BUBBLE shipyard member (future riverclan)

Bubble is a kindhearted and outgoing molly with a huge knack for keeping up appearances. From a very young age, Bubble was taught by her mother that appearance was just as important as charity and kindness, and she has carried that with her through her short life. She can often be found collecting pretty, shiny things and making sure every hair is laid properly in place. Bubble is an easy girl to get along with, and sometimes can be trusting of others to a fault. Bubble truly does want to see the good in every cat, and tends to overlook negative traits and actions because of this. Her heart is always in the right place, but sometimes her brain has gone missing.
↪ Named for her mother's affinity for the way the sand and rocks would bubble quietly as waves washed over them. Just so happens to be a great reflection of her personality!
Age: 12 moons
Gender: Cisgender (DFAB)
Orientation: Bisexual
Bubble is a long-haired silver classic tabby. Her coat is long, shiny, and plush (mostly thanks to her meticulously taught grooming skills) and is rarely seen messy. She has a low amount of white spotting, found on her neck and chest, dotting her muzzle, and putting a small sock on her front left and back right paws. She has bright blue eyes that reflect her enthusiasm easily. Bubble is moderate in height and build, though her coat conceals most of this.
Bubble is best described by her namesake: bubbly! She's bouncy and loud and easy to get along with despite not being the sharpest tool in the shed. She's very talkative and has never met a stranger. She cares very much about her appearance, but she isn't superficial or vain by any means and doesn't place her value above others based on those things either. Though she doesn't care what others look like, she places a great amount of importance on her own appearance and can be easily bothered if she has a hair out of place or gets dirty.
She's easygoing and amicable, usually able to make friends with even the prickliest warriors and apprentices. Her obliviousness serves her well for the most part- she never takes anything too seriously- but may also land her in trouble due to her naiveté. Bubble trusts very easily and tends to believe benign rumors or whimsical tales, even going so far as to perpetuate them further sometimes. She's a fairly oblivious individual, and most insults or reasonings for dislike go straight over her head unnoticed.​ -
Generation 1 — Family Tree
Daughter of Scale & Rain
↪ Littermate to NONE yet...
Mate to NONE
↪ Parent of NONE
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