
blasphemy, heresy! save me!
This user plays a HP.
Kofi Supporter


adopt closes on
: February 25th, 2025


    Fox, Coyote, and Dog were born to shipyard cats, Dawn and Red on September 25th, 2023. Their parents were long-time mates, as their bond over the water brought them closer together. Both parents were present in the litter's upbringing; Dawn was a gentle, soothing mother, and Red was a strict but caring father. Fox had a near drowning accident during their first leafbare, but was taught to swim alongside Coyote and Dog when the weather grew warmer. During this time, their mother fell ill with greencough- leaving essential lessons for survival to be handled their father.

    Tragically, Dawn was unable to recover from her illness, and only grew weaker as her kits grew older and stronger. She passed before the three became adults, leaving them without a mother, and Red brokenhearted. Their father was never truly the same after losing the cat he spent his life with. He is still there for his kits time to time, but occasionally it might feel like they lost both parents that fateful day.

    Jumping to the present, Coyote, Dog, and Fox have made the long journey to their new home in RiverClan. Their made the journey as well, after having to be convinced that the shipyard was no longer safe. The siblings, despite their vast personality differences, are quite close. While they bicker time to time, as littermates will do, deep down the three look out for one another. And will continue to do so, in their new clan as warriors.

    - At the time of this adopt being posted, all three siblings are 16 moons old. They age realistically once a month on the 25th. They were born on September 25th, 2023.
    - Here is more information on Fox if needed!
    - They are former shipyard cats, now RiverClan warriors. They do not have any immediate connections to outside clans or cats.
    - As this adopt thread will most likely close after RiverClan's first meeting, they will most likely already have their warrior names given to them by Pike(star).
    -- the ooc naming theme is canine apex predators for their prefixes! Suffixes are up to you!
    — claimed by TBD
    Coyote- (AFAB) is a chocolate/cinnamon chimera with low white, and amber eyes. You can find her reference HERE. Once adopted, I will edit the name to include the chosen suffix!
    - Coyote- is blunt and stern, and has a lot of ambition. She has a sharp tongue, and can be quite opinionated. She is a strong fighter, unlike her brother.
    - She is the firstborn child!
    - Coyote: naming reason for prefix is up to you!
    - Suffix: up to you!

    — claimed by TBD
    Dog- (AFAB) is a chocolate/cinnamon chimera with high white, and green eyes. You can find her reference HERE. Once adopted, I will edit the name to include the chosen suffix!
    - Dog- is a lot more quiet, when compared to Coyote; but is not shy like Fox. She is observant, often seen as cool or aloof, and can be quite practical. She is ready for any and everything.
    - She is the middle child!
    - Dog: naming reason for prefix is up to you!
    - Suffix: up to you!

    - This thread is not first come first serve! Any application form is accepted though!
    - This adopt closes on February 25th, 2025.
    - I currently have holds placed on both prefixes! Please remember when if you are chosen for coyote or dog, you must check them in!
    -- Please reference I have a hold on the prefix upon check-in. I have them on hold until March 8th.
    - Please do not alter their designs (this excludes scars that can occur naturally in rp!)!
    -- if you have toyhouse, you are absolutely welcome to upload their design to toyhouse! please credit me as the on-site creator- my username is vvinsoli.
    -- upon adoption, I will also provide each roleplayer the two fullbodies (with a transparent background) from the reference sheet.
    - I have provided a base personality for each sibling, please feel free to expand on it and develop them into their own character!
    -- I'd love to see them develop past being Fox's littermate! I'm excited to see what plots, and ideas, you guys come up with for them!
    - Please keep them in RiverClan!
    - Activity wise: I'm looking for rpers who can post around the RiverClan board often in a month. I am planning to make 10 posts per month with Fox, and I would like to see siblings who can match OR get close to that quota (5-10 posts per month)!
    - I reserve the right to rehome the siblings if there are 3 months of inactivity & zero communication, as prefixes go back up for claim after 3 months.
    -- Please communicate with me if you will be inactive for a significant amount of time!
    - If you have any questions, please holler at me in the IC discord server!! My channel there is called #vvins-vault!

    Parents are npcs — siblings are gen 1
    No immediate connections to outside clans or cats

    Coyote's official diagnosis:
    - lh chocolate/cinnamon tabby chimera with low white, and green eyes.

    Dog's official diagnosis:
    - lh chocolate/cinnamon tabby chimera with high white, and amber eyes.
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details chnaged from last edit: removed dogear as a potential warrior name and replaced it with dogflicker
changed character inspirations now that ive sat on her archetype more
included an extra character keypoint

DOG - her fur pattern was reminiscent of a dog their parents had seen, maybe a catahoula leopard?
dogwhistle, dogflicker, dognose, dogpoppy, dogscratch, dogwish

POTENTIAL TROPES note* not all may be used as the character is developed in writing
- middle child 'invisible child'
- the antihero/lovable rogue | morally ambiguous, but quiet about it. acts with not just her but her littermates best interest in mind first until she learns to love her clan, too.
- the cooler older sister | small potential rivalry with coyote to try and be the 'better role model' for fox. nothing seems to get under her skin and it looks like everything comes naturally to her, a facade she works hard for fox to believe
- the sacrificial lamb | while i wouldn't plan to kill her any time soon, id prefer her death be for a greater purpose either for the clan or to inspire in some way

PERSONALITY KEY POINTS note* i don't want to write an in depth personality if its not something i can entirely stick to, so i have some important details that'll stick to her character instead!
- used to stepping back to allow her siblings the spotlight.
- her quiet demeanor is mistaken for shyness but she simply keeps most of her thoughts to herself in a subconscious fear of going against the grain.
- okay she's shy but also dangerously protective, to a scary degree because she remains covert about it. dog is a quiet lurker and will act in silence and subtly sabotage the lives of those who have wronged fox or coyote (never herself, however) by sneakily spreading rumors or seeding doubt in the actors abilities/manipulating her peers perception of the bad actor with off-handed comments
- the sibling that looks to always have everything together (but thats a lie)
- REFUSES to let anyone view her as weak and will go.. to great lengths to prove otherwise
- character inspirations are: catwoman (DC), violet (the incredibles), dolores madrigal (encanto), raven (teen titans)
- would not be a character that focuses or longs for romance, is actually quite comfortably being by herself and would be very uncomfortable with being courted. not ace, just inexperienced. would probably end up in a painfully long slowburn if romance ever did occur
- not good with children but a good teacher
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COYOTE: Named for her mottled, dull colored pelt like a coyote, self fulfilling prophecy of a name since she ends up a very sharp mouthed to the point of cruelty kind of cat.
Potential warrior names: Coyoteclaw, Coyotecall, Coyoterunner, Coyotestone, Coyotesnap

Idea rambling:
  • Stoic and blunt, she's not a cruel cat so to say (not yet), just ended up learning to mask her true emotions since she learned fast someone's got to stick up for them all and that's easier when no one can read what she's really thinking.
  • Quiet soft spot: She loves her siblings, they're all she has and treasures them dearly just has a very strange way of showing it, she pushes them, probably too much, to become better. Probably leading to butting heads with Dog and putting Fox into situations that make him more nervous. Though with her siblings she knows when to stand down, she does what she does to try and help them but the moment she clocks it's causing grief she'll swallow her pride and apologise. But this is only extended to her siblings (and kits, she's tough but when she sees the little guys she thinks about when her and her siblings were that small and wants to give them the support the three of them were never given).
  • Opinionated and low filter: Frankly, Coyote will say what's on her mind, she'll look a cat in the eyes and air her grievences with a flat face, tone and zero hesitation. It's gotten her into more arguements than Fox or Dog can remember, but she is more than capable of holding her own in a fight so there's little they can do to stop her from this down right dangerous behaviour.
  • This would however evolved into something more cruel over time, becoming more bitter and vicious over time as cats wrong her but especially her siblings. She's defensive of them to the point of being controlling, all with good intentions but its this she doesn't realise she's causing pain, driving away other cats from her siblings if they're frightened enough of her.
  • She will be proud of her clan and protective of the cats there too, but no one and nothing will take priority over them.
  • Would be a very good warrior, adept fighter and hunter but her relationships with cats in the clan would likely be a little strained, bitter and holding grudges but having a few close friends. For the most part she doesn't intend to be cruel, but as time goes on she grows spiteful and resentful how cats treat her and she treats them in kind.
  • Realistically needs to be knocked down a peg before she becomes a truely cruel cat, which is my intention. I don't want her to be a complete antagonist, she just holds a lot of misplaced anger and frustration from having never quite learned to express it in a health manner.
  • Despite all this, like I said she has a soft spot and with her first apprentice she realises she can find it in her to extend that softness to them too. She learns while she still has a habit of "tough love" younger cats look up to her strength and she wants to be a good role model to them. Maybe theres issues with her first apprentice where she's too tough-love on them to the point of burning them out and causes her to get reprimanded, learning her ways aren't healthy and feeling guilty for how she treated her siblings as it was in good faith but likely hurt them too.

Veeeery messy and I might come back to wiggle this since i put it together on the train but!!!! its a start :3
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Coyotecall is a 16 moon old Riverclan warrior, alongside his siblings Foxtail and Dog-. He is a longhaired cinnamon and chocolate chimera with low white and amber eyes. Having been a former member of the shipyard cats, and moved after the passing of his mother alongside his siblings and father- as of right now, beyond his family, he has no ties to any Riverclan cats.

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———-,. ° ✧- GENERAL INFO -✧ ° .-,———

↪ Coyote- for his mottled fur, -call for his sharp voice and blunt, outspoken nature
Trans male, he/him pronouns
↪ Bisexual and aro-leaning; feels rare romantic attraction
16 moons
↪ Born 09/25/2023, ages one moon every 25th
Riverclan warrior
Thoughts, "Speech"
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———-,. ° ✧- APPEARANCE -✧ ° .-,———

Fullbody ref
Coyotecall is a large, longhaired chocolate/cinnamon tabby chimera that stands 13 inches at the shoulder, has a body length of 16 inches, and an approximate weight of 15 pounds. His long fur makes him look larger than he already is, especially in comparison to his short-furred clanmates. The majority of his fur is brown, save for his head being cinnamon, a patch of cinnamon as a mismatched sock, and cinnamon on his flank and tail tip. He's covered in white, as well, with the most noticeable being extended stockings on his back legs that go up his tail, white toes, a patch of white fur on his stomach, and a "locket" of white on his throat and mouth. He has amber eyes.
↪ no scars or other injuries

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———-,. ° ✧- PERSONALITY -✧ ° .-,———

( + ) adaptable, confident, loyal, helpful, intuitive ( / ) ambitious, stern, opinionated, protective, diligent ( - ) blunt, fiery, stubborn, cynical, argumentative

Coyotecall, at first glance, puts out an air of being almost unstoppable. When he was younger, he picked up on the fact that he would need to adapt, fast, and it's something that's stuck with them even throughout everything going on. If he's put in a new situation, he's going to be used to it within the day, and he'll be sure of that. It's not the only thing he's sure of, either- Coyotecall has a certain confidence that would rival a creature twice his size, and it shows in everyday things. He speaks definitively, and, unless he's well and truly shaken, there's no chance of him outwardly seeming unsure of himself. Despite that, though, he is loyal- to his family first, and then to the clan. He'd never do anything to hinder the newly-founded Riverclan or it's growth, and he instead is the sort to go out of his way to try to help. Even if it's the smallest thing, he'll be there if anyone needs him (and he really hopes they do). He, for as self-absorbed as he may seem at first, is surprisingly intuitive. He's good at picking up on small things, either in tone or body language. Whether or not he'll remember in the long run is different, though.

Not everything can be always good, and Coyotecall is no exception. His confidence bleeds through more often than not, and he can be rather ambitious, to the point of sparking rivalries with his clanmates and maybe even outsiders. He has big dreams for himself, and for his siblings, and he's going to try to see them through. This, in fact, pushes him to be almost stern; mostly towards his family, because he can see their potential and wants them to reach that, but also to his other clanmates. Even his older clanmates will be subject to Coyotecall's poking and prodding, and he can be rather relentless in the way he tries to push their buttons so they'll do more. And in his opinion- if he has something to say, chances are he's going to say it. And loudly, too. He's never been ashamed to say what he thinks, and the change in his living situation isn't going to change that. What it has changed, though, is his protectiveness of others; following the situations that forced them to leave and Dawn's death, Coyotecall has a bad habit of hovering over those he cares for. He doesn't want anything to happen to them, but, in the same sense, he can be suffocating, especially with close friends and family. For better or for worse, though, the cats in question will be able to get a break; Coyotecall is a hard worker, devoted to it. And, unfortunately, should he be given the chance, he'd work until his paws fell off. It'll take a lot to push him away from completing the task given and then fifteen more after the fact- in fact, he'd probably sooner collapse from exhaustion.

The real, actual thing someone may notice about Coyotecall as soon as he opens his mouth is that he's blunt. He says things like he sees them, and doesn't like the idea of having to tone it down for someone else. So he doesn't. This, alongside his short-temper, is quick to have it's drawbacks; when Coyotecall does speak, chances are he's arguing with someone else, and chances of that are that he's also getting more and more riled up. It doesn't take much for someone- or something- to get under his skin, and the anger stays with him. His stubborn nature is a testament to this fact; beyond all his poking and prodding at those he sees the potential in, Coyotecall is unwilling to let anything go easily, and dragging him away from it would be easier than asking him to. He's completely, totally unwilling to change his mind on something, even when he probably should. This, in turn, means he's rather cynical; despite all the proof otherwise, he's distrusting of others and the idea that they could do something out of genuine kindness.
↪ Flexes his claws in high-stress situations

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———-,. ° ✧- RELATIONSHIPS -✧ ° .-,———

Dawn x Red | Foxtail and Dog-
Slow to trust, slow to befriend, does hold grudges​
Mentor to nobody
↪ Previously "mentored" by Red
Mate to nobody
↪ open to plots
Friends with Foxtail, Dog-, Name, Name
Likes Name, Name
Dislikes Name, Name
Hates Name, Name
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———-,. ° ✧- INTERACTIONS -✧ ° .-,———

Will start and end fights, will show mercy, won't run away
Excels at fighting, swimming
Poor at fishing, mediating
Peaceful powerplay allowed, harmful powerplay allowed within limits (nothing major unless agreed upon)
Smells like lotus and mint
↪ penned by cherry

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———-,. ° ✧- PLOTS -✧ ° .-,———

Depending on who gets Dog-, I would love the idea of a potential rivalry based around who can be a better role model for Fox! (Going off of Gonk's app as of right now). Coyote would be the type that, while typically protective of his siblings, would find himself leaning so easily into the competitive part of things if either sibling pushed the right buttons.

May or may not struggle his way through most of Riverclan's early founding? I think the fact that he'll have technically been around to make history- again- would be terrifying to him in a way, so he'll try to overcompensate for that and end up just floundering worse about it until he manages to get his footing, however that happens.

Even if Red stays an NPC, I really like the idea of Coyote having been a former shadow of sorts to him, and with the passing of their mother and Red growing distant, their relationship has kind of fallen apart. Since he's joined them in Riverclan, and with permission, I would like for this to somehow come to a head- either with Coyote (verbally) calling Red out, or with something else- I'd be down to talk OOCly about what happens and the aftermath of it!

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Just a little reminder that this sibling adopt closes in a week! Thanks to everyone that has applied so far, I'm looking forward to seeing your applications finished!! <33
I first wanna give a huge thank you to everyone who applied- It was not easy narrowing down applicants!! I thought long about this, and without further ado, the chosen rpers are:

@gonkpilled with DOGFLICKER!
@phoenixwashere with COYOTECLAW!

please make sure to check the prefixes in before making their accounts, you may reference i had a hold for them!
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