PAFP The Farm Backwritten It's time to break off all those chains of old // indecision

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Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.
This thread occurred at a date previous to its posting date.


you're always flashing your teeth
He / Him
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Character Hub


I've come this far with a different map in each of my hands


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Once Dusty had completed showing him as much as she could of the farm, the sun had began to set, leaving Coy's paws weary and tired. The cats he had met earlier in the stable loft had welcomed him kindly, and he had to admit--as much as he hated it, it inclined him to stay.

He stayed with Dusty in her barn for the night, insisting that he could sleep on top of a few stacked pallets on the floor, feeling safer above ground. Though once Coy began to settle down, his mind began to race, making him incapable of closing his eyes to rest. Every creak and shuffle that made his ears perk filled him with anxiety, half expecting a cat to appear and accuse him of stealing prey from the stable from earlier. Each passing thought fueled Coy's original incentive that despite the positive experiences on the farm, he was supposed to be leaving.

He couldn't take the restlessness any longer. Eyes flashing towards Dusty, Coy tried to make out if she was truly asleep. After a few long breaths, he slowly rose to his paws, keeping low against the wood. Coy crept down the pallets, placing his paws extra carefully in order to avoid creaking wood or stepping on stray strands of hay.

She isn't going to wake up, Coy told himself, swallowing nervously. She won't ask me any questions.

Finally reaching the exit of the barn, Coy quickly slipped out, picking up the pace as he wove through the farm buildings that dotted the land. Spotting a fence that seemingly marked the outskirts of the farm, Coy leaped towards the posts, digging his claws into the wood as he pulled himself towards the top of the fence. Coy's tail flicked in the air as he looked back at the farm momentarily, before leaping towards a tree branch that was overhanging the fence, free of any leaves due to the chill of leaf-bare.

Exhaling, he glanced over the land, trying to decide which direction he should pad next.

  • ⟡ OOC -
    Others are welcome to reply after @Dusty !!
  • Coyote
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 5 Moons | Barncat
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by (TBD)
    A tan, medium-haired tom with blue ticking.
    Has a lithe build, with little muscle definition.
    Has an anxious and standoffish demeanor.


5 Moons
He / Him
Last edited:

indent Dusty is sleeping softly on a bale of hay. The past day had been bust, and full of excitement. It wasn't everyday they got a newcomer at the barn, especially one with some promise! Dusty had been tired at the end of it all, and happily slipped into deep, dreamless sleep. Dusty doesn't awaken until the first rays of sunlight enter the barn - unusual for her, this time of year, when the sun arrives so late into the morning. 'I musta been real tired. That kid really gave me the runaround.

indentSpeaking of, Dusty should check on Coyote, make sure he's settling in alright. He seems sensible enough to be left to his own devices for the day without causing more trouble. Still, Dusty'd like to keep an eye on him, just to make sure. She rises from her nest, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with a front paw. He'd gone to sleep on one of those palettes, right? Dusty climbs up to check, but finds no sign of the kitten. 'No need to panic, Dusty' she reminds herself. 'Kid probably just got restless and went for a walk. It's my fault for sleeping in.'

indent Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Dusty sets out to look for the missing kitten. He's not in the tack room, sleeping atop the saddlepads. He's not in any of the empty stalls, either. No sign of him in the hayloft. It's not until she's checked every nook and cranny in the sizable barn that panic begins to set in.
"Coyote?" She calls, not caring who might be woken up my the sound. "Where are ya, kid?"

indent This isn't an emergency yet. She's sure he'll be found around here somewhere...

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Hollow, -- 33 Moons / Barn Cat
Black spotted ghost tabby with bright amber eyes.
She is friendly, yet quiet, and always willing to help.
Tagging @Dusty

Hollow jolted awake, claws flinching against the hardwood she slept on up in the high loft. Her ears flicked from side to side as she lifted her head to look around, slowly processing the call that had awoke her. She heaved herself up from her sleeping spot and quickly pawed her way over to look down from the loft at the rest of the barn below, wood creaking just a bit under her as she moved. She spotted Dusty far below, and worry pricked at her paws as she gazed down from her perch above. Was something wrong? Had someone gone missing? It was quite early in the morning, if it's only been noticed now, they could have been gone for hours!

"Is something going on? What- what's wrong?" She questioned, her quiet voice echoing around the near silent barn.

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Reactions: ARSYNNE
The barn gets fuller by the day, it seems. The wind brings in the lost and the weary, tossing them about like wayward tumbleweeds; it shouldn't really matter to Peony if they leave him and his brother alone, but not being able to take two steps without stumbling into some stranger is really getting on his nerves. They're all nice enough... courtesy of being forced to share one big space, Peony thinks. Nobody wants to risk being forced out from this convenient shelter.

He has to remain vigilant. The moment he drops his guard, something will remind him why he's not supposed to do that.

His tail hangs over the second story of the barn. It's one of his favorite spots — gives him a better overview of everything. When his eyelids keep closing but dreams refuse to settle, he climbs up here and listens, watches.

Commotion begins under him. Peony cracks open just one eye; he hears Dusty's worried voice despite her obvious intent to keep quiet, and his ear flicks when wood creaks under Hollow's paw. There are no signs of imminent danger. This is entirely a personal issue- but damn Peony and his willingness to get himself involved. His paws carry him downward before he even gives himself the order; skinny and lithe, he creeps up just behind the two conversing she-cats in no time.
"What's wrong?"

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Reactions: Coyote