Smoky wavers, unsure on what rankles his hide the most—the absurd lack of purpose overshadowing this impromptu congregation, or the inflexibility with which Thunder and Hazel adhere to their old ways. The chronic hesitation on all sides. The resistance. He turns to glower at the latter pair - the molly more so than the retreating tom, as he finds his ears folding back, eyes a fuming amber. She chucks a meagre mouse toward Sable's paws, and for a fleeting second he's tempted to kick it back.
A low growl rips from his chest. Smoky's lips peel back to bare twin rows of opaline teeth, all whilst his hackles stand on end. "Shut it. Just shut it," the broad-shouldered silver tabby snaps, a snarl bubbling on the cusp of every uttered word, and although his glare is fixed on Hazel, he makes no effort to disguise the fact that his ire extends further. All the cats who so fecklessly place their faith in precedent, in bloodlines, in this belief that there is a virtue to be gleaned from misery. It is sickening, watching them tread on an empty path that they long accepted as the one worth walking. And then they ask why?
"This isn't about food. Or pity." He plods forward and stomps on the fresh-kill, pushing until it is well embedded in the dirt. "It's about cuttin' away a gangrene limb before it spreads to the rest of its body." Hazel's assertation of an impasse comes off as trite, ignorant at best - dishonest at worst. There are other families here, too. Other vulnerable cats and their caretakers and providers. Pardon Sable and those around him for considering this, rather than pretend such an option is beyond reason.
He never envisioned himself taking a belligerent stance, yet there was not a fleck of remorse in his eyes. Wiping whatever gore and dirt was stuck to his claws on the ground, the tabby straightens with his shoulders squared, chin high and a volatile tension bound within his taut muscles. "Hawthorne's provin' unfit to lead. Already, he's too a-scared to make the hard decisions." He looks to Sable, then, buoyed by the nodding approval of Frost, Dunny, and Wolf. "If change is callin' your name, answer it here. Not out there. Take charge." And that's a tidbit borrowed straight from Halfy's maw. No running away, only adaptation and commitment.