so different from her siblings.

" Ah... Shells! " Wave purred, her eyes lighting up. " Ye know what? That sounds jus' like th' thing we could do! I love meself some nice shells. " she meowed, squinting her eyes for a second with a content purr rumbling in her chest for a second as she peered over at Rose. A moment of thought before she finally leaned in to the kit, a serious look upon her face, though it was filled with a certain warmth too.

" If yer ever in need of some help... Ye got us to turn to, alright, wee one? "

・゚✦ —— As we roll down this unfamiliar road