Open Camp i think we're formed from old play-doh // 03.03 MEETING

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.
shadowclan leader
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The next moon began and it was time to rise within it's pale light and address the Clan once more. Time had passed, more kits were ready to leave the nursery and reunite with their former denmates as apprentices. Most of them, that is, and he had been careful in the selection of mentors for the pair he had eyes on this meeting. Sablestar was beginning to truly see the ripples that echoed from his actions inside the Clan, he would need to be more calculative if he were to ensure the foundation of ShadowClan's first generation remained strong.

"ShadowClan, it is time we see celebrate the apprenticeship of our young! Come forward Tick, Lost, Vulturekit and Stoatkit." Sablestar stood on the other side of the buttonbush that guarded his den to meet the level of each warrior that stepped to attention with their apprentice until the trio called upon stood before him.

"Tick, you came to ShadowClan to find the warmth of kin waiting for you, but you have found yourself a place here among ShadowClan's ranks as well. You have earned your name, Tickpaw, you will be mentored by Mirepurr!" He gestured for the older cat to come greet their apprentice before moving onto the next. "Lost, you will join your littermates as well in their rank as Lostpaw and learn under the watch of Mothbite." The last of his lower councilmen to earn their charge, he trusted Mothbite to prove himself and Lostpaw well.

And Vulturekit, you also found an unexpected home in ShadowClan, it is time you've joined your older peers as an apprentice under the name Vulturepaw." Sablestar paused as he looked to his deputy. The mottled tom had settled into deputyship well from the last moon and had already been skipped over in selecting mentors- he was ready. "Wolfpack will be your mentor."

Marred eyes rest on the final kit for warriorhood, white pelt pristine and shining under the moonlight as though the muck around them hardly existed. He wondered how long Timberfrost would be tasting mud between his teeth. "Stoatkit, you've reached your sixth moon now." He started with a thoughtful thud of his tail-tip. "Your name will be Stoatpaw until you have completed your training and are prepared for warriorhood by your mentor- myself. I will be overseeing your training." Sablestar spoke matter-of-factly, but he did not linger on the warrior apprentices for long. It was getting late in the night, and he knew not all of his Clan were accustom to his waking hours.

"You may also notice Cicadabuzz taking on a more involved role with my son, Magpiekit. It had been decided that he will train and learn the methods of medicine for the benefit of ShadowClan's continued survival. It is a life outside of battle and defense, and I trust he will be kept safe in Cicadabuzz's charge. He will be known by Magpiepaw, our medicine cat apprentice." A kit, still, but out of harms way, surely.

A long sigh exhaled from his maw and the leader pressed on to matters of lesser importance, to him. Word of some cat graveyard that his Clanmates couldn't shake off. "Smogmaw's told me of what his patrol discovered. Remains of catkind, clearly ancient and not from our time. If it appeases your patrols, you are not obligated to walk through it. I will not accept these ghost tales for cause on lost prey, however."

On that note... "For that matter, a half-moon has concluded. Brightpetal's deal for ThunderClan's patch of the forest is returned to them, and I favor no attempts to push out elsewhere. Our lands meet a thunderpath in each corner, it's too unsafe to cross through for the sake of possible prey and I will not see your lives at a cost for it." Because the stars above forbid he care they think before they act!

  • appentice time!
    @MIREPURR is paired with @Tickpaw
    @Mothbite is paired with @lostpaw
    @WOLFPACK is paired with @VULTUREKIT
    @SABLESTAR is paired with @Stoatkit

    SURPRISE! @cicadabuzz is paired with @Magpiekit

    the graveyard has been acknowledged, but your leader doesnt appear as bothered as smogmaw was

    thunderclan's territory is returned to them, and sablestar urges he is not interested in anymore territory at the cost of his warriors life! there's still one last part of this meeting which will be made in the next few days "mew"
  • 93443617_Wtqxz1yqB0cjEgA.png
    SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes

CICADABUZZ, 28 moons / shc + med. cat
a SH cinnamon tabby/chocolate tortie chimera w/ black eyes
parent to deathberrykit, hemlockkit, mistletoekit ; mentor to magpiepaw
a reserved, pragmatic healer driven by duty rather than sentiment
Cicadabuzz listens, their gaze half-lidded, but their mind sharp. They stand at the edges of the gathered cats, their tail curled around their paws, herbs still woven through its length. The scent of their craft clings to them, a quiet contrast to the scent of the pine-heavy night air. This meeting is like any other—Sablestar speaks, the Clan listens, and the weight of decisions settles onto the pelts of those chosen for new roles. Their name is mentioned. No surprise. They knew this was coming.

Magpiekit—now Magpiepaw—is to be theirs, officially. Cicadabuzz tilts their head slightly, studying the small shape of their new apprentice. The kit is still so young. A piece of Sablestar's legacy, placed into their care. There is weight in that, though Cicadabuzz does not let it press too heavily on their shoulders. They will train him, as they have chosen. Whether the leader's intentions are for safety or strategy does not matter, for they know their role. Magpiepaw will learn the ways of healing, of herbs, of recognizing the breaths of the pocosin. If he belongs to ShadowClan, then he belongs to the duty given to him. They glance at Sablestar as he moves the meeting forward, speaking of a graveyard of old bones and borders unchallenged. Cicadabuzz does not care for territory squabbles or for ancient remains that stir unease in the warriors. The dead are the dead. If they linger, they do so for their own reasons, and Cicadabuzz will not waste time fearing whispers on the wind.

Their mind stays on Magpiepaw. The apprentice they personally requested. He will have much to learn, and Cicadabuzz does not coddle. If the leader expects safety in the path of a medicine cat, he is a fool. Healing is not a path free of suffering. Magpiepaw will see pain. He will see death. He will learn, as Cicadabuzz did, that their role is not to prevent pain, but to bear witness to it. They will teach him. Whether he flourishes or wilts beneath their guidance is yet to be seen.



This is what you asked for, heavy is the crown

Tick grunted softly as he pushed himself up, stretching out with a slow, deliberate motion before a yawn slipped from his muzzle. He felt... better. Not perfect... His fur was still patchy, his ear still torn, and he still looked a little rough around the edges, but at least he no longer resembled the half-starved, skeletal thing that had been dragged into ShadowClan. There was some weight to him now, a little more strength in his limbs. As the meeting was called, he sauntered forward, weaving his way toward where his siblings and Stoatkit sat. Plopping down beside them, he quietly groomed a paw, listening with mild interest.

And then his name was called.

His ears twitched, and he flicked a glance at Web, Flea, and Lost before clearing his throat and rising to his paws. He moved with a lazy confidence, padding forward alongside the other two called with him. As they reached the front, he turned to Stoatkit with a quick grin, winking. " Your turn. You deserve it. " he murmured to her, a shiver running down his spine before he settled before the leader. His gaze briefly shifted to the other new apprentice, Vulture. He still remembered finding the other at the edge of ShadowClan's camp. Now, here they both stood.

Three new apprentices.

Tickpaw cast a glance over his shoulder, catching his siblings' eyes and flashing them a quick grin before looking over the warriors. He had seen Coalstrike around before. Big guy. Looked tough. Fleapaw had mentioned he would have been a good mentor to become stronger, though, now that he thought about it, wasn't he already training someone? His thoughts were interrupted as Sablestar continued, and then there it was. His mentor's name. Mirepurr.


Tickpaw's ear flicked, and he scanned the crowd, trying to pick them out. That one? Maybe. He hesitated for a heartbeat before padding toward the cat he suspected to be Mirepurr. Once close enough, he paused, considering them for a moment before dipping his head respectfully. The meeting wasn't over yet, so he remained quiet, listening as Magpiekit, now Magpiepaw was named a medicine cat apprentice. That seemed like a lot of work. Not his thing, but hey, better them than him. The young thing was... Young. So he would learn much, probably.

Then came the mention of the graveyard, ThunderClan's patch of land, and ghost stories. Tickpaw's ears twitched, narrowing his eyes slightly as he filed that little detail away. He had been there when it happened, the remains of those cats... To just disregard it... Seemed disrespectful to the cats who had died there and been dug back up. When the meeting finally concluded, he turned his attention back to Mirepurr, his orange gaze meeting theirs.

" Hello. " he greeted, his tone measured, testing. " I'm Tickpaw. Don't think we're all that familiar with each other yet. "

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The day had finally arrived. Her siblings and her best friend were taking the same steps she once had. Fleapaw sat tall, pride glimmering in her eyes. Her paws bounced eagerly against the ground in her barely contained excitement. Finally. Now that they were apprentices, too, things would change. They would train together, hunt together—go explorin'!

Especially Stoat. Her heart thrummed at the thought. The white kit had been kept under watchful eyes for too long, always lingering just a little behind the rest of them. But now Timber had to give a little

Tick's name was called first. Fleapaw straightened, casting a wide smile his way. He deserved this. He had fought to be here, fought to stay alive—and now he stood, strong and steady, ready to take his place beside her. It was like a dream. The excitement dimmed only slightly when Mirepurr's name was spoken. Eh. Not the mentor she had been hoping for her brother, but it was something. Mirepurr was decent, at least. Could be worse, like the tom she'd gotten stuck with as her mentor.

Then Lostpaw. Her tail lashed subtly as Mothbite's name followed. Was this a joke? Mothbite? Was there some grudge against her family? Were they purposefully being these soft cats? The thought burned, but she forced herself to let it go. Mothbite was responsible. He wouldn't leave Lost to fend for herself. She could give him that much. If nothing else, he could be trusted to look after her sister.

When Vulturekit was called, her nose wrinkled, scowl deepening as she watched. Fleapaw didn't bother hiding her irritation. He was getting Wolfpack? The unfairness of it made her claws press into the dirt. The panic is there, too. If she was ever going to beat him, now she would have to train even harder… Or else she would never catch up.

She shook herself, refocusing as Stoatkit's name was finally called. "Yeaahhh! Let's go Stoat!"Fleapaw let out a cheer. Stoatkit had waited long enough, and now they could train together like she always hoped.

But then Fleapaw's joy was struck down. Her ears twitched, the smile faltering just slightly, just enough for doubt to slither in before she swallowed it down. A jagged feeling clawed its way up her throat. Stoat was going to be trained by Sablestar?

Her eyes swept through the crowd, seeking Possumgrin. He's a Night Guard in title only. He does not act like the others. She'd barely learned anything under him. She had fought tooth and nail to teach herself what little she already knew and what he wouldn't. And now, here was Stoat, gentle, kind Stoat, stepping forward to be trained by the most important cat in the whole clan.

It didn't seem fair… did it?

Fleapaw clenched her jaw. As that thought catches up with her, so does the guilt. Why can't I just be happy for her?

If Stoatkit turned back, Fleapaw would force the smile back onto her face as if it had been there the whole time. But the stirring in her chest remained, dulled but present, showing like a symptom to a sickness that she didn't know she had.

The rest of the meeting blurred together. Something about the mass graves. Cicadabuzz ensnared one of Sablestar's poor kits for an apprentice. Fleapaw blinked dully. She was still trying to brush away the bitterness creeping under her skin. Today was supposed to be a good day. So why did she feel like this now?

And I see everyone gettin' all the things I want

- Undersized cinnamon solid with folded ears. She's thin but stubby with very messy fur.
"SPEECH" - crimson | 'THOUGHTS/EMPHASIS' - crimson
Fleapaw values family the most with survival at a close second. In conversations, she is blunt, fun-loving, and clever. She is guided by her desires which often leads her astray. Despite her abrasive personality, she cares deeply for those she loves and will do anything to protect them. Due to her experiences, Fleapaw is corrupt and has minimalistic, if any, morals. She does not care for the warrior code and its restraints. Neither does she believe in StarClan. Growing up in a kitten mill, being separated from her mother, and ending up on the streets have deeply affected her view of the world.

I'm happy for them, but then again, I'm not

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  • Sad
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Another meeting. A slow yawn slipped from his muzzle as he sauntered over to the gathered group, his paws carrying him with an unhurried ease. Without ceremony, he plopped himself down beside Flea, reaching out to ruffle her head with his paw. Newleaf was creeping closer, bringing warmer days and brighter skies, soon, there would be plenty of time for pranks beneath the sun. He grinned slightly at the thought.

Besides, he'd grown fond of Flea. The scruffy kit who wasn't quite a kit anymore. Though, he wasn't sure what to make of her mentor. Possumgrin seemed even lazier than he was. Flame turned his gaze toward Flea, his blue eyes gleaming with quiet amusement. " Proud of your sibs, huh? " he murmured, keeping his tone low. He could see it. Tick and Lost had gotten their mentors, no complaints there. Vulture had been paired with Wolfpack, which was… a surprise, to say the least. And Stoat, gentle, soft Stoat, had been placed under Sablestar.

Huh. Guess the leader was going to be busy.

Flamerunner chanced a glance at Flea before flicking his gaze back toward the leader, his posture loose, his expression half-lidded and casual. " Congrats to all apps and mentors. " he finally yowled, not bothering to put much energy into it. Then, his mind wandered again. The land was being given back to ThunderClan, so no more mice or squirrels to hunt there. And the remains of catkind… Hm. Not exactly good for hungry bellies. But the leader told them to make they wouldn't go hungry just because of ghost stories.

Oh, and Magpiekit. Set to be tutored under Cicadabuzz, despite being younger than six moons. Why already a 'paw'? That was weird. Shaking the thought off, he stifled another yawn and lazily let his gaze drift around the clearing, searching for a familiar face. Where was Smudge?


Coalstrike stood tall, his posture rigid with practiced discipline as he placed himself beside his apprentice. A young one, still learning, still being shaped. He had made sure they knew the meaning of strength, the importance of hard work. There was no room for slacking, no space for weakness. ShadowClan demanded more. His copper eyes flickered toward Sablestar, offering the briefest dip of his head in acknowledgment before scanning the gathered cats. Vulture and Tick. Strays.

Tumbling into ShadowClan like leaves caught in the wind. One of them half-dead when he arrived, barely clinging to life. If it had been up to Coalstrike, the choice would have been simple, let the weak die. Especially if that weakling was Flea's kin. But it hadn't been his decision. Instead, Mirepurr was granted to be mentor of the blue-furred whelp, while Mothbite received the other sibling. Wolfpack was given Vulture, and Stoat, soft, fragile Stoat... She was placed under Sablestar. That, at least, was an interesting development. Perhaps the leader would mold her into something worthy of ShadowClan's pride.

Coalstrike gave a solemn nod before finally shifting his gaze to Magpiekit. An oddity. The child of Sablestar, dragged from ThunderClan into the safety of their ranks. A good thing, in his opinion, better here than under the influence of that weakling of a mother. Not something he would dare voice in Sablestar's presence, of course. But the timing. Not even six moons, yet already named an apprentice? Even if it was under Cicadabuzz, it was… strange. He flicked an ear, offering the faintest nod.

Then, there were the ghost stories. Coalstrike scoffed. Whispers in the dark, shadows twisting into nonsense. Remains of catkind? So what? Bones held no power. The dead did not return. His eyes narrowed as he turned back to Sablestar, waiting. Surely, this concluded the meeting?

A shame about the strip of ThunderClan land, though. It should have been theirs to keep.

I'll watch the battle until the dust is clear.
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Marbleshine trotted forward with a light bounce in her step, excitement twinkling in her eyes as she took her place among her Clanmates. Meetings were always interesting, full of announcements, changes, and little moments that shaped ShadowClan's future. She let her gaze flicker toward Fleapaw for a brief moment, noting the scruffy apprentice's posture. Possumgrin had been slacking, hadn't he? Maybe she should talk to him about it, make sure he was giving Fleapaw the training she deserved.

But for now, the meeting held her attention.

Tickpaw, Vulturepaw, Lostpaw, and Stoatpaw, each given a mentor today! Marbleshine cheered for them, her voice bright and full of encouragement. A big moment for them, especially since many had come from outside the Clan. It wasn't always easy to adjust, but with the right training, they would become strong warriors of ShadowClan.

And Magpiekit, he had gotten a mentor too! Even though he was still just a kit. That was unusual, but exciting! He must be very special to have been given to Cicadabuzz already. Good for him! He'd get to learn all about herbs and healing. Cicadabuzz would have a little helper.

Then came the talk of the graveyard.

Marbleshine's ears twitched, listening carefully as Sablestar spoke of the discovery and the decision to return ThunderClan's land. Good. It wasn't meant to be theirs, and it had only brought pain. She hadn't forgotten how Sealpaw had been treated either… Returning the land was the right choice.

Still… something about it didn't sit right with her.

She hesitated for only a moment before speaking, her voice softer than usual but steady.

" Do we not need to send the dead back to rest? " she asked, glancing around at her Clanmates. " We dug them out, I think we should apologize and put them back to rest. "

It felt… wrong, to leave it as it was.


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Home, that was not what he would call this place. Far from it. This was no home to him, just another place he was trapped in at the moment. The idea of staying here for long was not on his mind. That was not why he had agreed to stay with them. At the moment he had no other choice unless he had wished to die out there which had crossed the kits mind, but no he couldn't just lay down and give up like that to take the easy way out after what he had done. Vulture had to live on because that was the ultimate punishment. A pretty lie to hide behind. Truth be told, Vulture was just too scared to face Rose in the afterlife.

That was why he had joined this weirdos but not to stay, not to become one of them but to learn from them so he could leave them all behind one day and survive on his own. Adults had always taken advantage of him so why couldn't the table been turned for once?, to use them for a change to learn every knowledge they had and then abandon them when they all needed him the most. Seemed fair enough, didn't it?. Vulture could play along until that day arrived.

Vulture stepped forward when it was his turn, copying what the other two had previously done. The kit barely even bother to look at the leader, but his head did take a shift around to face whoever had got the short straw to get him as thier apprentice. Vulture stared at this 'Wolfpack' who had honestly the weirdest name he had ever heard before. Pack, what a joke of a name. He better not think we're going to be a pack. Vulture frown, not looking impressed or really caring he just had got the Deputy of all cats as his mentor. He shared no words to his new mentor, only doing was he was suppose to do to join this new rank of 'paws' in this clan. Turning around, the now apprentice returned back to his place in this clan, clearly not interested to listen to the rest of the meeting.




Wolfpack couldn't say the meeting was without it's flaws. He was disappointed but not surprised to hear that Sablestar was handing back the stretch of land to Thunderclan without a fight, but that was a far less problematic announcement than hearing Cicadabuzz would be mentoring Magipiekit-- a child who was intended to bounce back and forth between clans in order to appease both leaders. Chosen by the spirits or not, he's an idiot if he thinks this won't come back to bite them in the ass later. the mottled tomcat thought to himself. He would have to speak to Ciciadabuzz himself to make sure there was a contingency plan in place for the brat, as it was clear their leader was too caught up in his own head to know what was best for the clan over his own ego.

Wolf knew better than to bring it up, though. Would only have his concerns pushed aside in lieu of excuses from a leader whose words were supposedly law. That was fine, though. He could be patient. Wait for it to blow up in their faces so they could see for themselves what he'd known all along.

Instead, the large tomcat let his gaze sweep the crowd for Vulturekit, who'd been assigned to him. The runt was new to the clan, some stray found wandering their borders with no interest in pledging their loyalty to the group. He couldn't help but wonder if this, too, was just a waste of time– if he'd just been handed the leftovers because his leader still didn't trust him to handle anything permanent within the clan. The kid didn't even share the look of excitement that the others did. Didn't move to greet him as their new mentor.

That's fine. I've never been part of the normalcy here. he thought to himself.

Outside of Marbleshine– who was very much an outlier– there were no cats lining up to share tongues with him at the end of the day, no kits eagerly hoping to be placed with him as their mentor. It made sense that Vulturepaw would be just the same, and that was fine– so long as he didn't waste any of Wolfpacks time. If he did, the Deputy wouldn't hesitate to cut them loose and move on to better things– maybe he'd take over Fleapaws training instead. Possumgrin was hardly doing a worthwhile job, and at least she showed some enthusiasm for learning.

Speaking of Marbleshine…

"Seems unfair to give an entire patrol extra work over some bones that aren't hurting anyone." Wolf reasoned. "But If you or the others want to do it in your spare time I imagine there wouldn't be any objections." he answered, not seeing any reason why Sable would care if she did, but glancing toward the tom for confirmation just in case. If she wanted to spend her time digging holes for bones instead of making flowercrowns, who cared? He just didn't see the point in forcing a group to go out and essentially bury a bunch of harmless white sticks.


shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

Stoatkit eagerly awaited this day - or well, night - once she realised how close the beginning of a new moon was approaching. She'd already reached 6 moons of age, and she knew what that meant. While she'd wished her best friend was at her side getting her new name too, standing proud at Tick, Lost and Vulture's sides was still enough to well her heart with pride. She'd barely slept beforehand, pestering Timberfrost with an excitement she was stifling now - she had to prove to her clan she wasn't a little kitten anymore, ready to start her training.

For a while, she'd been wondering who her mentor might be, maybe Wolfpack! The deputy was an impressive force in the clan; he could show her how to be strong, though maybe that was thinking too high to end up with the deputy as a mentor; he'd been skipped the last couple of times, after all. Or maybe Smogmaw, he was a stick in the mud sometimes, but maybe he could show her how to take her training seriously. Oh! Maybe Marbleshine was a kind cat, strict, but wouldn't be mean to her. Her excitement at what her future may hold, ignoring the opportunity of getting someone like Jadethorn or Mothbite as her mentor, though the latter didn't seem as awful lately.

Her attention was snapped back to the present as she could see Sablestar speak, as each of the cats beside her gained their mentors, her stomach turning a little as slowly as each possible mentor she hoped for was assigned to someone else. All of a sudden, an awful nervous feeling sunk into the pit of her stomach. She hoped her mentor wouldn't be cruel to her or harsh because she couldn't hear - she wasn't even sure how many, if any, cats had noticed yet. It wasn't something she was prepared to share willingly; she'd keep it under wraps as long as she could. Though her breath caught as finally, Sablestar turned to her, her mentor was... him? A disbelieving smile tugged at her lips as she looked to the other now apprentices, she couldn't believe it. The leader was her mentor? She was really going to be trained by Sablestar himself.

She turned to the other three apprentices- two.. apprentices... She watched as Vulturepaw, a cat she'd not particularly talked much with yet, stalked off. He'd been given a high honor of having Wolfpack as his mentor, and not even a greeting to him? 'That's rather rude...' she pondered to herself before turning to Lostpaw and Tickpaw with a smile. "Congratulations to you both, I can't wait to train with you!" Stoatpaw's tail whipped excitedly; she'd congratulate Magpiepaw, too, when she had a chance later.

Instead, she quickly turned to the crowd, looking for Fleapaw as Sablestar continued speaking. Her eyes locked with her best friends, eyes glittering with glee. The other smiled, her reaction wasn't one of high energy though it was late and being dragged out at night wasn't everyone's forte. She was just grateful to have her first friend there to support her, they'd finally be on an even playing field, both apprentices. Yes, Fleapaw had over half a moon ahead of her in training, but she'd be determined to catch up. Especially with Sablestar as her mentor. She grinned as well at her father and Monsterkit, sat near the nursery entrance. The kittens didn't have to come to meetings, but Monsterkit was allergic to being left out of anything she or Fleapaw were included in, so seeing the little guy cheering, too, as he was nearly falling over his own paws with tiredness, made her heart well. She wasn't just hoping to become strong to prove herself, but to protect who she treasured most. That wasn't just her family any more; it was her clan, too. They all meant so much to her now.

Even now, her excitement was hard to contain as she sat and watched Sablestar finish his announcements to the clan. The other apprentices began to approach their mentors, greeting them, while Stoatpaw sat waiting for Sablestar to descend from where he stood, ready to greet him for the first time as her mentor. It was a new chapter,r and she was eager to see what would come from her apprenticeship.

  • Stoatpaw
    ✦—Shadowclan apprentice | 6 Moons
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
    ⤷ Written by Phoenix ☀️