This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


New Member
Colony Clan Founder

The night soon descends upon the land and the woman finds herself oddly awake. Not because of any nerves or anything of the sort she is just awake and perhaps she just as too much pent up energy to fall asleep. A part of her wants to wake Vampire up and see if they can do some hunting and bring back some fresh prey. But she disregards that notion to let the other rest given their recent stomach troubles. If they do seek to come they can find her from scent she is sure. The chill that lingers in her own pelt tells of the harsh mountains she has come from. Instead she finds another and her eyes focus on Jade as she shakes moss and feathers from her pelt. "Come hunting with me." She is sure that others will come if they so want to. With a turn of her slim figure the pale legged molly deems to leave camp with the moon climbing the sky, a half circle still concealing the world in shadows. Her muzzle twitches a little as she tries to pick up scents. The sounds of frogs and crickets in the night air, surrounding them despite the cold. Perhaps not as much of a cacophony as they could be but to her just as loud.

"Hopefully we can find something besides lizards and frogs. I'm sure we can snatched a vole or two..." Maybe even a bird if they are lucky enough. She begins the expedition with a sharp flick of her tail, using the shadows cast by moonlight to hide her form as she creeps across dead foliage and debris.

@Jade - others are welcome to join!