PAFP Territory I SEEK MORE ☽ hunting fail

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This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


power & control
Played by
{$title} Minor CW for mentions of blood.

They'd say they're getting used to hunting in the pocosin, but that would be—well, that would be a lie. The candid thing to say would be that they're not used to hunting anywhere; they can depend on snaring maybe one piece of prey for every ten they take a stab at. It's just not in her blood, she thinks, the same way the instinct to jump from another's claw and take that swipe at the right time isn't in others'.

" I smell something. "
Their nose is better when it comes to following a cat's paw rather than a frog's print, but it can suffice in a pinch. With them today is Viper-or-Viperpaw, who hasn't appeared to be having much more fortune. An unforgiving promised land Sablestar's led them all into, indeed.
" Right—there, I think. I'll go for it, flush it towards you if I miss. "

Their paws are velvet on the damp earth; they've long accepted the permanent elbow-length mud stains on the legs nature hasn't already blackened. Velvet, but not crushed enough, or so it would seem—when they pounce, the foggy body of the catbird disappears in a flutter of down-feathers. Instead, they find another slate-grey surface greeting them.

A rock, more specifically.

" Damn it—! "
They brake with their forepaws, but not fast enough. Vibrant starbursts of pain start at their nose and climb up its broad bridge, forcing an expression from their usually placid face. Their brows pull in an instinctive pain-scrunch and it's a moment before they can crack a dark eye and see Viper's—Viperpaw's? They're still only halfway there on the name thing—face.

Blood oozes slow and tarry from one nostril, but it'll abate; they don't think they've mashed anything too critical. Thank whatever's up there, stars or not, for fast reflexes.

// Please wait for @viperpaw to post!



Viperpaw often sulked when faced with difficulty, and it was clearly written on his face as invisible eyebrows furrowed over golden eyes as he walked alongside Vampire. His stomach growled, and he swore, swore Dunny had spoke that hunting would be easier here, if not Sable had spoke of it. But it was hard to trust when he still often went to sleep hungry, and woke up with his stomach roaring to be fed. But for now, he ignored it, especially when the other said those words. I smell something. Golden hues pinpointed it as Vampire pointed it out, paws abruptly stopping as not to scare the winged creature away. Tongue licked at dark lips, over sharp teeth that just wanted to dig into the prey before them, even slightly salivating at the idea of a morsel. Any morsel, at this point.

Vampire murmured the plan, and Viper nodded. He didn't too much agree on his name. 'paw' until he had finished learning? Learning what? Until when? What was so wrong with just Viper! It grew frustration in his mind, fogging his focus. A curt damn it escaped the albatross warrior, and Viperpaw attempted, flailing limbs forward to try to catch the bird- but it flew nimbly out of the apprentices grip. Another leap to try to catch it, and it was now out of reach, flying up into a tree. As if taunting them! He couldn't even climb a tree! A groan escaped him, throwing his head backwards, as yet again, another one escaped their grasp. How would he ever be fit for another name, if he couldn't even catch a damned bird? "This is stupid!" He exclaimed, digging black talons into the muddy earth in frustration. Im hungry, im cold, and to what avail?

  • "speech"

  • VIPERPAW he/him, shadowclanner, ten moons.
    a lh black and red chimera, with golden eyes, and a mane like fluff of hair that spikes off his head and down to the middle of his back.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    brother to dunny
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by deidre ↛ deidre on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Gingerpaw is of equally foul luck, trapsing through the swampy muck with lips peeled back in discomforted disgust. This territory was less than his favorite and he found himself missing those Great Trees more and more lately... At the very least, he didn't mind the present company- Viperpaw seemed just as disgruntled as he was about this stupid 'paw thing and Vampire... she was just cool enough to be worth hanging out with.

He listens to her plan unfold, watches it fail spectacularly and witnesses the complete meltdown of his peer. his ears flatten, listening to the grumble of his own belly with the knowledge they'd just lost someone's meal for the day. "Great... It's going to take all night to even catch a vole and that'll hardly fill up anyone... Might as well start catching frogs... at least those ones tell you exactly where they are."
"What is it that I hear? Could it be my baby brother, whining?"
Dunny's voice is friendly, but low--he, too, is hunting, and he doesn't actually want to off every single prey in their vicinity. Unlike Viper, whose outburst he easily tracks through the underbrush--he's pretty used to the sound of the younger cat's frustration.

"Feeling alright, Vampire? Nothing bleeding too hard?"
The rivulet of blood dripping from her nose stands out starkly against the white of their fur, but it seems to be the only result of their mishap. Glancing over them just in case, he nods once and turns his attention back to Viper. One broad paw comes to rest on his forehead, shaking him slightly with a fond smile.
"Haven't I told you before? Patience. It's like you expect birds to come roost directly in your mouth."

Gingerpaw has a point with the frogs--frankly, they're far from being Dunny's favorite, but they'll fill a belly as well as anything else.
"We could go frog-fishing, that's true. Or, Vampire and I could try to track down another trail--four of us should make quick work of whatever's at the end of it, hm? As long as it's not a bird."
They certainly weren't making their lives easier trying to catch flying prey before even getting the lay of the land.
° . . °
  • ooc:
    A solidly built flame point/red tabby chimera with golden eyes and a small nick across his lips.