Journeying back to the pocosin had left Sablestar feeling elated, lighter than the brittle blades of grass he walked on as he led the pair behind him. Not all was lost between them, they could make their family work and stay together in some way after all. Meeting one another more regularly would be nice, he thought, and do well to maintain equal footing if both of their Clans were to truly accept this.
The Thunderpath had been his biggest concern on the way home with Magpiekit not keeping up as Dreamkit could- he made sure both of them went together and stuck to the pace Magpiekit could handle- praising how well they traveled for not even being apprentices yet. They would surely be exhausted by the time they reached ShadowClan's camp, but it would also be nightfall, and they could snooze away with the other kittens.
Questions asked were excitedly answered, he wanted his kits to love the land just as he did. No mice here, but plenty of frogs and lizards and sparrows for them to try. No, the mud didn't really go away and, yes, the rain would stop eventually, but only for a for hours to a day at a time. They had an uncle here, too, Shadesight. He might be a little bit like Graybird... but he's just shy.
"Timberfrost will take care of you whenever I'm away. He's a Caretaker, and he can introduce you to all the kits in the nursery, too." He slowly guided them towards the nursery, poking his snout inside first to see where the tom was. "You mind coming out here for a bit? I'd like to introduce you to my kits." My kits, he practically beamed as the words came from his maw.
interacting with @Magpiekit @DREAMKIT @Timberfrost but no need to wait!
these kits should be no surprise to shadowclan, sablestar mentioned them here!
"mew" -
SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled