Open Camp Frigid Winds & Frigid Minds

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


Blind But Not Blinded
He & Him
Played by
{$title} Introduction of Nettlefrost.

As he steps through camp, the frost bites his nose. It's cold, he thinks bitterly to himself. Leaf-bare was never a kind season, though he was lucky enough to have a thicker coat than some of his so called clan-mates. Cold and confusing. He'd yet to learn every corner, every scent. His paws felt the earth slowly, though his steps lacked any sort of caution. He was not known for his patience, after all. Nettlefrost blows out a sigh, keeps moving forward one step at a time, until his paw presses down on something soft and warm and narrow. A yelp bites out into the air, and the tail is yanked from his grasp. The other cat mutters something akin to frustration, and the warrior flicks an ear in swift response.

"I'm blind. Not deaf." He reminds flatly.
A look of irritation darkened Coalstrike's features as he turned to face Nettlefrost, his tail lashing sharply to the side. His narrowed eyes gave away the source of his frustration, Nettlefrost had stepped on his tail. While he understood it had been unintentional, it still didn't sit well with him.

The blind warrior had always struck him as an inconvenience... Desperate to be something he could never fully be. It was a liability. And yet, Coalstrike knew there were higher forces at play that allowed Nettlefrost to remain among them. He had no choice but to tolerate it… for now.

" Apparently... " Charcoal drawled, his irritation still evident in his sharp tone. He glared down at the other tom for a moment before flicking his ear, visibly trying to steady himself. " Do forgive my… frustration. " He sighed, fluffing out his fur in an attempt to calm himself before continuing. " I've had more than my fair share of run-ins with that flea of a cat to keep me on edge. " he grumbled, his mind wandering momentarily to Fleakit... What a nuisance she was.

I'll watch the battle until the dust is clear.
  • Haha
Reactions: Scarlet

"Don't speak too loud, now." Sablestar warned half-heartedly in his approach, quickly glancing over Coalstrike and Nettlefrost in brief assessment. At least Nettlefrost wasn't heavy-pawed to have sprained anything by the looks of it.

"How is your memory coming with the territory, Nettlefrost? The back and forth with the mud must not help much." Sablestar's opinions on such matters with blindness or deafness did not weigh in on how he factored his warriors capabilities like some of the Clan. Clearly he had been able to keep himself alive for plenty moons without his sight, after all.

  • "mew"
  • 93443617_Wtqxz1yqB0cjEgA.png
    SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes

"Careful." The warrior warns, though his voice is not unkind. "The fleas have ears." There's mild amusement in his tone as he regards the troublesome kit. Nettlefrost wouldn't be surprised to find her barreling toward them at any moment. Sablestar's voice rises upon the chilled air to echo his own words, and the warrior dips his head respectfully.

"I am still learning. I like to be... precise. I want to know every stone. Every twig. Every crack in the earth." Nettlefrost informs. "I've done it before and I'll do it again. It's only a matter of time." He adds. The warrior was known for his stubborn nature. He had no intentions of sitting around and leeching off his clan-mates. He was going to hunt. Just like the rest of them. Just like he used to before the colony broke apart. And no cat was going to tell him he couldn't.
Stars, both Sablestar and Nettlefrost were right… the fleas have ears.

The last thing he needed was Fleakit suddenly popping up beside them with one of her dumb pranks. The mere thought made him grumble under his breath before he turned toward Sablestar, blinking once in respect. He dipped his chin slightly in acknowledgment. " Last thing we need is that. You're correct. " His voice was low, thoughtful, before his gaze shifted to Nettlefrost as the warrior spoke with their leader.

His blindness…

A pause. Then, after a moment's hesitation, he finally asked, " Does it not… stand in your way? " His tone was cautious, eyes flickering toward Nettlefrost. " Being blind, I mean. It must make things harder for you. " His ear gave a slight twitch, uncertainty creeping into his posture. Sure, he had seen it before. Sure, he would see it again. But… he didn't know. There was a lingering wariness, a quiet curiosity. He had never put much faith in the abilities of those without sight.

I'll watch the battle until the dust is clear.