TW: Death Closed The Colony i am a wicked child // battle

Character death is present in this thread.
This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


in the woods somewhere
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When Serpent and Cicada have finished tending to Rowan, she's moved to a more sheltered spot. Maple moves her bedding with her, adding whatever little he'd scraped together for his own nest to hers. She looks so terribly small like this, frailer than even when she was a kit. Lovebug joins them too, lying down next to Rowan. Maple settles next to Rowan, sitting up to try and prevent himself from dozing off. He uses his long fluffy tail to cover what he can of Rowan's body.

During the night, she wakes up a few times– each time terrified and confused, asking him not to leave her side. He promises he won't, and she falls back asleep. The following day passes similarly, although Rowan does wake up enough sometime during sunhigh to eat a mouse someone was kind enough to give her. Maple doesn't eat anything, refusing when Rowan offers him some of hers. Not long after she finishes, she falls asleep again.

Maple can't sleep. There's unrest in the air, tension thick as ice during leafbare. He spends the whole day with the growing feeling that something terrible is going to happen. It comes true a little later– in the dead of night, suddenly fighting breaks out. He hears it before he sees it, and panic builds in him with a dizzying speed. He has to get Rowan out of here. If this fight is about what he thinks it's about, they'll be seen as Hawthorne loyalists, and she won't be safe, and she's already injured– they can't risk staying. He has to get her out of here, take her somewhere safe.

"Ro," he says, bending down to press his nose to her cheek. "Ro, come on– we have to get out of here. Can you walk?" Rowan stirs, and then there's a loud shriek from some cat– she's startled out of her sleep, and Lovebug along with her. Rowan nods, although she looks unsteady on her paws, like when she took her first steps. Maple walks along side her, letting her lean against him. He turns his head over his shoulder; "Lovebug– you can't help her more than you already have, and you certainly can't help her if you get injured too. Get out of here while you can, and we'll catch up."


@Lovebug! @carat
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As soon as Rowan was cared and tended for, Lovebug, alongside Maple, had refused to leave her side—the worst was over, and she would probably be fine, but she couldn't help the tremble in her legs and the fear rattling her heart whenever she looked away. She curled up beside her, hoping that the extra body heat would keep Rowan warm through the incoming chill. It's the least I can do, she thought, guilt still churning her stomach and stinging her eyes, but it at least felt less overwhelming than before. Rowan would be okay. Lovebug lowered her head onto her paws, glancing at her friend's side slowly rise and fall with each breath. Definitely.

At some point, she must have slipped off into a doze, because in the next moment, Lovebug was jolting awake to the sounds of screeching. She stumbled to her paws, nearly tripping over herself, trying to shake the sleepy haze from her mind. When her vision cleared, she saw that Rowan was awake, leaning unsteadily against Maple's side. The sight made her smile, forgetting for a moment what exactly had woken her up, but the next words out of Maple's mouth immediately made the reality of the situation apparent.

"Get out of here while you can."

Lovebug's already hurriedly shaking her head before he had finished speaking, striding purposefully to Rowan's other side. "I won't leave," she meowed back, her voice quiet yet firm. She hadn't been taught any fighting moves yet, and she may be a little bit clumsy, and the thought of encountering those she once knew in battle made her heart skip far too many beats (because she knew, deep down, that must've been what was happening, despite her obliviousness to the signs—why, why do they have to fight?), but still, the thought of leaving Rowan to go run and hide— "I know you think I've done enough, but I still want to help. Please? I promise I'll be super careful." She glanced at Maple, eyes wide and pleading.

Maple sighs, but despite himself, doesn't argue with Lovebug. She's got a stubborn sort of look in her eyes, one that reminds him of Rowan. It makes him cave far too easily. "Alright, but at the first sign of danger, you have to run," he says, and what he thinks is- if I have to chose between you and my sister, i'll pick my sister every time, and Rowan would never forgive me for that. But instead he says, "I can't protect both of you."

He starts walking, and Rowan hobbles along with him, leaning on his shoulder. She hadn't said anything yet, but then she'd been talking very little since she fell. She's too young to have seen so much. Too young to have nearly lost her life twice. Maple was supposed to be protecting her, but he'd failed again– he won't fail a third time. He'll take care of her, like he promised their mother he would.

The low light of the moon does little to help them find their way, and there are so few stars in the sky, the ones that hang there blinking like the faraway eyes of cats. About halfway to the exit that would let Rowan pass through without having to risk her paw, Maple is nearly toppled over as a cat crashes into him, but Rowan trips and actually falls, scrambling to try and get back up.

Maple turns on the other cat, hackles raised and his ears lying flat against his head as he snarls, "back off. Now."
Crackle is clear-headed as he throws himself into battle. Although Sable has declared that the bloodshed should be minimal, Crackle knows that he won't be punished or apprehended for taking down one of Hawthorne's many cowardly loyalists. And Crackle isn't above going after easy prey, either. More to brag about in the end. Shrieking fills his ears as he enters into the flurry of claws and exchanged blows. Eventually, Crackle finds himself wandering to the edge of the fighting, seeking out stragglers from either side.

There, he spots him: one of his fellow (or, well, former fellow) colonymates. Maple, he thinks he remembers is his name. He appears to be trying to flee with an injured cat and another softer looking molly. Until, of course, fighting extends to them too, and one of the many squabbles nearby has caused a careless cat to crash hard into the fleeing tomcat. When Maple turns with an expression of rage, Crackle sees this as an opportunity. "I'm sure my friend here didn't mean to run into you," Crackle says lowly, stepping so as to circle Maple, Rowan, and Lovebug. He stands solidly in the way of what he presumes is their planned exit route.

He smiles, but there is no kindness in it. "And just where do you all think you're planning to go...?"

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Lovebug nodded eagerly, eyes sparkling at Maple's acceptance, and protectively pressed a little closer to Rowan's side. She glanced over at her, hoping to catch her eye, but the ginger molly seemed far more focused on escaping to safety—something that sobered up Lovebug's expression rather quickly. Right. No time for fun. We have to get out of here.

She carefully began walking alongside Rowan and Maple, offering her support when necessary. Rowan mostly focused on leaning her weight on her brother's shoulder, but sometimes she stumbled and had to rely on Lovebug's. She made sure to keep herself sturdy despite the loud, echoing sounds of fighting echoing around her causing her pawsteps to hesitate and tremble with faint anxiety. They were almost there, almost to safety—she could see an exit between the bushes lit up by the moonlight like a beacon—when suddenly a cat comes crashing upon them, toppling over Rowan. Lovebug let out a short squeak of fright and alarm, immediately leaning over to try and help her up, when—

"I'm sure my friend here didn't mean to run into you."

Lovebug whipped her head up, fear shooting through her veins as a cat began circling around them, his intentions clear as he blocked their escape route. Maple's words echoed in her mind, telling her to run away at the first sign of danger—but how could she? Her paws felt rooted to the ground, limbs shaking as the tomcat's eyes leered at them almost hungrily. Lovebug couldn't recognize him in the low light, but she knew he obviously used to be her colonymate, so why, why was he attacking them when he must know Rowan is hurt? Had the colony she loved so much really been filled with cats so cruel?

But despite her fear, despite her racing, pounding heart, despite her trembling form, Lovebug managed to step protectively in front of Rowan. She looked and felt pathetic, like just a gust of wind could knock her over, but still, but still—

I want to protect Rowan too!

Lovebug dug her claws into the dirt, her fur fluffing up in half panic, half resolve. She may not be trained, she may have never fought a day in her life, but still, above anything else—she would fight to protect Rowan. Even if she doubted this cat could get past Maple, even if she knew deep down that a fight against a fully grown cat would be far too much for her and she should just run away—

What kind of legendary warrior would she be if she left her friend behind?


Maple twists, using his large body to block as much as he can off both Rowan and Lovebug from sight, sharp teeth still bared at the other tom. He'd told Lovebug to run, knowing full well she probably wouldn't. He's not her brother; he can't make her do anything.

He hears Rowan make a pained noise behind him– she's probably trying to get back on her feet. Stubborn as ever, even when injured. Dammit. He's got no choice, he'll have to fight this cat if he won't leave.

"When you see your chance, take Rowan and run," Maple hisses to Lovebug through gritted teeth, tail flicking towards the exit behind the tom. He's under no impression that the other tom can't hear him, but he won't have a chance but to let them past if Maple has him pinned to the ground. He raises his voice, speaking directly to the tom now, "I said back off. We're leaving, whether we have to go through you or not."
Crackle locks eyes with Lovebug for a brief moment though she says nothing to him and he feels adrenaline course through him. His eyes narrow. She looks determined to fight him off, but he can still see the fear and panic reflected on her face. This might be fun and easy if it weren't for the angrily bristling calico next to her. He steps between Lovebug and Crackle, and the latter instinctually takes a step forward as a sign of wanting to meet the tomcat's challenge.

Crackle can barely hear Maple's hissed command to Lovebug over the roar of battle that surrounds them, but he's able to make out the word 'run', probably much to the chagrin of the calico. His eyes narrow again, but he says nothing when Maple tells him again to back off with a more threatening edge. After taking a moment to look like he's at least pondering leaving them alone Crackle scoffs an "Oh well," and attempts to dart around Maple, headed straight for Lovebug and Rowan. He hopes he's at least caught Maple off guard; this should be fun.

in the blink of an eye the tom goes from looking like he's reconsidering to darting around maple, going straight for rowan and lovebug.

"no!" maple shouts, panic setting in now- he twists his body, leaping into the air and knocking right into the grey tom's shoulder, claws sinking into his fur and piercing the skin.

they tumble to the ground, and maple tries to hit the toms stomach with his back paws.
Crackle, whether stupid or just overly ambitious, is determined to reach Lovebug and Rowan before Maple can truly get his paws on him. He outstretches a long, skinny limb and swipes at the pair. It's sloppy and uncoordinated, though that's potentially thanks to Maple knocking into his shoulder and throwing him sideways. He feels the sting of claws before they go tumbling away. Crackle attempts to flip both of them over, arching away from the scores directed at his belly. "Once I kill you and make them watch," he snarls low and dangerous in the calico's ear "I'll kill them next." He directs a hard bite right where Maple's shoulder meets his neck, nowhere close to a killing bite, but still too close for comfort and telling of his intention.


Maple's vision blurs as he feels anger take over his body, taking away any kind of rationality he'd been holding onto while trying to fight the other cat off– I'll kill them next. Then teeth sink into his shoulder, and he lets out an angry growl from somewhere deep in his throat. He shakes his opponent off, lashing out with a great paw and getting some sick sort of satisfaction when he feels claw meet muzzle. Blood soaks between his toes, hot and sticky. He hasn't had blood on his paws for a long time, but it's still somehow familiar. He hears a voice somewhere far off, not registering any words or who might've called for him.

All he sees is Rowan's limp body in front of him, the cough of their dying siblings and their mother, the fox– all of it at once, like a nightmare come to life. Not my sister, he wants to say, you won't take my sister– how would he live without Rowan? They're moons apart in age, but in truth, he can't remember a time he wasn't a brother. He can't imagine a world where he's not her big brother.

While the grey tom is momentarily stunned by the blow to his muzzle, Maple leaps forwards again, claws outstretched, mouth open– he hears the voice clear as day now. But it's already too late– his paws knock the grey tom off his feet, and as he rolls over, Maple sinks his teeth into his throat. He bites down hard enough that he can nearly feel his spine under his front teeth.

He looks up and sees Rowan staring back at him, terrified at what she sees. But is he not still her brother, even with his teeth dripping blood? Why is she looking at him like he's the monster?