The tiny black cat wandered through the mist, the calm white fog billowing around him and parting as he slipped through it, his paws though small carried him with an eerie grace and a confidence that did not suit his age; a young, near apprentice-aged cat who still had the softness of his kit body around his edges and the large eyes of one who had more of the world to see - though he'd not witness here in this place. His maw parted in a yawn, pausing his trek forward to examine the large flickering black forest that stopped perfectly against the edge of the territory as if held back by something or another, the edges of vines slithering up against an unseen surface and the tree branches curled back to grow at a different angle rather than exceed past this unseen barrier. In the depths he could see nothing, an insurmountable darkness that drenched everything in it, his wide blue eyes unable to pierce the veil despite his best efforts; all he can really do is watch the wall itself, a perfectly crisp line from one end of the middle ground to the next and walking it is exhausting - thankfully he no longer feels weariness, but that does not take back the time it takes to patrol it with the dedication it needs. The young dark tom falters in his steps as he continues on, halting to a dead stop as a creeping chill falls over his spine like a blanket of snow.
"Oh no." The divide is pristine, evenly parted except for a small space before him where he sees the bramble thicket creeping outward, the thorny vines like tendrils curling back against the barrier and rippling over the ground in a viscous trail of ebony ichor. He dances forward, pauses at it but does not get close enough to touch, his gaze darting from the thorns to the break where they oozed out like a seeping wound.
"Oh no..." He repeats again, voice high and posture stiff, this had never happened before - at least not in his time here. So he did the only thing he knew to do when faced with such an emergency, he turned tail and ran to where the world grew brighter, where the other side parted into a sea of endless stars and warmth that he was unable to enter yet was welcoming all the same.
"Oh no." The divide is pristine, evenly parted except for a small space before him where he sees the bramble thicket creeping outward, the thorny vines like tendrils curling back against the barrier and rippling over the ground in a viscous trail of ebony ichor. He dances forward, pauses at it but does not get close enough to touch, his gaze darting from the thorns to the break where they oozed out like a seeping wound.
"Oh no..." He repeats again, voice high and posture stiff, this had never happened before - at least not in his time here. So he did the only thing he knew to do when faced with such an emergency, he turned tail and ran to where the world grew brighter, where the other side parted into a sea of endless stars and warmth that he was unable to enter yet was welcoming all the same.
Ooc- Any StarClanner or cat in Purrgatory may post! StarClanner's are allowed to wander Purrgatory.