The Farm i have so much more to grow [intro]

Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


do i know who i pretend to be?
Barn Cat
Played by

It was weather like this that made Clover grateful for her dense coat. While it took so much time for her to groom and detangle, especially if she got herself into a snowy, slushy patch, it also kept her warm while she was hunting out in the fields. The biting wind, especially when it was blowing ice and snow crystals into her face... it was getting really old.

She'd been promised as a kit that warmer seasons would come, eventually... her mother had called them "newleaf" and "greenleaf", and said that even the outside during those seasons would be as warm as the barn. She'd also heard from other barn cats that all kinds of new prey animals would come out of their burrows and be much easier to find in the warmer seasons. She could only eat so many mice, fat from living in the barn or not.

A flash of movement caught her eye, and as she turned her head she made out more of the shape. Round body, long ears... definitely a rabbit. She crouched down, creeping closer bit by bit and hoping it didn't notice her before she got the chance to sprint. Closer, closer... and then she took off, but not quite fast enough to catch it before it disappeared into the burrow. If it had been bigger - or maybe if the dirt hadn't been frozen solid - she might have been able to try and follow it underground, but no amount of scraping the icy ground with her claws would widen the burrow enough for her to fit. With a huff, she sat down in front of the burrow, lashing her tail. not fast enough... yet.
  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Clover(paw) she/her & windclan
    lh red lynx mink w/ white spotting
    7 moons
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    Slight suppressed southern accent

    penned by pastelskulls
    template by scarlet
    template art by redskiez

The cold moons are sometimes the worst. Sometimes. Though he can not speak from experience because he has not experienced but one other. Which doesn't encompass much. Yet if anyone asks him his opinion he will gladly give it and speak it as fact. Even now as he shuffles through the snow he can not wait for the warmer moons to come. To bathe everything in sunlight and get rid of all of this frigid snow. It's very annoying especially when it comes to trying to catch anything outside. Hunting in the barns is easier because the mice never go out. It is too cold for them, unbearable and he can understand their feelings on it. Shivers race up his legs as he sniffs about only to pause when he sees something. A rabbit. His emerald orbs widen at such a find but before he can even make a move the tom watches as someone else goes for it. Poorly he may add but they are young. Suppose they will learn and so he merely tilts his head as he steps up along a snowball. Casually he watches as the rabbit slips down the burrow. The other's claws scratching against the opening to no avail. The ground is too hard for new digging. A measure of humor hits him then and he makes his way down, approaching casually.

"Just missed it, huh? Rabbits can be tricky. But when it warms up I'm sure you'll have another chance." Rather they repeatedly fail though is up to them. Though he is sure that she will learn from her mistakes, it would be silly not to.


you are not always to know where you are headed

Pebble's hops through the snow were full of excitement, his steps almost comically exaggerated as he bounded forward. The cold was sharp against his fur, but he hardly minded this... It was his first leaf-bare, and despite the shivers that sometimes nipped at his paws, he was still in awe of the world around him. Snowflakes danced in the air, clinging to his whiskers, and the soft crunch beneath his paws was endlessly fascinating.

Sure, it was cold, but he could handle it. He had his sister to keep warm, just like she had him. And Mama Alder, of course, her warmth was unmatched, her presence comforting even on the chilliest nights.

But right now, Cloverbloom had all his attention. His wide eyes followed her as she took off, ears twitching before his paws scrambled to follow. He tumbled over himself in his excitement, a flurry of limbs and snow, but quickly regained his footing with a soft huff, glancing around in case anyone had seen that. He caught up just as she settled before a burrow, her body tense with focus. A rabbit! Pebble's excitement flared, and he beamed at her. " Don't worry! You're going to be able to catch one, definitely! " he meowed, his voice filled with unwavering confidence.

Then, a flicker of movement caught his eye.

Another cat had joined them, or maybe they had been there all along, and he'd just been too caught up in Cloverbloom's chase to notice. Whoops. Still grinning ear to ear, Pebble turned to Cherrie with boundless enthusiasm. " We're gonna be catching a lot of stuff when the sun comes out! " he declared, his tone brimming with pride. " Cloverbloom almost had it! "

He glanced back at his sister, eager and ready. They were going to be the best hunters ever—he just knew it!
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Voices behind her startled Clover out of her thoughts - she wasn't moping, or at least that's what she would have said if any cats had questioned her about it. Turning around and giving up on the burrow with only the slightest irritated flick of her tail, she was met with the sight of two cats, both encouraging her. She'd be lying if she said it didn't make her feel a little better, especially the cheery encouragement from the younger one.

"Hopefully there'll be more of 'em when it warms up." She says quietly, nudging a particularly dense chunk of snow with a paw about the same color. She was good enough at hunting mice and whatever other creatures scurried into the barn, but she always worried that they'd get more scarce once the cold seasons passed and it was warmer outside the barn. "What other animals come out when it gets warmer? I've really only seen mice in the barn and a few rabbits out in the fields." Maybe a bird here and there, too... but she'd never seen cats going after them.
  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Clover(paw) she/her & windclan
    lh red lynx mink w/ white spotting
    7 moons
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    Slight suppressed southern accent

    penned by pastelskulls
    template by scarlet