The Colony i thought you wouldn't leave // CLOSED

This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!
shadowclan leader
Played by

//this is a BACKWRITTEN interaction set on a vague nebulous date not too long before the current threads! it is still considered canon (unless you specifically state otherwise!) so pls repost your prior posts here gathered from this thread! @Kangoo @eomora @dallas

The stones beneath the grand oak are well shaded now with the sun behind its hefty branches, and Sable had taken his usual spot to lounge along the edge of one, a paw slung over leisurely as he watched the open skies. Cloudless in their expanse, staring into an open blue sea as if hoping, waiting, for something to happen.

Some prey has been scattered about between the small brood of families within the Clan and a gnawing grumble in the bicolored toms gut reminded him of his own appetite. Soon Juniper would return from her trip, certainly with something for the pair to share. But in his insistence it was her turn this time to hunt for the pair, Sable found himself missing her presence, paws restlessly reaching for her below the stone and prodding at her ears.
"Huh?" Sable lazily rolled to his other side after hearing some mutterings behind him. "I was here first, find your own spot!" His tone was one of amusement, but he still didn't move.

  • "mew"
  • 85662181_DyROXBUrhtoDqES.png
    SABLE— he/him ・sixty-two moons ・colonist ; no clan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes
There's been an air of foreboding in the colony, like everyone is waiting for something to happen, for a storm to break. Today, though, it's sunny: not a cloud in sight, in the sky or in their hearts. It's left Dunny strangely restless, like there's something he should be doing that he's forgotten.

Eating, maybe. His stomach is grumbling. With a sigh, he hoists himself to his paws and looks at the cats milling about the clearing. "I'm going hunting. Anyone wants to come with?" He asks around, picking his way between relaxing cats, nearly getting bowled over by a pair of younglings tussling in the dirt. When Sable turns around, grumbling about his spot, he rolls his eyes and prods the monochromatic cat with a playful paw. "No one wants your spot, Sable, there's your smell all over it." Looking around, he adds, "Where's your better half?"
° . . °
  • ooc:
    A solidly built flame point/red tabby chimera with golden eyes and a small nick across his lips.

Ear twitched in the clearing as conversation drifted. Gray eyes turned, moving towards the small grouping of cats- Sable, complaining about something, again, Dunny speaking to him. Dunny's other statement was more interesting to Shade, considering the reward that would follow. Well, that was if anyone caught anything. A soft huff left him, vision turning towards that of the rest of the colony as he briefly thought.

Shade pushed to his paws moments later, shaking out long fur. "I'll come with you, Dunny." Shade said as he stepped closer, eyes blinking at the pair of them. Ears turned, then perked as he glanced around camp. Yes, just where was Juniper? No matter. "Is anyone else coming?" He asked Dunny first, Sable second.

  • "speech"
  • SHADE AMAB he/him, LONER of the COLONY, seventeen moons.
    An average sized dark pelted tom with heavy bangs over gray eyes. A notable scar on his left cheek. Looks at you with skepticism (and awkwardly.)
    mentored by npc / mentoring no one (currently)
    npc x npc / no mate currently
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.