TW: Sensitive Content Open StarClan From Here to the Stars... ★

Please review the more detailed TW summary at the top of the post.
This thread takes place in StarClan.


Hello, goodbye, t'was nice to know you...
Before continuing, please be aware that this thread may contain distressing topics such as the idea of mortality and the intense feeling of loss, loneliness and grief from the perspective of a child.

(Cause I) don't want to live my life alone,

(Well I) was waiting for you all my life...


LITTLEKIT, They/Them / 1 moon / Starclan - Kit
Black self / Cinnamon ticked tabby chimera with a pronounced right fang
Calculating, Apprehensive, Fearful, Shy and lost little soul...
Tagging [@]

Within the sky full of stars, beyond the veil of life itself stirred one of the new arrivals, hidden and curled up under an outcropping of bushes in this ethereal realm. A murmur of discomfort, willing their eyes to remain closed so that they could focus not on the noises beyond their hiding spot but on the first memory they had. A far off memory like a scattered dream. Family. Mother. Siblings. Nothing else mattered in their mind. However, in focusing on this memory that they had, as much as they viewed it positively, it brought on a profound sadness. This was just a memory, as far as they knew. A far off memory like a scattered dream.

Littlekit wanted nothing more than for this dream to come true, to no longer be scattered pieces that they felt the need to desperately hold onto. They didn't want to be here, wherever here even was. There were others in this place who had tried to talk to Littlekit and show them things that didn't look right, give information that they couldn't make sense of— it was horrible and overwhelming to the tiny spirit. At the earliest opportunity, Littlekit had absconded and chosen to hide themselves every chance they got but this hardly lasted long. Someone would always find them, one of those other scary almost see-through cats would be here soon and try to show Littlekit something beyond their grasp or speak some strange nonsense.

The worst part of it all, was Littlekit felt like all of those things would find him anyway, just being here would make that happen and it was terrifying. They didn't want it, they didn't want any of it.

No, Littlekit just wanted to feel the warmth of their mother again just as it was in that one fleeting moment... "snnfff... mama.. where are you..?"

Oh, oh, oh, why...

Set me free...
——————— I've watched it happen again and again, Haunted by... ✦

For having everything a spirit may want, Wildrose was restless. I was like a blink with the passage of time between that long slumber and the return of the clans, and the disorientation wasn't something easy to shake off, not to them at least. While the other ancestors communed and greeted the newcomer cats, she decided to wander, stretch her paws, and seek peace in her mind. An ache in his chest seared itself into his memory, thinking about Shadowclan, so he tried to busy himself otherwise. They walked with near closed eyes, taking in the sounds and scents of Starclan, it was nothing like her dearest Thunderclan, but this was their home too, it was safe and comfortable and the aches that plagued their body never kept them awake anymore.

Though amidst their wandering, thoughtless and soothing, there was a noise. A tiny whisper. Wildrose would have mistaken it for the wind if there wasn't the slightest sound of sniffing, an almost whining noise. A heavy feeling settled in their chest, something ever so familiar; it wasn't something they wanted to consider too long, the memory of her dear little Newt left alone, crying for someone who wasn't coming back. Their walk slowed to a gentle padding, breathing deep to try and track whoever it was, if it really was what Wildrose expected. It didn't take long for her to realise that there was a small, whimpering bundle of stars, new to this place clearly. Their heart ached, but they knew better than to try and coddle the poor thing. So, instead, he curled up on the floor not far from the kitten.

"Oh little one..." Their voice betrayed the sorrow on the kitten's behalf, "You don't have to show yourself or talk if you so please, but I'm just here to make sure you're okay. I...". Wildrose's throat grew tight for a moment, but this poor little dear ended up here. She needed to be strong for them, so after a beat of silence, they continued. "I was scared when I came here too, but the cats here want to help you."

  • Wildrose
    ✦—Starclan Warrior | 19 Moons
    ✦—A long haired dark red torbie with amber eyes; always clutching a small, yellow feather.

indent Milkbelly is awoken by an itching in the back of her mind. Huh? Was someone here? Did something happen? She shakes herself awake and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. It's quiet, here, but Milkbelly can hear Wildrose - one of the old-timey cats that had woken back up - speaking softly to something out of sight.
"Wha'happen?" She trots over, pausing when she's just behind Wildrose.

indentA baby! There's a kitten here! Milkbelly flattens herself to the ground, eye level with the kitten. She crawls forward on her belly, moving just barely in front of Wildrose. Her usually half-lidded eyes are wide and sparkling.
"Heeeeey, little buddy." She speaks in a soft tone. "Are you lookin' for someone?"

⋆˚✿˖° Though I walk in silence, my heart speaks loud in the stars above.

The wail that echoed across the plains made her heart ache. So small, so lost, ripped from all they had known too soon, too suddenly, too cruelly. Life had barely begun for them. She watched Wildrose in silence before finally stepping forward, her gaze soft with quiet understanding. A mother's warmth shone in her eyes as she took in the frightened kit before her. Back with the living, a mother would cry for this kit... Understand that she would never get to hold them again, but Willowleaf prayed that she would rest assured that her kit would be taken care of...

Milkbelly, ever eager, had already joined, their voice bright with enthusiasm as they spoke.

Lowering herself, making sure she met the kit at eye level, she let her voice flow as gently as a lullaby. " Though lost and wandering, you have found safe shores. Let your weary heart rest, little one, you are home now. "


"Oh Juniper..." It is heartbreaking to see a kit so young here, it is even more heartbreaking to know their mother faced another loss in the long string of suffering she had endured thus far, suffering that would only grow more and more overwhelming as time stretched onward, suffering he had put upon her when he made her his deputy. He regrets it now, in a way, not that he chose her but that she would be thrust into the burden so swiftly - if only they had more time, if only he could have prepared her for it but nothing, not even his advice and presence, would prepare anyone for the loss of a child. The kitten looks like an odd mix of his parents, a warm toned pelt with Sable's eyes and face shape - it pained him to meet his friends kin this way, he had hoped to greet them all in time as older adults having served their clan well, preferably elders comfortably passing in their sleep but fate continued to have other plans.
The other StarClanner's attempt to comfort in their own ways, speaking plainly and soothingly but he approaches to settle on his belly nearby where he was eye level with the little scrap of fur and leaned forward to gently prod his nose into the tiny kit's side, "I'm sorry, your mother isn't here, you will not see her for a while now. She needs you to wait until she's ready to come see you. I know its scary but you can be brave can't you?"