
be kind ☆
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Cygnetpaw walks close to Teaselpaw, white paws nearly disappearing into the fog that swells around them. She's exhausted from all of this traveling, but even she can't imagine resting in this thick haze. Lionfire must be exhausted too, she thinks, for he's still attempting to train her despite the constant shift of terrain and her usual lack of focus. Watching her paws even seems fruitless, as the she-cat bumps her shoulder into her brother's briefly, squeaking a soft, "Oops!" when she does.

"Clumsy kitten..." She hears it in the wind. A voice they left behind many sunrises ago. A voice that she anticipated hearing again, with the vague promise that he'd be right on their tail once he had his affairs sorted. Crowsight! Cygnetpaw stops suddenly, looping her tail around her brother's, tethering him to her so that she isn't alone. She's sure much of SkyClan halts, too, for she shouts, "He's here! He's here!" into the nothingness.

A pawstep back the way they came, into the whispering fog. Eyes narrow as she tries to grasp him from its feathered edges, "Crowsight, I'm over here! Follow my voice!" Another step. The fog whispers back, greedily, and she grins wide.

[ pls wait for @Teaselpaw ! ]


Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Teaselpaw had opted on falling behind a bit, herbs still dutifully in their mouth as they stepped forward, mismatched hues observing the surrounding with a somewhat cautious look. Thick, thick like the blanket of the rain... But more ... More than rain... Thick in a manner it almost felt suffocating... Thick in a way one almost felt trapped... Trapped and lost... No way to run. A quick shake of the head, a scrunch of the nose before they peered next to them, spotting their sister and moving a bit closer with a soft, caring 'mrrp'. They're tired... All of them are. Young paws such as their own weren't used to the long travel on a daily base... But they were together, at least... Soft green and icy blue fall back in front of them, eyes wide as they padded forward. They knew Rosepaw would be okay, sticking close to Hawkstar... And with Hawkstar was their mother... She... She would be okay too! And Sorrelpaw surely was closeby mother because that was her apprentice!

There was a faint noise and a stumble when they felt their sister bump into them, causing them to scrunch up their nose for a second, a questioning look being shot toward Cygnetpaw, ensuring whether she was okay. Ther terrain they walked upon was unknown to them... The young paw hoped that it would not cause them to lose anyone... Aslong as they stuck close to one another, they were sure all would be fine!

Tilting their head a bit with the herbs still firmly between their muzzle, they gently bumped their forehead against their sister's. An ear twitched once, looking to the side. A whisper on the wind. Had Cygnetpaw heard it too? Blinking mismatched hues in surprise, they shook their head for a second. It wasn't a voice they recognized... Another shake of the head and then a tail looped around theirs, causing them to stay still in their tracks, giving their sister a worried glance. He's here? 'But who..? I can't--' thought cut short as another voice cut through the thick of the mist, eyes widening a bit as they peered into it. A whisper, incoherent. But Cygnetpaw had apparently heard it better than they had...

As their sister started shouting out their excitement, a worried little sound left Teaselpaw, ears flitting back. Their sister stepped into the fog, and they couldn't help the light swat against her backsight. A warning. Don't leave me alone! But there was another step, and the yowling for a cat who had left them when they fled from the place they had called home. Could it have been true? Had their father followed after them? Even so... Another small noise, another smack on their sister's behind, this time a bit harder as Teaselpaw moved forward, winding their tail around their sister and shaking their head in worry, eyes big and owlish as they stared into the thick fog.

They felt small and open... They needed to stick with the clan!

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you are a warrior. warriors don't give up and don't back down. pick up your sword and fight.
"Oi!" He snapped to the two apprentices, giving them a harsh push with a scarred muzzle, trying to shove them ahead of him where he can see them, sharp yellow hues narrowed, ignoring the twisted curl of his mother's sneers of failure and disappointment brandishing his mangled, shredded ears like iron shackles.

He refused to be beaten by a bunch of voices tellin' him he was some no-good monster when he just about hated everything about himself. What? Couldn't find anythin' better to say about him? He was an asshole with prickly disgusting emotions rubbin' rawly at his scarred skin, drawing gooseflesh across the surface.

The massive torti grumbled, head swinging to the side, face impressive despite the way his skin prickled with unease. "Foxdung." He hissed suddenly, hardly able to see anything in this blasted fog. "Don't go wanderin' off!" He snapped as Cygnetpaw stepped forward, Teaselpaw not far behind. "Did your mother not teach you not to wander off? Fuckin' asking to be killed." He muttered with a curse, striding forward on aching paws.

"Stop yappin' about your deadbeat father and stay where I can see you." If Lionfire ever got his claws on that foxhearted piece of dung, then the male was not at fault for what he'd do. Cygnet was his apprentice, and therefore, if anyone had any problems with her would have to deal with her mentor as much of an ass as he was to the new apprentice. Besides, he refused to be responsible for two apprentices getting lost in the thick haze with precious herbs.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • d1b272f6bf2bf1124a70637df5a807afa1cdb37c.gifv
    better than

    better than

    better than
  • lionfire he/him
    a massive scarred tortoiseshell maine coon mix with sharp yellow eyes and low-white
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
Ugly eepy post, will fix it later//

The fog caused an anxiety that churned in her stomach. Though she kept her head lifted and eyes forward besides Hawkstar. Her gaze cast gentle glance towards Rosepaw who seemed confident eager, though she wondered if his paws were sore, if any of her growing - too - fast kits would bother to ask her for a ride on her back. They were almost fully grown... And the thought was enough to wet her eyes that they were so big now, and didn't need that anymore. Her shoulders stiffened, lips tugging back as she fought the shudder in her heart.

The amber point suddenly perked her ears, green gaze casting back and squinting. It wasn't news that there were whispers in the wind, fog echoing voices that weren't really there. But her daughter, her sweet child, shouted something that almost made her sick. He's here! He's here! Crowsight, I'm over here!

Oh no.

The large molly suddenly turned on her paws, her form shoving past lionfire with a heated glare, lips pulling into a snarl at his heated words. But she had no time for that, to deal with that as she darted forward, stepping in front of Cygnetpaw to stop her daughter from going further, gentleness in her gaze, but her voice spitting before she could properly think.

"Crowsights not coming!" It spit out into a flurry of words as she stood before her daughter, her jaw dropping slightly at her own words. Her golden head turned to squint into the fog, casting an unkind glare into its depths, before letting out a frosted breath. "I'm, I'm sorry Cyg.. I'm sorry teasel. He didn't - he doesn't want to come. He, he," she stumbled over her words, fluffy tail curling tightly against her side in sickening anxiety, eyes searching the ground and unable to reach cygnets. "We'll talk later about it, But please. Please, stay by us. This gorge isn't safe." And finally, green eyes would look to Cygnets. I don't want to lose you too. She was desperate. It was heavy in her voice, in her form as she stood before her two children, feeling exposed.
the fog hasn't stopped. swallowpaw expected it to lift hours ago, yet it persists— blocking away most of her senses. her eyes squint over the low light, unable to even see her paws. she tries to ignore the creepiness the fog brings, the whispered nothings, dark blobs shuffling about far head.

her tufted ears swivel at the shrill voice of the monochrome apprentice. crowsight… but he didn't leave with the group, in fact, she didn't expect him to show up at all; why would anyone show up late when hawkstar's orders were so strict?

swallowpaw's head whips to lionfire, eyes widening at the harsh words he spits out. "lionfire!" she stage-whispers, but her voice breaks at the final syllable, looking up at him in pure shock. to give the family some privacy, the girl steps back, but her heart aches that they have to learn like this.



Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Teaselpaw froze as Lionfire's sharp call cut through the air, jolting them from their thoughts. The fiery tom's reprimand stung, and Teaselpaw's wide eyes betrayed a mix of surprise and indignation. Slowly, their ears began to pin back, unsure whether to shrink under his gaze or defend their actions. They weren't wandering off! They didn't want to get killed! They were just making sure Cygnetpaw would be okay. Their sister had strayed from the group, and Teaselpaw couldn't let her be alone, not out here. Yet Lionfire's words lingered, and Teaselpaw's tail lashed in frustration, their fur bristling.

What struck deeper, though, was the way Lionfire referred to their father. A low, barely audible hiss rumbled in Teaselpaw's throat, hesitant but defiant, as they instinctively stepped closer to Cygnetpaw, standing protectively at her side. Fire burned in their eyes as they stared at Lionfire, a silent protest glowing within them.

Before they could muster a response, their mother darted forward, her presence commanding attention. Relief flooded Teaselpaw as she placed herself between Cygnetpaw and the dangers ahead. Thank StarClan! She had saved Cygnetpaw. Teaselpaw felt a fleeting moment of gratitude, a glimmer of reassurance that everything would be okay-

But then her words hit like a falling branch, knocking the wind from Teaselpaw's chest.

" He didn't want to come. "

The shock was immediate and painful, coursing through Teaselpaw's small frame like a jolt of lightning. Their mouth opened slightly, but no words came, only a small, confused noise. Their ears pressed flat against their head, eyes wide and searching their mother's face for any hint that this might not be true.

He didn't want to come? But what about them? What about their family?

Teaselpaw blinked stupidly, their mind struggling to process the revelation. They glanced up at their mother, then turned to Cygnetpaw, searching her face. Then back to their mother, for answers, for reassurance, for something that might make this easier to understand.

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