//backwritten because this takes place while juniperstar is still pregnant!
It isn't something she would be used to eating, and it isn't until he's already crossed the thunderpath that he considered its foreign taste might be enough for her to turn away from it. A salamander wasn't all too popular even among his own Clan, but underneath to slick of mud and rubbery skin they could be filling. Sablestar had a preference for their tails for the texture, and maybe his hunting had been more centered than intended, but the gesture of care for his mate was genuine. He feared for how well ThunderClan would keep Juniperstar fed, and not because he doubted their abilities.
They would not denounce their love for each other. Those kits were their's, she had declared. Not just his, not just her's. There would be some sort of cooperation made between them and keep the family they've made together somehow. She had begged him to do the right thing- what she wanted to be the right thing. No more blood, no more twisting entanglements to make this worse. He couldn't control every cat beneath him any more than she could with hers, but he could try. And maybe this delivery would be enough to make that first step.
The problem was he couldn't tell west to east where they had made their camp. This forest was thick with towering trees, tall enough to disorient his sense of direction. The scent of his own home still overwhelmed any path of direction and it was only a matter of time before he either found them or was found. Damn it all. He should have asked her more precisely, he should have just hauled her back to the pocosin when she was alone and couldn't fight back.
Then came a flash of familiarity among the strangeness. He doesn't scent his brother but sees him first, a dapple of grays between the brittle branches. A traitor, but his brother still? "So you're alive- hough!"
The salamander is knocked from his maw as paws push against his shoulders, and he's in a position that feels scarily familiar far too soon. "Don't get so excited, I'm not trying to stick around." The tuxedo growled through gritted teeth as he met the anger in Graybird's gaze.
"mew" -
SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled