Private easy once you know how its done | fleapaw

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kill the headlights

Daylight blossomed through barren branches and warmed the earth below in an inviting midday glow. Through the gentle breeze, Possumgrin was busy at work - or at least something he considered 'real work.' Carefully, the blue feline had crafted his hiding spot, neatly pulling together what little this barren wasteland of a territory had to offer to make a half-decent nest. Once his messy craft was complete, his bulky form practically flopped onto it. Sure, he knew it was well past sleep time, but evening patrol was his duty today. If that was the case, then that meant he was going to rest up. He couldn't be at full strength if he wasn't well-rested anyway, right?

Languidly, he rolled over in his ratty little makeshift nest. Nose tucked under his left paw and pale belly exposed to the skies above. His back legs kicked up, and his free paw rested awkwardly at his side as he lay in a state of half-awareness. The sun felt wonderful today, and he wasn't going to miss out on the perfect opportunity to sunbathe. So far, this had been the one place Fleapaw had yet to discover, and he'd done his best to avoid the pesky paw since the day he was chained to her. They were assured she wasn't dumb enough to travel this far into the territory alone without some kind of guidance. He hadn't shown her all of the muck of Shadowclan for that very reason in itself.

Sighing softly, he twisted onto his stomach and nuzzled into the broken twigs below, a content smile gracing their half-hidden mug. Crrreaak. His body stiffened with shock as the sound rang off the dead trees around him. No. Way. His angular head lifted slowly with disbelief, and squash-colored eyes locked onto the gnarled bush beside him. A familiar scent hit his nose, and the tom groaned with irritation.

" @F l e a p a w ! " They snapped aloud, feathered tail lashing with dismay. "Get over here - now!"
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