C'mon and leave your mark - Vandalize my heart!

indent A lot had changed for Ashmoon in just a few days. A new name, new home, new way of life. It was a whole lot to take in. However, despite everything - the bloodshed that had lead them here, the disillusion of the colony, the disastrous last fight with Vampire - He held a small flicker of hope in his heart. Maybe this was a sign to start over, to trace things back to the beginning and push forward on a new path. 'I don't want to be a downtrodden bait cat from the city anymore. I want to serve Thunderclan and Juniperstar, to the fullest of my abilities. That's the sort of cat 'Ashmoon' is.'
indentMoods around camp had been, understandably, pretty dire. Even pushing aside the dire circumstances, leaf-bare is always a melancholy time of year. The harsh cold bites at the nose and paws, and the stillness of the forest leaves one feeling a bit hollow. Not to mention the lack of food, which was worse this year more than others. 'I could help, though. It's well within my abilities to fix this.' She couldn't do it alone, though. The quarry she had in mind was a bit too much for one cat alone, no matter how big or how powerful. She scans the camp, looking for a capable candidate, and quickly makes her decision.
indentGhost is waiting idly about camp. Although his face is steely and stoic, Ashmoon can see the boredom tainting the edges of his expression. The tomcat had been doing quite a bit of 'nothing', recently. Allegedly, he was just biding his time to ensure Thunderflash doesn't keel over before he leaves for greener pastures. His act isn't very convincing. Ashmoon can't help but be a bit bitter, thinking about how idyllic a love story Ghost seems to have gotten. 'Another brute from the city, but he gets a happy ending. good for him.'
indentPlacing his personal concerns aside, Ghost really is the best cat for the job. He's large, and more than strong enough for Ashmoon's means. And he definitely wasn't busy helping in any other ways.
"You." Ashmoon says, coldly, as he approaches Ghost. "Come with me. I need help with something."

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