DAWN Barncat (future windclan apprentice)

Dawn (apprentice name Scorchpaw) is a Barncat who came to join the colony out of necessity. After essentially raising herself and witnessing the early death of her mother, Dawn would have essentially starved to death if not for being taken in by the other cats living in the barn. Because of her troubled past, Dawn has a hardened exterior so to speak. She is stoic and not easy to talk to, opting to remain quiet and keep to herself most of the time. She can also have a tendency to be sharp if challenged by another, but tries to avoid conflict as best as she can. On the flipside to her sharper nature, Dawn is also quick on her feet and strategic.
↪ Named SCORCH- for her sharp, smoldering seriousness. Named -DAWN for her quiet yet refreshing coolness.
Age: 6 moons
Gender: DFAB (she/her)
Orientation: lesbian
tortie x blue spotted tabby w low white chimera.
Scorchpaw is a darkly shaded spotted blue tabby on the vast majority of her coat. However, in a manner that reflects her personality she has a flaming blaze of tortoiseshell hues on her face. Setting apart the two "halves" of her chimera is some minor/low white spotting interspersed thoughout her coat, including on her paws, tail tip, face, ears, chest, neck, and thigh. She has pale amber eyes. Scorch's build is slight and slender. She will maintain this size into warriorhood, similar to the phenotype of many WindClanners.
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Generation 1 — Family Tree
Son of NAME & NAME
↪ Littermate to NAME &NAME
Mate to NAME
↪ Parent of NAME & NAME