OOC- please wait for @Sealpaw
Ghost was good at watching. He was good at waiting, too. Learning to be still and silent– patient-- had saved his life more times than he could count, and it was now and unsettling side effect that he tended to do these things even in situations that might not call for it. In the few days since he'd recovered enough to be up and about, he was seldom seen, little more than a pair of eyes observing the world around him. A perfect copy of his namesake. And when he was seen, in those rare instances where he would allow himself to settle on the edge of the colonies little camp to enjoy a meal or familiarise himself a little more with what the world actually was, it was always with that quiet stillness and unflinching dark gaze.
Today was one of the days where he had chosen to haunt the edges of the camp. He rarely approached anyone or initiated conversation in this instances, mainly because he didn't see the point, but also because he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to. Which was a re-occuring theme in his life ever since finding himself here; not knowing what he wanted. But he thought that might be reasonable considering he'd spent the majority of his life living at the behest of others, jumping when they said jump, eating when they said eat. Autonomy was not something he was used to having, and the transition was decidedly not going as smoothly as he'd like.
But, on the bright side, whatever that menace of a cat – Cicada– had been forcing onto his wounds was helping greatly. While his body was still painted with bruises beneath his pelt, and despite the fact that too much physical activity left him winded and dizzy thanks to the bloodloss he was still recovering from, the majority of his physical wounds were healing much faster and much less painfully than he was used to. The majority of the smaller ones had already faded into ugly pink scars to join the multitude of older white ones, and he only had a few larger ones he was waiting on to join the battered canvas of his body.
After that, assuming the worst of the bruising was gone and his energy levels returned, he'd be good to leave this place and start living his life. He was sure the excitement and sense of freedom would kick in soon, once he wasn't so weak and could focus on something beyond surviving in a group of cats he neither knew nor trusted. He was only here because a few had been stupid
You know what they say; it's a dog-eat-cat world out there.
future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars