PAFP SkyClan Journey π‡π„𝐑𝐄 π‚πŽπŒπ„π’ π“π‘πŽπ”ππ‹π„ | 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘒𝘯𝘀𝘺 𝘡𝘒𝘭𝘬

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bad decisions make good stories
he is a wild child with a wanderer soul that dances with the stars. he has a free spirit, a reckless mind, and a rebel heart that isn't meant to be tamed. love his wild and you will never lose him.
The petite chimera huffed, settling down with a childish whine, shaking his aching paw pads after another day's walking tuckered him out. When did he get so fat? Lostmoon grumbled, curling a head over his shoulder to rasp a tongue over a rough patch of fur when the soft shuffle of paw steps alerted him of someone's presence.

He tilted his head, owlish hues meeting that of Swallowpaw's. Ah. The medicine cat apprentice. A nervous jitterbug, but Lostmoon liked the apprentice, especially since he was in her paws.

"Swallowpaw!" He chirped happily in greetings, swishing a wooly tail around his small paws, lips curling in a soft grin. "Nervous to be the first to deliver kits on the journey?" He prodded curiously. His own nerves churned deep within his gut like the nervous beat of butterfly wings. It'd be his first litter, too, though without his late mate which he had lost since saying goodbye at the start of the journey. Lostmoon couldn't help the swirl of homesickness, not for their old, run-down camp filled with rats, but for the lover he left behind. "I guess it'll both be our firsts." He snickered, flapping a paw in a no-biggie gesture.

It was a huge biggie.

Lostmoon wasn't too keen on sharing that he was scared shitless and he shouldn't have listened to those caregivers because now he can't stop thinking about what could go wrong, and well what if his kits had an extra toe or or … even worse two faces.

Oh geez, he was already panicking.


An extra toe would be neat. But two faces? Only a mother could love that. Heh. Guess he would be the mother in this scenario.
  • ooc
    β€”β€” please wait for @SWALLOWPAW
  • 832134662baa9c3d5b8935bc3fa976c98dfc568d.gifv
    still, there is this terrible
    to be

    still, there is this
    at being
    left behind
  • lostmoon he/him
    β™‘ a petite black smoke albino mackerel tabby chimera with pretty owlish pink eyes and vitiligo
    β™‘ caregiver of skyclan
    β™‘ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    β™‘ speech thought attack
    β™‘ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea​
swallowpaw's ears prick as lostmoon greets her, his voice cheerful and excited to see the new medic. she enjoyed checking in on the expecting caregiver, and it was interesting to see a pregnancy throughout it's duration. although, she would've preferred newleaf over leafbare and a safe den.

lostmoon usually brought a much needed happy attitude to an otherwise dreary and cold day of walking. while she gave the tabby a look over, he speaks up, asking a question that makes her awkwardly. "uhmβ€”" she squeaks, rearing her head back. swallowpaw blinks, unintentionally mirroring the other's permanent owlish expression.

"the miracle of life is an uhm, wonderful thing– but, yes, it's nervous. not that i don't…" she forces down a lump lodged in her throat. her voice comes out as a squeak, cracking awkwardly in some places, "like you. i like you! you're going to be a great parent, uhm, you have nothing to worry about." her wide, blue eyes dart around the makeshift camp. looks like bedside manners is something she'll need to focus on.




Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Mismatched hues watched the interaction between the two for a moment, slowly blinking before a very soft 'mrrp' was given as they stretched out their legs, squinted their eyes for a moment and finally gave a firm yawn. The journey was a tiring one, and though it was fun to see new sights, they would admit it was also terrifying... They might not have spoken such aloud, but they knew their siblings or atleast their mother could notice it in the way the chocolate ticked torbie held themselves. A brave face could only bring one so far, after all. Swiping a paw over their head, they frown and rasp over the beans for a moment. They hoped atleast those would not crack during this journey... They couldn't help much in the journey ahead with painful paws... Huffing to themselves, they shook the thoughts out of their head and trotted forward, moving finally to the nervous medicine apprentice, who was stumbling over her words.

A plumey tail gently touched at the other's flank, a soft sound of encouragement before they blinked their mismatched hues slowly to the other, a smile finally touching at their muzzle. An encouragement in their own right... A quiet, I believe in you! Then the apprentice turned their head to look at Lostmoon, giving a small sound of amusement and finally a dip of the head in greeting, eyes twinkling.

Lostmoon was fun, they liked watching the other go about his day and they were more than curious to see what kits would come from the ... Ah, loud? No... Extroverted? Hmm... From the cat with a huge presence in the camp? Yes, that sounded nicer, they thought. Nodding firmly to mostly himself, he lifted a paw lightly before tapping it twice on their own belly, a look of worry crossing their face as they pointed the paw to Lostmoon then.

A simple question, one they hoped they had conveyed well enough to the other. Are you and the kits okay? He was after all, an expecting cat. And this journey must've been hard for him too! He didn't just carry himself along, after all! But also the kits within his belly.

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"Trying to scare Swallowpaw already?" Fujimoto's tone is not serious enough for the accusation to be taken as such, pulling himself to stand among the SkyClanner's with an awkward smile. Lostmoon had enough on his paws being on this journey, walking all these lengths each day while carrying kits. He wouldn't want to see Swallowpaw take on anymore of that stress herself, knowing the risks well enough. They all did.

"I think you'll have those kits when we're in a good spot. Maybe a forest full of squirrels I can catch for you. And Swallowpaw will have found comfy moss by the pawfuls." Miracles are all he asked for in the heart of leafbare.
he is a wild child with a wanderer soul that dances with the stars. he has a free spirit, a reckless mind, and a rebel heart that isn't meant to be tamed. love his wild and you will never lose him.
A soft laugh escaped the expecting caregiver, grinning cheekily against monochrome colors, owlish pink hues crinkling in amusement at Swallowpaw's behavior. "Awwww, you think so?" He teased good-naturedly, forcing the bubbling panic beneath his ribs before he physically showed it. No time for unhappy thoughts! Well, of course, there always was time for unhappy thoughts, but Lostmoon wasn't really keen on dealing with all those terrifying emotions and what ifs and panic that he grinned bigger making his lips ache.

"Well, like we always say, practice makes perfect, and before you know it, you'll be a pro." He chirped, tail fluttering across the ground of their makeshift camp, shaking aching paws now that he'd added more weight. Stars. His paws were killing him more now that he was sitting. Why in Star's name did it hurt worse sitting down than it did standing?

Pretty pink hues crinkled happily when Teaselpaw came into view, offering a happy chirp in greetings, head cocked, watching the young apprentice tap their belly, expression flickering in worry. "Oh! I'm fine! Kits are fine, too!" He flapped a paw, reaching to pat his rounding belly with a snort. "Not too thrilled about the weight, my paws are killing me." He pouted, cheeks puffed, before a grin pulled at dark lips in Fujimoto's presence.

"Oh, hush you. I was just curious!" He chittered, grinning cheekily. He would have slapped a paw over the daylighter's maw if he was closer, nose wrinkling in amusement. "Better knock on something." He snickered, shaking his head in muted amusement. Just wait, he'll be giving birth during a predator attack and that'll be an interesting story to tell his little ones later.

"I'd kill for some comfy moss." He sighed dreamily, rasping a rough tongue against his shoulder fur, pink owlish hues sparkling at the mention of squirrels. "'M gonna hold you to that, you hear?" He teased, pointing a furry plumage in Fujimoto's direction.
  • ooc
    β€”β€” xxx
  • 832134662baa9c3d5b8935bc3fa976c98dfc568d.gifv
    still, there is this terrible
    to be

    still, there is this
    at being
    left behind
  • lostmoon he/him
    β™‘ a petite black smoke albino mackerel tabby chimera with pretty owlish pink eyes and vitiligo
    β™‘ caregiver of skyclan
    β™‘ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    β™‘ speech thought attack
    β™‘ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea​


Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Relief flickered in Teaselpaw's mismatched eyes as they settled beside Lostmoon, their soft mrrp barely audible amidst the hum of the group. Their owlish gaze darted between Swallowpaw, Fujimoto, and Lostmoon, taking in each expression, each movement. The journey ahead loomed large in their mind... A daunting path full of unknowns.

But it wasn't the journey itself that gnawed at their thoughts at the moment though. It was Lostmoon.

Lostmoon, with his cheerful demeanor and bright smile, always seemed so steady. But... was he truly okay? Teaselpaw tilted their head, their piercing gaze locking onto Lostmoon with unwavering intensity. It was as if they were trying to peer beyond the surface, to unearth the emotions he might be burying beneath that cheerful mask.

Their worry wasn't loud or demanding. It lingered quietly, a soft flame of concern that they couldn't quite extinguish. Maybe it was for nothing. Maybe Lostmoon was fine. But just in case...

Teaselpaw resolved silently, determination flickering in their eyes. They'd keep an eye on him during the journey. Always. Just to make sure.

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