With the fighting sidelined for now, Sable had sought out Cicada to care for the scratches Quell had left behind. Evidence of an attempted assassination that left lingering paranoia, making his skin crawl just thinking of who else was lurking in his shadow. "Thank you, Cada." Sable's shoulders sank once the tension in his muscles subsided. Whatever poultice was applied hurt nearly as much as claws, but the cool touch relieved the hot irritation.
"I don't imagine I won't be needing more when Hawthorne and I meet again." Sable almost felt bad for that lily-livered tabby. He was still so naive, so hopeful, as if he were bubbled away from the real world. "You don't have to if you'd rather be neutral to it all but... I would be grateful for your support when the time comes. You've got undeniable talent when it comes to herbs, and it won't be just me who might need that."
A duel wouldn't do to show Hawthorne's followers he wasn't prepared for leadership. He was ready to take it all, he would do anything to prove it.
- "mew"
SABLE— he/him ・fifty-two moons ・colonist ; no clan ・penned by gonkpilled