The next moon began and it was time to rise within it's pale light and address the Clan once more. Time had passed, more kits were ready to leave the nursery and reunite with their former denmates as apprentices. Most of them, that is, and he had been careful in the selection of mentors for the pair he had eyes on this meeting. Sablestar was beginning to truly see the ripples that echoed from his actions inside the Clan, he would need to be more calculative if he were to ensure the foundation of ShadowClan's first generation remained strong.
"ShadowClan, it is time we see celebrate the apprenticeship of our young! Come forward Tick, Lost, Vulturekit and Stoatkit." Sablestar stood on the other side of the buttonbush that guarded his den to meet the level of each warrior that stepped to attention with their apprentice until the trio called upon stood before him.
"Tick, you came to ShadowClan to find the warmth of kin waiting for you, but you have found yourself a place here among ShadowClan's ranks as well. You have earned your name, Tickpaw, you will be mentored by Mirepurr!" He gestured for the older cat to come greet their apprentice before moving onto the next. "Lost, you will join your littermates as well in their rank as Lostpaw and learn under the watch of Mothbite." The last of his lower councilmen to earn their charge, he trusted Mothbite to prove himself and Lostpaw well.
And Vulturekit, you also found an unexpected home in ShadowClan, it is time you've joined your older peers as an apprentice under the name Vulturepaw." Sablestar paused as he looked to his deputy. The mottled tom had settled into deputyship well from the last moon and had already been skipped over in selecting mentors- he was ready. "Wolfpack will be your mentor."
Marred eyes rest on the final kit for warriorhood, white pelt pristine and shining under the moonlight as though the muck around them hardly existed. He wondered how long Timberfrost would be tasting mud between his teeth. "Stoatkit, you've reached your sixth moon now." He started with a thoughtful thud of his tail-tip. "Your name will be Stoatpaw until you have completed your training and are prepared for warriorhood by your mentor- myself. I will be overseeing your training." Sablestar spoke matter-of-factly, but he did not linger on the warrior apprentices for long. It was getting late in the night, and he knew not all of his Clan were accustom to his waking hours.
"You may also notice Cicadabuzz taking on a more involved role with my son, Magpiekit. It had been decided that he will train and learn the methods of medicine for the benefit of ShadowClan's continued survival. It is a life outside of battle and defense, and I trust he will be kept safe in Cicadabuzz's charge. He will be known by Magpiepaw, our medicine cat apprentice." A kit, still, but out of harms way, surely.
A long sigh exhaled from his maw and the leader pressed on to matters of lesser importance, to him. Word of some cat graveyard that his Clanmates couldn't shake off. "Smogmaw's told me of what his patrol discovered. Remains of catkind, clearly ancient and not from our time. If it appeases your patrols, you are not obligated to walk through it. I will not accept these ghost tales for cause on lost prey, however."
On that note... "For that matter, a half-moon has concluded. Brightpetal's deal for ThunderClan's patch of the forest is returned to them, and I favor no attempts to push out elsewhere. Our lands meet a thunderpath in each corner, it's too unsafe to cross through for the sake of possible prey and I will not see your lives at a cost for it." Because the stars above forbid he care they think before they act!
appentice time!
@MIREPURR is paired with @Tickpaw
@Mothbite is paired with @lostpaw
@WOLFPACK is paired with @VULTUREKIT
@SABLESTAR is paired with @Stoatkit
SURPRISE! @cicadabuzz is paired with @Magpiekit
the graveyard has been acknowledged, but your leader doesnt appear as bothered as smogmaw was
thunderclan's territory is returned to them, and sablestar urges he is not interested in anymore territory at the cost of his warriors life! there's still one last part of this meeting which will be made in the next few days "mew" -
SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled