Open Camp except when im missing you ──✩°。⋆⸜ meeting & naming

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


don't tell me you're not the same person
Played by

canonically; december 8th

the pain doesn't ebb... there is not enough time to grieve. not when the task had be laid in her hands like a ceremonial sword. you must change them... mold them into what they need to be. ThunderClan. strike the hammer down to fix the fracture in the blade... sharpen it against the whetstone coated in his blood. try not to sweep over it, lest the cold of your tears crack the searing hot steel. but all she wants to do is cry... even as she stands amongst the sympathetic and familiar faces of cats she has known for moons... she fears their power in numbers. the power of discontent and what it had created in the darkest reaches of their forest. Sable's faction of furious followers..

i beg for your patience... i beg for your loyalty...

could they smell weakness? would they strike like eager dogs too?

"ThunderClan...?" it is a hesitant call for their attention, knowing they must also be reeling under this revelation... and would soon grow more confused by what change would be demanded of them. her voice hardly holds the confidence it needs in moments like these, nothing quite so high spirited as Hawthorne- Thornstar. it should be him standing here.

"StarClan has laid instructions before us.. how to find our way back to what being a clan really is. How to embody ThunderClan as we should be... It requires change." her stomach twists, another reminder of what more will be new, what other change will be force fed down her throat. "Like me... like Juniperstar... you'll take on new names... Ones that define you within these forests... You will not be stars... but warriors with your own names, your own identities..."

her eyes water just to speak of something so hopeful... to know this was the world that they'd waited so long to foster. one of community and unity. that she would be responsible for helping them find their places within it. "I.. I can't do it all at once," she professes, sniffling against the persistent ache to just sob. "We'll start slow... okay? Please just... bare with me..." her brows pinch together, a pained smile forced upon her face in a bid for compassion. she shouldn't have to ask.. she probably didn't need to but felt compelled all the same.

"Some of this will be... easier... those under six months will have 'kit' added to their names. We we'll care for them as we always have.. together. Just until they're old enough to take their first steps into the world with us... Then we call them apprentices, the novices that learn from us, that shadow us to understand how to survive; they'll be -paws. But those of you who've lived long enough, learned enough... you're warriors... the bravest in the forest, like Coffeestar said. That hasn't changed... but you'll need to take on more... a fitting suffix to define you."

would that make enough sense? should she have asked more questions? did Thornstar even understand what he had relayed to her well enough to offer her advice? When will I see you again? When is soon? who would this medicine cat be? why hadn't he just told her then?

"Pandora... you are the image of new-leaf mornings.. and radiate kindness... You'll be known as Dewshine." she practically winces away from the uncertain glances that go exchanged, as if they are barely withheld beasts that hunger for a chance to usurp her. to strike her down just as her mate had done to her best friend- without remorse... without relent. "Owl... you're harsh and impassioned... you'll be known as Owlbark." the crowd hardly lessens and the task grows more daunting with each face she recognizes in need of a name... a purpose... a fate carved out by her own tongue. "Yarrow... find joy in our successes, keep your spirit high... you'll be Yarrowhop. Tulip... your patience and caution are in careful balance... you will be Tuliptail."

she pauses, waiting for the uproar of disdain for such names, some sort of pushback that this isn't who they are. that they cannot be forced by her will nor StarClan's. but no such riot begins... and hesitantly she presses on just a little more. "Water Snake..." it'd be too easy to just stop it at that... to not give him a chance to shed the past... her heart aches to stare Serpent's brother in the face and know she has let him down too in some way. that his sister will never be the same... that she could not prevent the absence his nieces and nephew would feel. "You are watchful, cautious... and prepared... you'll be known as Snakeblink."

"Plume... you fought well to defend your clan-mates and for that I name you Plumestrike. Plover... you have the strength to weather any storm you are willing to face... I name you Ploversnap, for your eager heart. Crying Dove... you are an image of gentleness and beauty... I see no reason to change you... Cryingdove fits you perfectly."

"Dusk... you bring a needed softness to those who need it... you'll be Duskcloud. Thunder..." her voice cracks, reminded of the last joke Thornstar had tried to make to her. she'd pushed it off so easily, too quickly... if given the chance would she go back and laugh at it, so he knew she cherished all his silly antics? would he be a better leader for ThunderClan for his name alone... it was a stupid question. she missed it terribly.

"Thunder we're fortunate you survived.. you fought valiantly.. may your paws always strike true under the name Thunderflash." she lifts a paw to her head, nursing a headache that had been barraging her after a sleepless night fraught with emotional turmoil and physical exhaustion.

"I'm sorry.. I'm... I need more time for the rest of you... I promise you'll all have names soon... For now just... take care of each other. I'm sorry-" she stands abruptly, quickly departing the camp in an effort to save face.. to hide the fact she is overcome with the urge to spill her guts on the floor again.

  • hello gamers! i'm going to be doing all the namings in this thread over various posts. i'll put the ic date at the top so you know when your character would've been named since i think it'd be difficult and silly to do it all in one go. please make sure to message me @tieirlys on discord with requests for warrior names if they are not already publicly accessible (listed on the mega roster) otherwise i won't know what to name you !!! thanks so much... and here's to the start of thunderclan!
  • juniperstar
    leader of thunderclan
    nine lives remain
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Copper's ears twitched as he listened to Juniper... no, Juniperstar, speak, her voice carrying the weight of uncertainty and grief. She stood where Hawthorne should have been, his absence a cruel twist of fate that left her bearing the burden of leadership. Copper's golden eyes softened as he observed her, his heart aching for the new leader. Did she even have the chance to mourn amidst the chaos? Time would be her ally, but it felt so fleeting now.

His attention shifted when Pandora was mentioned. Dewshine. Her new name. It held a hopeful melody—a promise of renewal, a glimmer of light at the start of a day. It suited her perfectly.

" Dewshine. " he murmured softly, leaning closer to nuzzle her ear. " Dewshine. " he repeated, the word firmer, carrying the warmth of his approval as he rasped his tongue over her ear.

Juniperstar continued, her voice steady as she gave names to others: Owl became Owlbark, Yarrow became Yarrowhop, and sweet Tulip was now Tuliptail. Copper felt a pang at the mention of Water Snake, but it was quickly set aside as the name Snakeblink was bestowed. Then came Plume, Plumestrike and Plover, Ploversnap. Crying Dove remained Cryingdove, while Dusk became Duskcloud, and Thunder transformed into Thunderflash.

But Juniperstar's strength wavered. Her voice cracked under the immense weight of all that had happened, and her apologies spilled forth. Copper's heart tightened as he looked at her, his gaze filled with quiet understanding.

" She did well. " he mumbled softly to Dewshine, his voice low but certain. " With all that's happened... she did well. "

you walk along the edge of danger ——・゚✦

mentioning @Dewshine

Thunder didn't have much of a choice whether or not to attend this meeting. He was still unceremoniously lain out beneath moonlight, awaiting a space to lay and rest- maybe Ghost had been dilligent in finding him moss, he thinks, he hopes. He didn't want to rely on him so heavily, though. There was a hint of guilt in doing so. Ghost's panicked vision, sharp and angry and fearful, was still so fresh in his mind. Baby blues dragged away from the edge of camp towards where Juniper leapt upon the highest point, drawing attention even if her voice was but a whisper.

Her next words don't come as too much of a shock. These two-part names were something he had heard tales of since he arrived late with Ghost. Juniperstar. It felt fitting, even though her ears pinned backwards and vision shone wet with tears. She introduces structure, structure that would be sure to make them succeed and avoid any repeats of.. of Fray's last known actions, or rather, inactions. You're warriors. The bravest in the forest. Well, there was something that spoke to his good side, a half-cough leaving him as he shifted. It made his paws itch. Itch to run to each border they would lay claim to, to know their forest as intimately as the last. Part of him wonders if there was a fallen log, hollowed like another he knew.

Others have very different changes in their names. Once names given by Twolegs, their names a fascination of objects from the mouths of those who walked upright and moved without fur, shifted to something more natural. More wild, and fitting of the forest, of the wilds. Of their identity. His name is called, her voice cracking as it carries across camp. Baby blues snap to hers, staring wordlessly, ears pinned backwards and mouth slightly parted. What happened out there? He thinks softly, studying her. His head lowered, dipping at the reward of a name. And he, Thunderflash, begins to realize something.

The name that had carried him from a young age has been changed. The word spoken to him as a ironic pun from his mother, and always called like a cruel whip from his father, a private joke to his sisters- it was no longer theirs. It was his, all his, from the tips of his paws to the end of his tail. His shoulders squared (even though it pained him) and he lifted his chin, pride worn like a shield. It staggers, despite the way he felt, seeing Juniperstar flee from the scene. His eyes shift towards Ghost, who he's sure was about to wear Thunderflash's shadow. Eyes studied the other briefly, trying to discern his emotion, before picking himself up and trying to hobble to a nest.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDER he/him, future thunderclanner, nineteen moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Raven watched Juniperstar with steady, somber eyes, her trembling voice and hesitant stance reflecting the weight of her new role. He understood her struggle. How could anyone rise to such an occasion when grief and uncertainty were so fresh? His own emotions churned beneath the surface, his stoic expression masking the guilt clawing at his insides.

The image of Cinder's final moments haunted him, the sound of the dying tom's gurgled breaths an unrelenting echo in his mind. He had delivered the blow, and no explanation of afterlives or destinies could erase the fact that he was the one who ended a life.

As Juniperstar called out the new names, Raven listened in silence. The names were fitting, each one seeming to carry a sense of purpose or hope, but they barely registered in his mind. When Juniperstar faltered and made her retreat, his amber eyes briefly tracked her departure before returning to the scene in front of him. Thunde-- No, Thunderflash caught his attention next, a cat whose strength had been tested, yet carried on.

Without a word, Raven stood and moved to Thunderflash's side. His silent offer of support wasn't questioned, and together they made their way to the den. A faint dip of his head accompanied a murmured, "You're welcome," as he left the brown tom to his rest.

Alone once more, Raven's gaze swept the camp. His paws itched to move, but there was nowhere to go that would silence the storm inside. A shudder ran through him as the suffocating weight of his actions pressed down harder. Would this feeling ever fade? Or was it his to carry for the rest of his days?

・゚✦ —— "Lift your broken crown, and let's be warriors."

mention of helping @THUNDERFLASH

indentGravel can't help but notice the slight tremble to Juniperstar's voice. 'She's come into an awful lot of responsibility - and an awful lot of power. Just after losing her best friend and lover, too. It's a lot for any cat to handle.' They move to the front of the crowd, making sure to listen on as diligently as possible. 'She'll need someone to lean on, of course. Someone to help shepard and guide her to the best possible outcome.' Gravel hums a little under their breath, as Juniperstar speaks. As the name of each new warrior is announced, Gravel cheers out their name - not loud enough to drown out the new leader, but enough to show some appreciation. They had all fought hard against friends and loved ones, and Gravel was sure they, too, had heavy hearts. A little support would do them some good, keep them from moping about.

indentWell, keep most of them from moping about. Thunderstrike would be a lost cause for a while, now. Still, Gravel supposes, he's a bold and powerful fighter. Once he gets back on all four paws he'll make for a great ally. Best to show him your good side now, before he can start throwing his weight around.

Owl would not call himself a clan cat. He didn't know if he ever would. He was reluctant to even call this group 'ThunderClan'. In his lifetime, which felt so much longer than some of these younger cats, no group like this had ever roamed the forest. Cats formed small colonies, yes, but the numbers they had collected while they were by the old oaks was staggering. Never before had he seen pelts mingle with one another like that. So many kittens running underfoot and young cats shadowing older ones like ducklings.

He mostly kept to himself during the days at the old oaks. He hunted and shared what he could not eat. He paced their imaginary border and vowed to keep the little ones safe. He was no social butterfly, though. He did not flit from one cat to another to learn names and become friends. He did, however, follow Hawthorne's every word. That tom had an air about him that made Owl want to go into battle for him. And he did. He even killed for him.

It all went to waste after Sable stooped to a low even he wouldn't find. Now, he followed who Hawthrone had picked as his successor and he hoped they had both chosen their futures wisely.

The tabby tom now sat below the rock that jutted from their new "camp". He looked up at Juniperstar with unimpressed eyes. She was stuttering and tired and apologetic. He couldn't say he was any better off (the sticky feeling of cat's blood still haunted him), but he wished she would show even a pawful of more strength. His ears perked at his name and the adjectives she slapped to his persona. She wasn't wrong, and it snapped him to attention to hear exactly what she thought. Harsh and impassioned. He rolled them around in his mind briefly before Juniperstar then assigned him a new name. Owlbark.

Stiff like a tree or the bay of a hound. Bark. He rolled his shoulders, nodded to Juniperstar and stalked away once his new leader had rushed from camp. He'd have to get used to it. To it all.


canonically; december 10th

the fog clears little by little... some moments of genuine connection form tendrils between her heavensward spirit, grounding her back to the root-dense forests... to the hollow stones walls that hold their future. sometimes they lose track of where the names come from, what crevice the mosaic formed of mending heart's pieces they spawn from. maybe it is their patience... the comradery of those that band together despite the strange new world they navigate.

it makes today a little easier... but so little...

"Thank you... for working so hard to craft this space into a proper home," they begin, the smile that tugs at the corners of their lips weak-a flickering manifestation of what cheer they can muster. it was all too much... "I've had more time to think but not nearly enough to honor all of you still... but it's a start." a desperate clinging to good-will... an optimism summoned from a night of restful sleep, sure to be drained like the blood of a vampire bat's parasitic bite. hemorrhaging. unnoticed in the way she bloodlets her strength when it should be reserved...

"Honeysuckle..." her gaze grows softened to behold her niece, a tiny piece of her brother still left to nurture, "Don't be afraid to find your voice... tread your path in confidence." advice she wished she'd been given when her own parents had passed. "I name you Honeysucklecry." the woodsy fur of her mother lingers in the corner of her gaze, soon fixed within sea glass pools- "Hazel... your empathy and compassion are what make you strong... I name you Hazelheart." Bracken would surely approve... how closely do the stars listen? would he know?

"Monster... we can use more of the intense ferocity you carry yourself with... for that we will know you now as Monstergrowl. Harrier... protect your clan, your claws are not your most deadly weapon- with this name I hope your strikes serve justice, as Harrierteeth. Elk... your wits are your strength, make good use of your skills to feed and fight as Elkhound."

her stare glides towards the dark, familiar pelt of a tom whose jaw was set in a studious frown- one who'd proven time and again that his blood ran through this group to be undeniably defended. "Maple... no one here would deny your willingness to weather the coldest, darkest days... I hope you'll find confidence under the name Maplefrost." Rowan... she hadn't forgotten Rowan but still what name suited the injured girl eluded her... or maybe it was her lack of willingness to approach the queen that cared for her that had kept her thoughts far and away.

"Keahi... for the fur that you wear that camouflages you within our forests and the decisiveness of your bite, I give you the name Russetfang. Copper-" the spotted cat finds the creases of a furrowed brow upon their face, trying to offer some sort of reassurance in the way she holds his stare for a few silent moments. "This too will pass... May the name Copperstorm give you the strength you need. Khaki... you too wear the forest on your pelt and with any luck you will embrace it gleefully as Brownfur." not the most creative but the further she pressed herself the more her head ached and her heart throbbed for who was not here to be named in such a fashion.

just... a little bit longer... the facade of hopeful beaming could be maintained. "Gentle," a bear-like cat in stature, imposing and comforting all the same. "Keep your passion close, share it with those who still ache... be their light, Gentleflame." her head dips, a bow of welcome- of recognition to those that now stepped into their new culture with fresh identifies to match.

her tone wavers, already the bottom of her cup has been reached. "If any of you have your own wishes... you can always share them with me- I want your names to feel like they belong to you, like they suit you... Please tell me if they don't. I'll have more soon, I promise." her tail lashes, a punctuation to say that was all she had for now. but this was far from over.

༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — He settles next to a familiar black smoke at his side only to peer up towards Juniperstar unable to believe that Hawthorne or rather Thornstar isn't here with them to guide and lead those that had followed him loyally. And even so, Gentle believes that Juniperstar would do her best in guiding them into a better future for their Thunderclan and they aren't the colony that had suffered together but now those that had been familiar are strangers or enemies to them. She goes over the ranks and he can't help but glance in the direction of his littermates and Scale unsure of what to think of it at first until several warriors begin to recieve their names that are so much different to the ones that they have now. Its to match their new matriach without the star clinging to them and it makes the gray tom ponder on how that's like to be a leader and see the faces of those lost to them from the battle. But after she names a few of her clanmates, she darts away with an apology...

It isn't long until he recieves his own name given to him by Juniperstar and his ears angle forward at the sound of it... Gentleflame. To keep his passion close and share it with those who ache to be their light, Gentleflame offers a wry smile only to dip his helm respectfully in the direction of the spotted tabby then takes in a sharp breath. He could do that though he presses his shoulder to Scale's and wonders silently what her name would be.


  • ooc





  • ( I WILL TRUST THE ARTIST MOLDING ME ) gentleflame ; warrior of thunderclan

    cismale ; he/him ; 30 moons old ; ages the 27th every month

    a large, longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white markings and brown eyes

    gentleflame's a very warm and friendly individual to those he meets. he's very social and willing to lend a paw if anyone needs it. he's someone that puts others before himself and a self-sacrificing individual that will shield others from harm's way if he can help it. it's very rare to earn his ire.

    demiromantic bisexual ; currently interested in scalejaw

    older littermate to grace and crying dove ; currently mentoring... N/A

    "speech", thoughts, attacking ; difficult in combat/specializes in heavier attacks, his size, and strategy

    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed

Copper's ears pricked as he sat near the heart of the gathering, his golden eyes fixed on Juniperstar. The fresh-kill he had brought earlier lay neatly on the pile, a silent testament to his determination that no cat would go hungry under his watch. The weight of a recent conversation lingered on his mind, not as a burden but as a quiet comfort that steadied his spirit.

When Juniperstar began to speak, Copper dipped his head respectfully, his focus unwavering.

As new names rang out across the clearing, he joined the chorus of cheers, his voice strong with pride for each cat. Honeysucklecry, Hazelheart, Monstergrowl, Harrierteeth, Elkhound, Maplefrost, Russetfang…

Then, he heard it... his own name. Copper blinked, momentarily caught off guard as his gaze met Juniperstar's. A faint frown tugged at his features, but it softened as he offered her an encouraging smile, his golden eyes squinting slightly in quiet acceptance. This too will pass, she had said. And so, Copperstorm became his name. He rolled it over in his mind, testing its sound and weight. It fit.

Befitting of him. He was Copperstorm now.

When Brownfur and Gentleflame received their names, Copperstorm called out in celebration, his cheers mingling with the rest of the clan. He repeated their names with genuine warmth, congratulating them wholeheartedly. Bit by bit, the clan was rebuilding, reforging itself from the fragments of what had been lost.

As Juniperstar signaled the end of the ceremony, Copperstorm rose, a deep purr rumbling in his chest. He met her gaze once more, his voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and resolve.

" Thank you. " he said simply, the words heavy with meaning.

you walk along the edge of danger ——・゚✦

  • Love
Reactions: juniperstar

canonically; december 12th

her mind runs rampant with the options, they grow in their listing with every short rest of tired eyes. dreams to inspire, gifted by the stars themselves perhaps? it was a wishful thinking, that a bramble-striped pelt might be humming suggestion between tufted ears... like he might not have abandoned the responsibility to her so abruptly. like it could be eased into, like acclimating to the chill of water before being set to floating.

her whiskers sit as alert bristles, twitching under the eager gazes that find her in the same place they'd been addressed twice before. the sun is warmer today than it has been and with it, energy shivers down their spine in anticipation. they were more eager to share these names, growing more certain with every interaction-

"A moment of your time please," the chocolate tabby calls, tail curled over their back in a show of their own excitement. "Hunting here has been better than at the great oaks but remember to be conservative when you can be- we have many mouths to feed and even a single bite might save someone from hunger." her ears swivel to listen to signs of disapproval, for those who are selfishly invested in their own grumbling bellies- those that might need a swift bite to the thin flesh of their ears as a warning against such roguish behavior.

if there are any so foolish, they are not brazen enough to announce it to the masses... which means she can continue with more merry things than discussing the strategies against starvation. "Right... well... Cassidy... it's your turn... your future will be a boon for all of us, one of our first taught under the name of ThunderClan... you'll be Trufflepaw until you complete your training. Raven... you are a quiet comfort and light-footed... I name you Ravensmoke. Pixie... your willingness to speak before rushing to use your claws will be helpful... you'll be named Flutterstep for your gentle paws." her lips pull back to reveal ivory teeth, a smile that grows more genuine with each passing day... slowly... surely...

"Werewolf... for your stealth and silvery coat you will be Ashmoon... Nyx... you too are dressed in shadow and feathered fur- I give you the name Darkplume. Dawn, your compassion and confidence will inspire others to trust you and follow your example- the name Dawnsong will suit you nicely."

her head dips low to them, a greeting and a welcome. they join what is slowly becoming the majority... what is to be their new normal. the last generation to have ever been born with names so singular as theirs. "Silver, you have endured this leaf-bare with us as if you were born in it- you'll be well-named as Silverfrost. Acheron... your skills as a hunter make you something to reckon with between the trees... I name you Nightwing, not unalike an owl in the silence you strike with. Chantarelle," her stare pauses on the blue pelt of her younger sister, searching her eyes for a moment before finalizing her place beside her. a clan cat... a warrior. "Nothing escapes your attention... your diligence earns you the name Chantarelleseeker."

her gaze hurriedly searches for the next familiar face, one she has thought about since her brother had been named; Gentleflame... and to match his elemental nature, "Grace your passion, the way you nurture those around you... you'll be a great teacher and for the lives you'll mold I name you Gracebloom. Lastly... Haunt... you are welcome here, for your bite is ferocious and your pelt a vision of stealth... you will be Murkyfang."

hopefully they would feel comfortable enough to heed her previous advisement... that what did not feel fitting to them could always be changed. this was still new, strange... and draining to navigate creatively. she could not remember everyone's greatest skills, had not spent as much time diving into the colony as she should've- sorely, she wonders if Thornstar might've had names for each of them, if his shoulders shook in StarClan with a laugh for all her struggles. he'd say something silly, a joke about what he ought to have named her- Juniperbreeze for being so air-headed maybe. Juniperwish for her naivety. there would be no finding out now..

"Our numbers and collaboration are what makes us strong... rely on one another. I have faith in each of you. Good luck in your hunts today. You're all free to go."

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Werewolf, now Ashmoon, grunts in acknowledgement. All's well with her - not as if they had much of a connection to the old name anyways. It was a hand-me-down, and leftover from their time roaming the city streets. They were marked as large, and violent, and unspeaking, likea dog - or a wolf, if you were being charitable. Ashmoon soundd... softer. Kinder. The sort of name someone would whisper in your ear as you lay together under a blanket of stars. It was nice, too, to have someone acknowledge her stealth, and hunting prowess, instead of raw size and power. Maybe this new name will bring about a new life.

Ravensmoke's heart beat a little faster as the weight of his new name settled in. The thought of it, of officially being recognized as part of ThunderClan, made something stir deep inside him. It was more than just a name; it was a new beginning. His amber eyes flicked to his sister, Silverfrost, and he could feel his chest swell with pride for her. She had earned her name, just as he had earned his.

As he nudged her with a paw, his grin soft and playful, the familiar warmth of family flooded his senses. " You're still a dreamy ditz. " he teased, but the affection in his voice was unmistakable. She was his sister, and no matter what, he would always have her back. He would walk through any storm to make sure she was safe.

His gaze turned toward Juniperstar for a moment, and he felt his determination grow. He would do everything in his power to live up to the expectations of his clan, to make ThunderClan proud. His journey was just beginning, but with his sister by his side and the love of his clan, he felt a glimmer of hope.

It was time to leave the shadows behind, time to push forward. For Silverfrost. For ThunderClan. For himself...?

His eyes sought the other cats for a moment, whiskers quivvering. Ashmoon, Trufflepaw, Flutterstep, Darkplume, Dawnsong,Nightwing, Chantarelleseeker, Gracebloom, Murkyfang... Many who now carried a new name, and perhaps a chance for a new start.

・゚✦ —— "Lift your broken crown, and let's be warriors."

mention of @SilverFrost

canonically; december 14th

had the stars been shining more brightly the night before? or had it just been imagined in the haze of sleepy comfort? that morning had felt warmer. . . like the sun had taken a deep drink of the optimistic dreams of her clan and bathed them in it to share. a reminder of a future that could be bathed in beautiful light. . . they need only pursue it. the frost itself cowered in fear of this warm winter day, a reprieve from their suffering. bright greens search the stretching forms of clan-mates finding their first steps out into the shining rays and among them the downy bed of feathers that had kept her at ease.

she catches him, a tiny lift of the corners of her maw in reassuring smile behind the excited twitch of whiskers. inspiration had struck . . . and confidence carved impatient paths from heart to head. "There's more of you to name... but I've almost got the last of you!" her tail sweeps in eager arc, a summoning gesture. first. . .

"Gravel," her eyes narrow slightly, a reminder of the sharpness with which they'd levied their opinions. a trail carved with precise cuts, expertly tread. "Your fearlessness... it will guide you down tracks that others may never have seen. Gravelpath will not shy from the route to their success." she does not linger on them- it is already understood to her that any objection will be made bluntly. she could count on that honesty. "Scale-" another with a bite to her truth- unwavering in sharing it with equally brutal loyalty. "Your bark is as ferocious as your bite, carry that strength with confidence. You'll be known as Scalejaw." there is the matter of a more light-hearted, cheerful face to attend to next.

"Peregrine, you make all of our hearts soar- a breath of fresh air. I give you the name Peregrinesky. Hibiscus, you too share your joy with us and keep our paws lighter- for your cheer I name you Hibiscuspurr." they would keep the blood flowing, be the beating heart of their recovering clan. they could only thrive under the careful balance of stark realism and reckless hope.

"Hyacinth," another of the same blood, one that deserved this celebration in the eyes of her father. he was watching, even though the stars could not see- he had to be. Hazelheart stands there too, Honeysucklecry... there is only one left after this. "This is a fresh start... embrace the chance to find yourself in the new, in the exciting... Embrace Hyacinthrain as your chance to do so." her attention flicks to the next quickly, hurriedly... an impatient excitement ramping up in the fluttering of her chest- the tiniest, sharpest kick of tiny feet in her gut. "Moon, you were new to us still when we split... and yet you're still here, faithful despite your uncertainties. You represent the stubborn dedication within all of us... so I name you Moongrumble. Aurora, you're a perfect foil to him, a quiet resistance against the cruelty we endure... I give you the name Aurorawhisper."

flickering embers stand at the corner of her vision, sought out with a pained gleam behind sea glass- they melt in the face of such a blaze, burned by it. "Flame," they say their brother's name, knowing there is a gaping hole in this litter that ought to be named too. "You jump at the chance to bring us justice... to protect and help those that need it most. For you, I hope Flametongue serves you well."

she ignores the flip of her stomach, seeking out another set of emerald slivers. the first she'd found... and the ones she returned to.

"Gray," there is a tenderness in the single syllable, something as sweet and simple as him. as his care. she would never be able to repay him his kindness, his love. only hope that the peace of mind he gave her was mutual. there are more ways she could call to him than she had toes to count on- petal-dusted defender. . . dew-damp guardian . . . pale-ruffed protector . . . hopefully in this he would understand. "I give you the name Graybird..." the flowery explanation dies in her throat, feeling exposed to share it in front of so many others. would he remember half-asleep murmurs? understand the meaning of what softness he gave? alike the gentleness of downy feathers woven into her nest.

"You'll be flying through these forests before any of us know it... Just rest up for now, kay?" once the cobwebs no longer clung to his chest would that sweet bird sing its victory song?

the brown spotted tabby cannot hold his stare any longer, sweeping across the expectant faces of those few who still remained to be named. "The next time I bother you all will be the last time for this... I promise."

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canonically december 16th;

had it already been half a moon since she'd begun this process? she hadn't imagined it to be such an exhaustion on her heart, a trap firmly wrapped around her mind... but to think so critically of her clan-mates to name them. it is daunting... but almost over. her head lifts with a renewed sense of energy, as if snapped up from a nap she hadn't realized she was taking. time moved without relent and so they could not wait longer, could not delay...

"Let's share tongue tonight as a fully realized clan, huh?" her cheer is superficial, one plastered hurried across a tumultuous face. maybe with one less thing to worry about, she could move on and let something go. it might be a much needed release. "Auburn... you are nothing short of unique... for the markings that adorn your face I give you the name Auburnmask... Hopefully you do not hide behind it when you need us most." they were companions... all of them mutually suffering the same battles. they could not risk dividing apart. "Hare... you race through these forests with a speed few can match... for your great dexerity, I name you Harechaser."

there are some that adapt more readily, more easily... names that come from the forest, from nature but then those that don't... they are not so different from Hawthorne, snipping tiny pieces to make something new. "Birdie... for your calm and cunning nature I name you Littlebird. Malachi... you carry a spark of passion that will inspire others towards greatness- I give you the name Burningdawn. Cookie... you are observant, cautious... use your wit to teach those around you as best you can under the name Ospreywing."

her lips run dry the longer she speaks, carefully licking them so she is not forced to lose steam. a pause could stop the words, dam them up behind her teeth and delay what these last few cats deserve. their final closure. "Quell..." she can remember a time he lunged for Sable... had correctly called him for the overzealous hunger he had. tried to prevent what had found them next... "For your sharp mind and equally lethal fangs, I give you the name Lynxbite."

"Magnolia," the last of her litter to be named. "You've always forged your own way- you'll continue to as Magnoliapeak. Shoot for higher ground. Seaweed... you came to us looking for companionship- hoping for survival... We will continue to care for you as you care for us... as Seaweedpool." her vision hunts for the last few... ears wiggling with anticipation to have this finished. to wrap a bow around ThunderClan and call it complete... even if it was far from over.

"Frond... for the new life you foster and your nurturing nature, I hope you'll accept the name Palefern. And Ghost...." the last. one who had lingered around the outskirts like his namesake, never quite comfortable enough to settle himself amongst them completely. "You are a force of defensive reckoning... and you will always find success when you fight to protect others... I name you Ghoststrike." her tail curls behind her, a waving flag of overwhelming relief.

she smiles in peaceful silence, listening to those that remain huddle around each other, exchanging their new names like it is prey to fill their hopeful bellies. this uniformity would do them good... help them to fully integrate into their new identity as a clan rather than a colony. a finalizing of a change they could not run from. "We've done it... Now all that's left is to rely on one another... Good things will come in time as long as we stick to our roots- each other."

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The past few moons felt like a horrible dream. The rifts in their former colony were deep, so deep that even Hare trembled with them—though only when she allowed herself the space to feel it. Truthfully, she didn't know how to feel about any of it yet. All these changes, one after the other, unable to even adjust to the last before another was placed before them. Tension rippled through them, tearing at them, dragging them in different directions. It was hard to tell which path was the right one. So far, the one they had chosen seemed to only be drenched with blood.

Hare listened intently as Juniperstar—still strange calling her that—addressed the crowd. Quietly, she prayed that the molly, and whatever powers had been bestowed upon her, would guide them out of that place. She'd grown weary of soaking her paws in the fallen hopes and hungers their dead.

Her ears twitched with unease as Juniperstar's voice wavered, the lack of confidence plain to all. It made Hare's stomach twist with sympathy. The mantle of leadership had been thrust upon Juniperstar so suddenly. The grief must weigh her down like heavy stones; it was no wonder she fumbled. Still, it was admirable to watch her up there, carrying on despite everything stacked against her.

Juniperstar deserved better. They all did.

The murmurs of discontent rippling through the crowd weren't unwarranted. Hare didn't chastise them for their doubt; she felt it too, buried beneath the calm. Nor did she think much as their leader ushered off, likely needing a moment to put herself back together. Hare waited patiently. Her tired eyes scanned the crowd, offering soft congratulations to her newly named clanmates, hoping to ease their uncertainty.

When it came Hare's turn, her ears perked up. She shifted, lifting herself a little taller as Juniperstar's voice rang out.

Hare. Harechaser.

The name settled over her like fresh snow, light and clean. Quietly, she mouthed it to herself, her tongue adjusting to it. Not an entirely new experience, she had shed a name before and would do so again.

"A good, strong name." Harechaser blinked softly and then leaned back. There would be others who might be unhappy, but she wasn't one of them. "Thank you, I am honored to be recognized as such." She leaned back quickly, not wanting to take up much more of the attention than necessary.

When the ceremony was over, she forced a smile. Not for herself but for those around her. There were many times in the last few moons that Hare found herself unable to smile. But today, with the stars shining brighter than she'd ever seen them, soaking in their new identities, it came easy. Perhaps tonight marked the start of something good.

"She said it well, don't you think?" Harechaser said to the warrior beside her before her gaze shifted, scanning the crowd until it landed on Hazelheart. She rose to her paws and excused herself. Tonight, before anything else, she wanted to celebrate and share tongues with her sister. We've suffered enough.



With every meeting that Juniperstar called, Ghost felt like he was watching a guillotine inch closer and closer toward his head. At any moment the shecat would let the rope go, and he would have to accept the fate he'd chosen for himself.

Because actions had consequences. And Ghost hadn't left yet.

When the call came from the group to gather, Ghost reluctantly got to his feet and joined the group. The towering tabby hung toward the back half hoping not to be seen, because he'd been keeping count. There were only nine of them left, himself included. And he had a sinking feeling that tonight would be the night he was forced to come to terms with things.

He was still here. Not because he was too injured to leave. Not because Thunder was still struggling with their injuries (they weren't, and hadn't been for a while now). But because this was where he wanted to be for some reason. And maybe that would change down the line, tomorrow or next week or in a month. But right now? The prospect of moving on and going elsewhere felt more exhausting than just staying and accepting what was.


The last name called, as if even Juniper herself dared not name him any sooner than was necessary.

An unflinching gaze rose to meet the shecats.

"You are a force of defensive reckoning... and you will always find success when you fight to protect others... I name you Ghoststrike."

It sounded too noble. Too good to be a reflection of what he was. Strike made sense, but he had never been the rest of those things.

"... Y' saved my life, Ghost.

Thunders words echoed in his head, and his first instinct was to scoff and ignore it. Ghost had done nothing. Had pulled him off a battlefield and stood over his body snarling at the spirits of some dead cats. He wouldn't have been able to hurt them if he'd tried.

But you would have tried. something whispered back, almost mocking him with the truth.

That he'd wanted to protect him. That he would have tried even if there was no point.

He offered nothing more than a curt nod in response to her words, far from the lines of gratitude uttered by others, but not a rejection of what he'd been avoiding, either. He was Ghoststrike now, and that was that.

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars

𓆝 . ° ✦
Magnolia stands close to Hyacinthrain and Honeysucklecry as they are called together as a colony- as ThunderClan- for one of the first times by Juniperstar. Her gaze scans the crowds in search of her other kin, for Hazelheart and Hare, before Juniperstar shakily begins her meeting. The dilute torbie listens intensely, trying not to let her mind wander, but as Juniperstar's voice trembles on she can't help but wonder about all the things that are still going through her mind. Magnolia narrows her eyes. She has already sworn fealty to her leader- it's only right, and it's what her father would have wanted- but she thinks, too, about grief and loyalty. Though she doesn't make it far before her attention is snapped back.

She is one of the last among her family to be named, though she does not mind it. Juniperstar is thoughtful and kind in her naming. Hyacinthrain encouraged to seek fresh opportunities, Honeysucklecry encouraged to find her voice, and her mother honored for her compassion. Magnolia listens dutifully as the leader calls out each of the remaining cats. Her aunt is named Harechaser, honoring her speed and dexterity, and cats like Cookie and Birdie gain almost entirely new names. The torbie tries not to look too excited when Juniperstar calls her name. Though she still nearly puffs out her chest when the molly dubs her Magnoliapeak. 'Shoot for higher ground,' the words bounce around in her mind, and she wonders if Bracken is somehow speaking through Juniperstar.

"Thank you," Magnolia- no, Magnoliapeak- murmurs simply, dipping her head from the crowd with respect and gratitude. This meeting ends with resolve and strength, different from the grief and uncertainty of the others. Now, Magnoliapeak feels a sense of unity with her clanmates. She feels strength at being among them, and is ready to face whatever challenges may come her way. To make her father proud in StarClan, and to continue to lead and protect her family. She is a real ThunderClan warrior now.
° . . °
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    dilute tortoiseshell with amber eyes. here too.
[ set on the december 12th post ]

Cassidys fur still feels all fluffed out from the battle, no matter how long ago it was. Their face is still sore from battered paws and they seat themselves as Juniperstar calls another meeting, shoulders slumped forward and attention not exactly lended... On the tip of their tongue lays things they wished to have said to the cat whom had them pinned, to beg for mercy, to beg for anything, and all they had done was lay there. A horrified expression crosses their face for a brief moment, haunted with everything they could have done different until they hear their name called out.

Eyes flick up for just a second, tired, waiting, fearful. Cassidy... it's your turn... your future will be a boon for all of us, one of our first taught under the name of ThunderClan, and their eyebrows scrunch up in grief. They don't want to be an example, they don't want to be the first taught, they don't... Juniperstar doesn't wait, they receive a new name, a new life before the leader. Trufflepaw. A mushroom. How funny it is, ironic that a once collecting hobby is now their name...

They should feel happy. Feel pride, feel warmth in their chest and all they feel is empty. They yearn to run to their brother, push their face in his fur and let him do all of the talking, all of the hard work for them. "Trufflepaw," they whisper, testing out how it rolls off the tongue. Trufflepaw, trufflepaw, trufflepaw, trufflepaw, what a name. They hardly recognize that others receive more names, too, more lives upturned out of nowhere; more cats gain two-part names, they hardly realize they're the only one with paw. They feel empty.
And just like that, Malachi is scooped up into invisible paws that carry him, away and away, so much farther than he had ever imagined as a possibility for someone like him. By all accounts, he is not a lost little scrap anymore — at least not on the surface, because he doubts it's this easy and fast to turn yourself inside out. He has too much to atone for still. Perhaps the forest that had to be fought for at the cost of blood and lives would be the perfect place for that.

In spite of Malachi's reluctance towards the holy and the not-so-mortal, he always finds himself overshadowed by forces beyond his comprehension. His mother's judgment first, then the way his lungs drew another round of ragged breath way past the point of no return, and now... Juniperstar speaks of StarClan. They shall be their guide now.

Malachi can't help the way his eyes scan the clearing. Do the others feel relief with this knowledge? Or is it simply more weight to carry on weary shoulders?

Juniperstar renames him. He is in no position to refute.

Burningdawn, he tries it, turns it over inside his mouth and lets his tongue run over the syllables. It's... it's not bad. Somewhere to the left of his spine, he itches — the warm patches on his back twitch in response. If he is to be known on the surface by his peers, he may as well be named after his looks.

And if he allows himself to try, he might get some sort of hope from that suffix.

"Thank you."
Golden eyes peer up to the star-kissed leader. Despite everything that has happened... the Colony- Clan, gets to bask in promises of the future; a better future. Juniperstar reminds them all of the community that they have built.

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How quickly his name stops being his own.

Water Snake is what his mother named him, and what his sister has called him for all the moons they've been alive together. It's a connection to the past; he feels it slip through his teeth as she voices it out slowly, drawing out the well-loved syllables until they hang in the air. The last he might hear them. Then again, is this not what his sister has already gone through? Serpentberry, named by her own departed mate. If anything, he ought to follow her in this as well. So he looks back at Juniperstar, his face carefully neutral, and lets her remake him.

Watchful, cautious, prepared. And so he becomes Snakeblink.

He supposes there are worse names to have. At least he is still a Snake. And the suffix could be taken as a play on his scar, or his poor eyesight, but--he likes it. It has a ring to it. He will have to get used to it, but it will take less getting used to than something like Tuliptail would have.
"I cannot promise to answer to it immediately, but it is a good name."

He comes back to listen over the days as the camp grows around them and she names cat after cat, and his judgment holds: they are good names, good choices, for what they are, and for what they mean: a new order to live in. A new world.
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    A thin, short furred chocolate tabby with bright green irises and a scar over his right eye.