Flea digging through the dirt trying to get enough herbs to buy her soul back from Cicadabuzz.
Feel free to join her, but anything your OC finds won't contribute toward her debt. Otherwise this thread will just be filled with Flea talking to herself and pricking her pads on thorns.
Fleapaw kicked through a puddle, filthy water staining her pelt. Her life had reached peak levels of shittery. She didn't want to be out there digging through the dirt, looking for something she didn't even know the name of—not like she was given a choice. Flea didn't trust the prey from the fresh kill pile anymore. She fully expected to take a bite and fall over dead. So, she caught her own prey from now on and kept her nose down while she worked in Cicada's den. The less she had to talk to that weirdo, the better.
The pocosin was empty aside from the occasional drop of water falling from overhanging branches, rippling across the murky puddles that littered the ground. No frogs. No bugs. No company to keep Flea from losing her mind. Nope, just her and the swamp.
Where her paws carried her was different from the rest of the pocosin. Immediately, she felt the difference in how the ground felt—dry—withered. A stretch of dying land, littered with tree corpses. Fleapaw kicked at the dirt and wrinkled her nose. The roots looked like bones poking up through tattered skin.
Hopefully, there were more than twigs to take back to Cicada today. The medicine cat gave no directions—no descriptions of what she should look for. She grumbled to herself as she stomped forward, shoving through shrubs and prickly bushes, half-assedly pawing at the first for anything remotely useful.
"Alright… If I were a herb, where the hell would I be hiding?" She crouched down, eyes narrowing at a patch of scraggly green tangled in the roots of a stump. It looked herb-y?
Maybe? … Probably.
Well, too bad if it wasn't. She was taking it anyway.
Rolled for location: 3 → The Barrens
Rolled a 1d3 for Success: 3 → Failure
Rolled for location: 3 → The Barrens
Rolled a 1d3 for Success: 3 → Failure
All I did was try my best
- Undersized cinnamon solid with folded ears. She's thin but stubby with very messy fur.
"SPEECH" - crimson | 'THOUGHTS/EMPHASIS' - crimson
Fleapaw values family the most with survival at a close second. In conversations, she is blunt, fun-loving, and clever. She is guided by her desires which often leads her astray. Despite her abrasive personality, she cares deeply for those she loves and will do anything to protect them. Due to her experiences, Fleapaw is corrupt and has minimalistic, if any, morals. She does not care for the warrior code and its restraints. Neither does she believe in StarClan. Growing up in a kitten mill, being separated from her mother, and ending up on the streets have deeply affected her view of the world.
This the kinda thanks I get?
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