it's you- it's always been you
The heat of sun was nice against their soft cinnamon and blue, bicoloured eyes mismatched as if yin and yang. Hyacinth took a gentle breath, inhaling the scents of oak and spruce, but there was a scent underneath- a scent that made their stomach growl, bicolor eyes lighting in sudden determination as they pulled paws forward. When they caught sight of the dusty coloured critter, they quietly let their paws take lead, crouching low against the cold ground.
It was over in an instant for the creature. Their was always a pang of sadness at the thought of killing, even a mouse, but they pushed it to the back of their mind. It was survival, hyacinth reminded themselves.
Even as skin was taught against their ribs, and they heard their stomach growl at the smell of the mouse, they flicked an ear as if shooing away a pesky fly. Their teeth gripped tighter against the mouse, salivating slightly at the taunting aroma of greed they faced as they took steps forward. Hyacinth wanted nothing more than to make sure their family ate first. "Hey pa, hungry?" They offered as they found the chocolate form, gently pressing their head to the larger toms shoulder in a greeting, before offering a large grin and pressing the form of the mouse towards him.