It was weather like this that made Clover grateful for her dense coat. While it took so much time for her to groom and detangle, especially if she got herself into a snowy, slushy patch, it also kept her warm while she was hunting out in the fields. The biting wind, especially when it was blowing ice and snow crystals into her face... it was getting really old.
She'd been promised as a kit that warmer seasons would come, eventually... her mother had called them "newleaf" and "greenleaf", and said that even the outside during those seasons would be as warm as the barn. She'd also heard from other barn cats that all kinds of new prey animals would come out of their burrows and be much easier to find in the warmer seasons. She could only eat so many mice, fat from living in the barn or not.
A flash of movement caught her eye, and as she turned her head she made out more of the shape. Round body, long ears... definitely a rabbit. She crouched down, creeping closer bit by bit and hoping it didn't notice her before she got the chance to sprint. Closer, closer... and then she took off, but not quite fast enough to catch it before it disappeared into the burrow. If it had been bigger - or maybe if the dirt hadn't been frozen solid - she might have been able to try and follow it underground, but no amount of scraping the icy ground with her claws would widen the burrow enough for her to fit. With a huff, she sat down in front of the burrow, lashing her tail. not fast enough... yet.
"speech" - thoughts
Clover(paw) she/her & windclan
✿ lh red lynx mink w/ white spotting
✿ 7 moons
✿ Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
✿ Slightsuppressedsouthern accent