{$title} Minor CW for mentions of blood.

" I smell something. "
Their nose is better when it comes to following a cat's paw rather than a frog's print, but it can suffice in a pinch. With them today is Viper-or-Viperpaw, who hasn't appeared to be having much more fortune. An unforgiving promised land Sablestar's led them all into, indeed. " Right—there, I think. I'll go for it, flush it towards you if I miss. "
Their paws are velvet on the damp earth; they've long accepted the permanent elbow-length mud stains on the legs nature hasn't already blackened. Velvet, but not crushed enough, or so it would seem—when they pounce, the foggy body of the catbird disappears in a flutter of down-feathers. Instead, they find another slate-grey surface greeting them.
A rock, more specifically.
" Damn it—! "
They brake with their forepaws, but not fast enough. Vibrant starbursts of pain start at their nose and climb up its broad bridge, forcing an expression from their usually placid face. Their brows pull in an instinctive pain-scrunch and it's a moment before they can crack a dark eye and see Viper's—Viperpaw's? They're still only halfway there on the name thing—face. Blood oozes slow and tarry from one nostril, but it'll abate; they don't think they've mashed anything too critical. Thank whatever's up there, stars or not, for fast reflexes.
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