Territory just a helping hand | hunting

This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


tame the beast
Played by

The night soon descends upon the land and the woman finds herself oddly awake. Not because of any nerves or anything of the sort she is just awake and perhaps she just as too much pent up energy to fall asleep. A part of her wants to wake Vampire up and see if they can do some hunting and bring back some fresh prey. But she disregards that notion to let the other rest given their recent stomach troubles. If they do seek to come they can find her from scent she is sure. The chill that lingers in her own pelt tells of the harsh mountains she has come from. Instead she finds another and her eyes focus on Jade as she shakes moss and feathers from her pelt. "Come hunting with me." She is sure that others will come if they so want to. With a turn of her slim figure the pale legged molly deems to leave camp with the moon climbing the sky, a half circle still concealing the world in shadows. Her muzzle twitches a little as she tries to pick up scents. The sounds of frogs and crickets in the night air, surrounding them despite the cold. Perhaps not as much of a cacophony as they could be but to her just as loud.

"Hopefully we can find something besides lizards and frogs. I'm sure we can snatched a vole or two..." Maybe even a bird if they are lucky enough. She begins the expedition with a sharp flick of her tail, using the shadows cast by moonlight to hide her form as she creeps across dead foliage and debris.

@Jade - others are welcome to join!

The night had welcomed him far greater than the pale glow of daylight. While the temperatures descended with the moon's rise, Sablestar found himself encroaching the nighttime swamp with ease, his paws sinking into the pocosin with tells of fresh rainfall. "Not a fan for it?" Sablestar's tone could be taken as teasing as he appeared in something like a good mood. It was as though each day that passed his heart warmed within the cold, perhaps even to spite it.

"There's birds here, if you have a taste for that instead. Caught sight of a wren not too long ago but, I'm not a birdhunter." The tom parted his jaws to take in the night air and let out a long exhale. "Hmm, you up to hunt some thrush?"

  • "mew"
  • 93443617_Wtqxz1yqB0cjEgA.png
    SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes



"Guess I can pick up the frogs and lizards you all leave behind. I was gonna head out as well, anyways." Wolf mused as he caught the groups talk of heading out to do some potential bird-hunting. To be honesty, birds were Wolfs favorite as well, but he didn't hate the odd marsh-prey that was found in their new territory. Frogs and lizards were fine enough to his tastebuds, neither his favorite nor his least favorite. He'd definitely eaten worse in his life, and so he found he didn't mind snapping up the 'unwanted' prey for himself. Food was food after all, though he could completely understand the craving for something good. Life would hardly be worth living if one didn't indulge themselves from time to time, going after what they wanted. A good meal, a good fight, a good night of fun with someone in your nest-- whatever it was they happened to be itching for. Currently Wolf felt no such cravings himself. He found he'd be just as happy with a frog as he would a mouse, more just looking for something to do to keep his paws busy.


loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

Dunny isn't usually a restless sleeper, but he is a light one: the sound of cats talking near him easily pulls his mind from its slumber. He blinks sleep from his golden eyes and squints blearily at the dark-furred cats talking about hunting in the dark. Part of him considers going back to sleep. He's so tired; settling into the new normal of 'clan' life and fighting off the cold and wet of their new home has leached the energy from his bones. But his stomach is hardly full, far from it, and he's sure he's not the only one.

Colony wisdom was to hunt for yourself and your kin, but he's hoping clan life changes that. He's willing to cut his nap short to be one of the cats making sure others are fed.

"Goin' hunting? Hope you don't mind me coming along."
He says through a yawn, stretching his limbs as he walks up to the little group. He offers Sable a respectful nod before turning to Wolf with a grin.
"Want to make a game out of it? To be frank, I wouldn't know how to go about catching a bird, but I'm pretty sure I can pick up more lizards than you."

The offer is genuine and said with a light voice: if they're going to be traipsing through the damp at night, they might as well have fun doing it.
° . . °
  • ooc:
    A solidly built flame point/red tabby chimera with golden eyes and a small nick across his lips.