Open gathering like this, scattering like that // intro??


dreams race, race, race
Played by
8708243cbeb53cf12501edf8c28ca0ba.png we're living in a dream, living in a dream
spilling our time, on repeat, on repeat

This place was weird.

Look, she'd never say it out loud, but it kind of was -- sure, of all the groups she'd floated in and out of over her months of vagabonding, there'd been group structures - sometimes a leader, or a pawful of cats who knew their stuff about healing and took up a sort of mantle, but most of the time they were little family groups, and when they were organized, well... they were nothing like this. These compound names, stories of ancestors bound to the sky, who would give nine lives to whoever ascended to leadership...! She'd be lying if it didn't sound like kit-stories, but she did her best to respect their beliefs, even if they did seem a little disorganized and unsteady -- she heard through the grapevine that an apprentice had died just before she'd wound up here. At least all of that meant they probably needed her help and thus didn't mind having her around.

Not that she'd taken two moons to come to this conclusion. Nor did she think it was bad, but it was... different. The kind of different that made her head ring with memories of her own kithood, that made her fur stand on end and reminded her of a fire too bright and strong to not burn out. Maybe she should throw in the mossball - she was no stranger to drifting, or seeing groups ebb apart, and she'd spent more time here than she had with any group other than the clowder she was born from. It was probably time to get a move on, no?

And yet something within her kept her rooted - it cried, no, screamed, for her to stay. That was the thing that weirded her out most; she'd never, ever felt the pulse which connected her to this 'clan' thing before. It was starting to make her mind spin. She shook her head.

All this stress was horrible for her fur - she'd hate for it to lose it's pretty sheen. Rimepaw let out an almost imperceptible sigh before unwrapping her tail from around her paws and floating towards the outskirts of camp, spying for anything that would make good addition to the assortment of trinkets and charms surrounding and woven into her nest. She'd already amassed quite the collection in her two moons here -- particularly interesting leaves, remnants from the twolegs who once inhabited the area like clearstone (she was careful to keep it from cutting her paws), pretty much whatever she thought looked good and could get her paws on, even if she didn't like it all that much. Her nest was getting a bit hard to sleep in as well, with all the pebbles she had wedged into the moss. Oh well, not like there were better passtimes around here (other than working!). Unsubtly, she lifted split the side of a bush with her paw and stuck her head in, in search of any valuables.

//chat is she legally allowed to know any of that past info. if she isnt lmk LMAO


"What'cha lookin' for, Rimepaw?" Grizzlypaw leaned on his tip-toes after he neared the she-cat in his curiosity. Rimepaw was a new face, but certainly not the first nor last to crop up in ThunderClan. The remnants of the Colony days still echoed in Juniperstar's leadership, mimicking the stragglers Fray had let into the Clan like his own family had been.

Grizzlypaw felt the Clan was largely accepting, but his experience predated the formation of the Clan. Fray had been the one that greeted his parents when they left horseplace for the oaks instead. He would assume the ranks that rallied behind him and his kins legacy would carry on his good nature.

"Did Heartkit put you up for finding somethin' for her? I could help! I'm told I got quuiiiiite the nose." Grizzlypaw twitched his whiskers in his own amusement, rocking back onto his haunches.

  • "speech"

  • GRIZZLYPAW he/him, thunderclan, nine moons.
    a lh chocolate rosette tabby with blue eyes // large cat breed build
    mentored by hazelheart
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / always tag subacct
    penned by gonkpilled ↛ gonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots / click for



While the notion of clan leaders with nine lives, ghost cats in the stars, and even the new ways the were naming themselves were all new and a little confusing to Sunpaw, it wasn't something he really challenged either. He'd been born in the colony, had only ever known the great oaks and the old camp. So he'd been there for it all– for the hunger, for the confusing tension, for the battle that took his parents.

For the spirits that had appeared after Sables group retreated.

Sunpaw didn't know much about extra lives, or ghost cats, or ancient traditions restored in modern day; but he knew his parents. Knew the sadness and confusion he'd felt when he'd lost them, and then the momentary comfort their starry pelts had provided him when that cat called the spirits of their dead forth.

And if his mom and dad were up there in the stars somewhere, watching over him right now, well, that's all he needed to accept the rest. To know that this was exactly where he belonged.

"Some of the cracks in the quarry wall have really cool rocks in them sometimes." offered Sunpaw, who'd come trailing along behind Grizzlypaw as if he were invited. "Or we could check the freshkill pile for some birds to take feathers from?"

thunderclan apprentice- male - 7 months - a sturdy ginger and white tabby with amber eyes.
Serpentberry tugs @thistlekit by their tail, brow furrowing as the silver kitten tries again and again to escape their bath. The molly eventually gives in, offering her child a passing glare that says, I'll catch you later... During their nap, while they're eating... Their guard will be down, and she will be there to flatten that cowlick of theirs. Whether or not they scamper off to play or stay close, the medicine cat allows her gaze to float away. She finds Rimepaw - along with two of her fellow apprentices - searching in the foliage by the camp's barrier. Grizzlypaw's voice is loud enough to carry that they're looking for something. What, she couldn't care less. It's just a new curiosity to chase.

"Shiny hunting, are we?" She joins the apprentices on near silent paws, half lidded eyes skirting each of them briefly. She supposes they could have fun of their own - they have been working hard lately. "I still have plenty of useless stones by my den, if you'd each like to take them away. It's been days and I'm still hauling some out to those damned snake rocks!" An exaggeration for sure, as she's always had help on those useless endeavors. But any slight against Serpentberry is means to be exasperated.