TW: Death Closed The Colony I TRY TO SLEEP

Character death is present in this thread.
This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


Sable had sounded the retreat, but Peppermint still fights. Loss is something that simply has never ran through his veins, him, his brothers, his fathers, they all know of only victory. Even if they're all long gone, now, he intends to keep his winning streak as he snarls, a paw strikes out and catches the soft throat of the one he faces off against. Claws shred flesh, a spurt of blood sprays and covers him. A choked noise leaves their throat. Peppermint feels nothing at first.

He lets the cat drop before him with a heavy thud, and he tries to ignore the sickening feeling of blood slick between his claws (something he will never get used to). He tries to ignore the fact that he's left there, looking at a husk of what once, coated in a living beings blood. He takes a step back, sides heaving as he shakes his head, his ears already pinned back. Gotta go, he grits his teeth. Sables followers flee around him and something desperate lights up in his chest as he stumbles, breaking formation to try to bolt… Only to slam right in to someone else, tripping over as he lashes out wildly, more akin to a caged dog than anything regal and collected. I'll kill you, too!

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(‎♡) grace has always been fearful. there is some deep ridden anxiety within her that has never, and as far as she knows, will never go away. the mounting tension within the colony over the past moons has not done good things for the girl. she trembles now, near the exit of camp, dodging spitting enemies and snarling allies, evergreen gaze searching desperately for dove, for gentle, for any sense of familiarity. she has managed to keep out of the fight until now by ushering the kits into the nursery and crouching near it, swiping soft paws at sable's gang whenever they'd approach. now, in the dusk of the battle, as sable calls his allies to run, grace huddles into herself, short sobs billowing from her mouth.

a shape crashes into her and she squeals, a sharp, horrible sound ripped from her throat. fear consumes her, a cloak over her eyes, darkening them. claws dig into her plush fur, slicing and lashing wildly. "stop!" she howls, and prays in her misery for gentle to find her, for dove to sweep in at the rescue. but there is no one coming - the rest of her colony-mates chase their former friends from their home. grace catches the scent of someone she barely knows, but knows all the same. peppermint swings heavy paws toward her head, and the girl ducks instinctively, channeling everything into a swing back. claws slide from their sheaths, and she feels herself connect with soft fur. a squelching sound, wetness on her paw, and a scream pours from her throat again.

crimson. light fading.

  • // " #dda2a2 "
  • 89137874_SJM3YN35I0vtP5b.png
    a longhaired blue tabby with high white and evergreen eyes. fur pale as snow decorates this girl, melted slightly along her back and face to reveal gentle blues and grays. evergreen forest eyes are framed by long eyelashes, and a pale red nose tops off the silky graceful figure.
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