it smells in here, she thinks, as she loiters. skyclan's camp is dull and grey, a home carved out of the gorge where they've lived for generations. the walls of the nursery are the same grey, with green bedding she sleeps on every night next to her mother. every place in the world she knows looks the same, expect for the medicine den. it sits like a gaping maw, with teeth of leaves and tongues of ivy.
bundles of herbs sit someplace (she's never really been in meadowlark's den for long, she's usually given a small herb and ushered out). she mostly saw tigerfoot when she was a little bit younger, pushing things in her direction to calm her down after a tantrum.
in a few sunrises, she will be an apprentice. swallowkit isn't sure how to feel about it, the anxiety prickles in her paws. she stepped outside to feel the cool rock against her skin in an attempt to self-soothe. boredom brought her here. the other kits annoy her, she's an only child, and her father is a come-and-go daylighter. swallowkit wanders in the den, pretending to look lost.
"tigerfoot? 'm bored." she announces, standing stiffly as she stared up at the bulky frame of the cat.
bundles of herbs sit someplace (she's never really been in meadowlark's den for long, she's usually given a small herb and ushered out). she mostly saw tigerfoot when she was a little bit younger, pushing things in her direction to calm her down after a tantrum.
in a few sunrises, she will be an apprentice. swallowkit isn't sure how to feel about it, the anxiety prickles in her paws. she stepped outside to feel the cool rock against her skin in an attempt to self-soothe. boredom brought her here. the other kits annoy her, she's an only child, and her father is a come-and-go daylighter. swallowkit wanders in the den, pretending to look lost.
"tigerfoot? 'm bored." she announces, standing stiffly as she stared up at the bulky frame of the cat.
this is backwritten to establish history! set before tigerfoot becoming a full med, hawkstar/flowerclouds promotion etc etcʚɞ