The Colony haunted spaces [open/pafp]

This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


i aim low, i aim true, and the grounds where i go
He / Him
Thunderclan Warrior
Played by



OOC- please wait for @Sealpaw

Ghost was good at watching. He was good at waiting, too. Learning to be still and silent– patient-- had saved his life more times than he could count, and it was now and unsettling side effect that he tended to do these things even in situations that might not call for it. In the few days since he'd recovered enough to be up and about, he was seldom seen, little more than a pair of eyes observing the world around him. A perfect copy of his namesake. And when he was seen, in those rare instances where he would allow himself to settle on the edge of the colonies little camp to enjoy a meal or familiarise himself a little more with what the world actually was, it was always with that quiet stillness and unflinching dark gaze.

Today was one of the days where he had chosen to haunt the edges of the camp. He rarely approached anyone or initiated conversation in this instances, mainly because he didn't see the point, but also because he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to. Which was a re-occuring theme in his life ever since finding himself here; not knowing what he wanted. But he thought that might be reasonable considering he'd spent the majority of his life living at the behest of others, jumping when they said jump, eating when they said eat. Autonomy was not something he was used to having, and the transition was decidedly not going as smoothly as he'd like.

But, on the bright side, whatever that menace of a cat – Cicada– had been forcing onto his wounds was helping greatly. While his body was still painted with bruises beneath his pelt, and despite the fact that too much physical activity left him winded and dizzy thanks to the bloodloss he was still recovering from, the majority of his physical wounds were healing much faster and much less painfully than he was used to. The majority of the smaller ones had already faded into ugly pink scars to join the multitude of older white ones, and he only had a few larger ones he was waiting on to join the battered canvas of his body.

After that, assuming the worst of the bruising was gone and his energy levels returned, he'd be good to leave this place and start living his life. He was sure the excitement and sense of freedom would kick in soon, once he wasn't so weak and could focus on something beyond surviving in a group of cats he neither knew nor trusted. He was only here because a few had been stupid kind enough to feed and care for the bloody, snarling mess that had collapsed in the bushes in their territory, half delirious from exhaustion. Since they hadn't killed him, he'd decided he might as well use it to his advantage. The prey might be in short supply because of the number of cats hunting the territory, but it was also enough to drive out the surrounding predators– for the most part. If they didn't find something to eat out there, Ghost was certain they'd returned to feast on the cats instead.

You know what they say; it's a dog-eat-cat world out there.

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars


Seal had quietly watched from a distance as the injured tom was dragged in, curiosity urging the kit to bombard the stranger with questions though she was curbed by Leopard insisting that the new cat needed rest, not conversation- if he even survived the night. But a few days had passed and the stranger had not, in fact, died like her mother half expected. Now Ghost? She thought she'd overheard him be called? Sometimes she could see him skulking around the outskirts of the colony's camp.

But he hadn't really spoken to anyone since he was brought into the fold, she thought. Maybe he was shy? …Or maybe he just needed someone to reach out first.

Uncertain pawsteps slowly made their way towards the other, stopping just a tail length away as she looked up at the cat that seemed so impossibly tall compared to herself. "Mister, where did you come from?" She chirped, eyes wide with curiosity moreso than hesitance as her gaze drifted over a body littered with scars old and new alike. "...Did you have to fight a really big fox? My mama said foxes are really scary, were you scared? Is that why you yelled at Cicada a bunch when they were helping you?"

Tucking her paws under herself, Seal waited as she looked up at the other, entirely oblivious to just how prying her questions had been.


  • Seal
    — Future Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.

She could claim she doesn't hold many opinions of those residing in the colony, that would make her a liar but of course she could claim it. She is not one who welcomes new faces in the colony readily, with the power struggle going on since Fray has fallen ill and the fact that the colony is hungry enough as is... She's careful to not outright stir the preverbal pot per say but it's clear through judgemental eyes and sneers that she isn't a fan of Ghost's presence currently. Though, she has to give merit that apart from the fact that he's a new (and ungrateful) addition to their misfit group he is reasonably agreeable.

Being agreeable and pleasant enough to be around doesn't stop her rather nosy nature when one of the younger members of the colony decide to be brave enough to speak with him. Lifting her chin up from where it rested on her forepaws to attempt to achieve a better angle to hear with. A laugh is stifled, youthful arrogance is something she is always fond to watch play out. It's enough to lure her from where she had laid, rising on her paws to briskly stride towards the pair, she doesn't hide the fact that she was eavesdropping on the conversation.
"You don't have to be scared to yell at others"
she meows cooly, squinting at the older tom.

He may have been scared, she wasn't there to really asses what made him yell at Cicada. It doesn't really matter though, he can just correct either one of them and she welcomes that fact.
"Sometimes you could just be having a bad day, or you could just be generally dislikable"
the tabby shrugs lithe shoulders. Her words are cutting, though she attempts to play it off as a harmless jab.

A sleek body had moved through the bunch of cats that were going about their day, a grin shot to one every now and again and a quick 'hi', ever the chatty tom. Stumbling over his paws almost in his excitement for what he had planned, he suddenly found himself skidding to a stop, his ears perking forward. Blue hues fixated on the small group that had gathered together... A rather curious group indeed... Chanterelle/ always an interesting individual if one asked him, young Seal, ever the curious child and then there was the newcomer... He didn't really know much of the other yet... And though he basically viewed the colony as his family, this one was stranger to it.

It caused one ear to twitch once, hesitating on whether he should pull through with his grand scheme first or... Well, there was always another day... And after that, another day. He could delay his prank for now, last thing he wanted was that damn Shadow going after his fur again, he already had gotten a few good whacks of that mean old brute. Huffing to himself, he swiped his bushy tail over the ground once before he trotted toward the trio, a beaming grin to his face and a certain twinkle of almost mischief in his blue eyes.

" Fancy seeing you lot here! What are we doing, what are we talking about? " he questioned, peering down at Seal and winking once. " Becoming more familiar with the grown ups, huh? " he lightly teased before giving a polite nod toward Chanterelle. " Hope prey's been kind to be caught. " he uttered, whiskers twitching as he turned his head finally to inspect Ghost with a somewhat curious look on his face. " Settling in nicely? Making fantastic friends with Cicada, I've noticed. " he joked with a chuckle.





Young cats didn't often approach Ghost willingly. Though, to be fair, before coming to the colony most cats– regardless of age– had done their best to avoid him outside of patrols and training. Not that he blamed them. The scarred up tabby hadn't exactly been a welcoming presence. Too jaded. Too blunt. Too quick to accept that every cat he would ever meet was already dead on their feet without knowing it– including him.

So why the hell was this kid walking over to him?

Fuckin' hell. Are they all like this? Stupid fearless? he wondered in silence, dark eyes watching with unnerving steadiness as the curious young cat slowly made their way toward him. For a brief moment he wondered if her caution was because she was timid, but he quickly buried that thought when their initial question was quickly followed by a miniature rant of child-like curiosity.

But she wasn't the only one. Before he had a chance to make sense of how he'd gotten there, Ghost found himself among a small group of cats that seemed intent on including him in whatever social call this had suddenly turned into.

"I'm from the Coalition. We fight dogs there, not foxes." he answered in a tone that indicated it should be obvious, head giving a small tilt to the side as he forgot– for just a moment– that the Coalition was not everything. That there was a world beyond it that had never heard of it before.

"You don't have to be scared to yell at others. Sometimes you could just be having a bad day, or you could just be generally dislikable."

He hummed in agreement, liking the way that sounded. "A bad day, then. Maybe a few." Finding it to be as close to the truth as he was willing to admit to anyone. And it wasn't exactly a lie either, considering what hell he'd been put through in the 24 hours before he found himself here.

"Making fantastic friends with Cicada I see."

Ghost snorted at that, and ear flicking in annoyance as he thought of the colony's medic. "No bedside manners, that one." he grumbled in a rough voice, recalling how clinical they were about it all.

In truth, once he'd accepted the fact that he wasn't about to be off'd the second he let his guard down, and as soon as he got over the fact that another cat was in his space and touching him, the masked feline hadn't hated their technique. Cicada hadn't coddled him and he hadn't put up with his shit either, seeming to recognize the fine line between forcing Ghost to accept his help, are driving him over a line that would be inviting disastrous consequences.

"Settling in fine. Not gettin' too comfortable, though. Should be able to move on in a week or two once i'm fit for travel again."

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars


A small frown crossed her face as Chanterelle joined the conversation, glancing up as the molly moved closer. She knew THAT much. How many times had Seal heard her mother or another cat yell at her to get back from the edge of the colony camp, now? …One of these days she'd actually manage to sneak away without getting caught and then she'd catch the BIGGEST prey for her mother.

Dislikable… "But I like everyone…" It was a quiet protest, not really meant for anyone in particular before looking back to the tabby with rapid-fire questions leaving her maw. "What's a coalition? Is it like our colony here? Is everyone nice? Can I meet them when I'm bigger and Mama says I can leave camp? What's a dog?"

Her interrogation was cut short at Flame and Ghost's comments about Cicada. The healer was certainly… Truthfully she wasn't sure what to make of them, conversation with the healer was difficult. Leopard had said that the other often seemed to be lost in their own world. She was inclined to agree. "They're ok, I thin-"

"Should be able to move on in a week or two once I'm fit for travel again."

"You're leaving!?" A small pout plastered itself on her face, not quite understanding why one would want to leave the place she had known all her life. "Don't you like it here? You only just got here, and my Mama says its safer here than being alone out there. Why would you wanna leave?"

A single paw was lifted in a tiny, pouting, stomp as she looked up at Ghost.


  • Seal
    — Future Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.


"Don' ge' too attached t' tha' one, kiddo." Thunder called when he approached- despite the look in his eyes shot towards Ghost, there was a warm smile on his face for the young cat. The look was gone in a heartbeat when he dropped his vision towards the spotted bob-tailed cat, his tail flicking behind him, simply inviting himself to the conversation... and the empty spot besides Ghost, of course.

Once you share a damp log in the middle of a thunderstorm, you can't go back, right? Yet, despite that, he was careful how close he was to the larger, his paws tucked neatly beneath him. "M' gonna le' ol' Ghostie answer the' rest, but a dog? Think abou'.. somethin' real scary. Like a fox, but bigger, meaner. More strength then agility, yeah?" He mimicked pulling his lips back like a dog, then chuckled to himself, relaxing his features.

Dogs. He hadn't been around them in a long time, but the way Ghost had arrived... no, that wasn't just dogs that happened to him. Eyes switched back towards the imposing tabby, studying silently before skipping away.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDER he/him, future thunderclanner, nineteen moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.