Serpent trails through the thralls of colony cats, green eyes flitting from grouping to grouping whilst she seeks out a specific tom. If someone told her moons ago that she'd be so imperfectly enamored with a tom like Hawthorne, she might've laughed; her life from birth to then had been wholly and entirely consumed by that of her family. Sure, to continue such a thought meant she'd have to have family of her own, but she had never considered how difficult it would be to allow another into the fold.
Or, rather, how easy her heart had been stolen.
She finds him by his lonesome. Serpent's pace picks up slightly as she's quick to join his side, wordlessly pressing her cheek to his cheek and fitting in beside him. His thoughts are not shared with her, telepathy could only be a dream beyond them. But she knows, with the way his shoulders hang and his eyes remain unfocused, that he is unhappy. Serpent sits back on her haunches, silently languishing in her lost cheerfulness (she much liked it when they discussed their impending litter rather than what plagues his mind.)
"Do you want to talk about it, my love?" she chirps quietly to him. His poor, sick father. He once meant nothing to her, but in recent moons he had become family, just as Hawthorne is now. She frets his health, too, and hopes that he recovers from whatever the chill has gifted him.